Month: February 2015

  • I’d believe that.

    People Who Use Emojis Have More Sex | TIME – I still maintain that emoticons > emoji though. I mean, come on. Emoji have yet to capture the brilliance that is “clown hat, curly hair, smiley face”!

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    @randomknits Whaaaaa? But you could be getting down to THIS. SICK. BEAT.

    I haz a sparkly. (I inherited Rodd’s grandma’s engagement ring.)

    @redambition @stufromoz Not really my thing, but it’s an heirloom. I still feel a bit ostentatious. 🙂

    @lucykbain @WWCSyd Haha, I was too busy working on tomorrow’s GGDSyd talk to check Twitter. Procrastination is my middle name.

    w-g: The Best Decade Ever? The 1990s, Obviously – – Sorry, Millennials. You know it’s true.

    @drkknits @randomknits Reminds me of this:

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    I haz a sparkly. (I inherited Rodd's grandma's engagement ring.)

    I haz a sparkly. (I inherited Rodd’s grandma’s engagement ring.)

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    Thank you to @knitterjp, @LynShoemark, and @janiematts for the lovely impromptu knitters luncheon today!

    Reading: “Dak Galbi, spicy chicken and rice cakes of Chuncheon”

    Reading: “The Pizza Lab: Foolproof Pan Pizza”

    @MattAkersten I’ve seen them in Sydney before but, man, so expensive!

    Monday: late tradies, sick cat, emergency trip to vet, GoGet car not parked in spot, Tony Abbott still PM, and now it’s raining. I give up.

  • Grown up stuff

    DeathHacks – The Message – Medium – Good essay by Jessamyn West on the “slow motion hackathon” that ensued when her father passed away. I appreciated the reminder to get our shit together. You should too.

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    There’s something you don’t see in Sydney every day… a Coachmen motorhome! @ Surry Hills, New South…

    Corned Beef Hash with Fried Egg and Toast, with a cameo from the Snook’s Eggs Benedict. @ The Sconery

    Getting a special tour of Frank Gehry’s new “paper bag” building at UTS. Thanks @surrenderdotty! @ Dr…

    We’re inside! Fractured reflections. Also, there are official hashtags. #utsgehry #utsreveal @ Dr Chau…

    Oval classroom. Teaching in the round! (Panorama mode does weird things to moving people.) #utsgehry #utsreveal

    Amazing feature staircase. #utsgehry #utsreveal @ Dr Chau Chak Wing Building

    No checking your hairdo in these lifts! #utsgehry #utsreveal @ Dr Chau Chak Wing Building

    There is a certain “Jenga aesthetic” happening. #utsgehry #utsreveal @ Dr Chau Chak Wing Building

    Reflection. #utsgehry #utsreveal @ Dr Chau Chak Wing Building

    Finishing the tour with a group selfie. SAY ARCHITECTURE! #utsgehry #utsreveal @ Dr Chau Chak Wing…

    Reading: “How Elementary School Teachers’ Biases Can Discourage Girls From Math and Science”

    509! New top score on #crossyroad. // 500 WOOHOOOOOO!!! At last.

    Zucchini Carbonara from eatdrinkpaleo, courtesy of my spiralizer!

    Reading: “Kim Gordon: ‘Women aren’t allowed to be kick-ass. I refused to play the game’”

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    Zucchini Carbonara from @eatdrinkpaleo, courtesy of my spiralizer!

    Zucchini Carbonara from @eatdrinkpaleo, courtesy of my spiralizer!