Month: February 2015

  • d0tski: Trying to watch something on @9jumpin, and this @originenergy click to pass ad pops up. I live in Tasmania. Great. nicolejensen: HA! RT @DaKangaroo: This is the hardest we’ve ever seen Hockey and Abbott fight to protect jobs. #libspill #auspol


  • Reading on Flipboard

    Kim Gordon: ‘Women aren’t allowed to be kick-ass. I refused to play the game’


  • Grown up stuff

    DeathHacks – The Message – Medium – Good essay by Jessamyn West on the “slow motion hackathon” that ensued when her father passed away. I appreciated the reminder to get our shit together. You should too.


  • Shared on Instagram

    Zucchini Carbonara from @eatdrinkpaleo, courtesy of my spiralizer!


  • Reading on Flipboard

    How Elementary School Teachers’ Biases Can Discourage Girls From Math and Science Is Costco Making Us Fat? How extreme fear shapes what we remember


  • SydneyGA: Get acquainted with the exciting world of tech in Sydney with a free Intro to the Sydney Startup Community – RSVP MrChrisRedman: Of course #LibSpill isn’t like Game of Thrones. Game of Thrones has more than one female character.


  • Shared on Instagram

    Finishing the tour with a group selfie. SAY ARCHITECTURE! #utsgehry #utsreveal @ Dr Chau Chak Wing Building


  • Shared on Instagram

    Reflection. #utsgehry #utsreveal @ Dr Chau Chak Wing Building There is a certain “Jenga aesthetic” happening. #utsgehry #utsreveal @ Dr Chau Chak Wing Building


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    No checking your hairdo in these lifts! #utsgehry #utsreveal @ Dr Chau Chak Wing Building


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    Amazing feature staircase. #utsgehry #utsreveal @ Dr Chau Chak Wing Building We’re inside! Fractured reflections. Also, there are official hashtags. #utsgehry #utsreveal @ Dr Chau Chak Wing Building
