Month: February 2015

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    The Gaytime was the overall favourite. #fatduck

    The Gaytime was the overall favourite. #fatduck

    Savoury ice creams: Waldorf Rocket, Salmon roll, and Golden Gaytime (chicken liver pate with fig and roast almond). #fatduck

    Savoury ice creams: Waldorf Rocket, Salmon roll, and Golden Gaytime (chicken liver pate with fig and roast almond). #fatduck

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    Aperitifs... with liquid nitrogen! #fatduck

    Aperitifs… with liquid nitrogen! #fatduck

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    WE'RE HERE! It's like Wonka's chocolate factory already. #fatduck

    WE’RE HERE! It’s like Wonka’s chocolate factory already. #fatduck @ The Fat Duck – Heston Blumenthal

    Perusing the wine

    Perusing the wine “list.” @ The Fat Duck – Heston Blumenthal

    It begins. And for the curious, photographs are encouraged! :) #fatduck

    It begins. And for the curious, photographs are encouraged! 🙂 #fatduck

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    And now an aperitif. (This is the classiest place we could find in the casino.)

    And now an aperitif. (This is the classiest place we could find in the casino.) @ Atrium Bar

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    Predinner beers.

    Predinner beers. @ Belgian Beer Cafe Melbourne

    We scrub up well.

    We scrub up well. @ Alto Hotel

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    The Melbourne Costco sells Ferris wheels!

    The Melbourne Costco sells Ferris wheels! @ Costco Melbourne

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Just your average Tuesday night in the Sydney CBD.

    Reading: “9 Ways To Fall Asleep Faster (Without Counting Sheep)”

    Reading: “We’ve just reached the logical extreme of the ‘Uber for X’ economy”

    Tonight: cask wine and a Zooper Dooper. Tomorrow: the Fat Duck, one of the best restaurants in the…

    You only need to survey 1500 Australians to extrapolate out nationally. I did not know that. #bigdata @TalentInt @datalicious

    The #bigdata presentation from @datalicious is available online: @TalentInt

    Multi-attribution of conversions shows display ads massively undervalued by advertisers. Even if ppl don’t click them! #bigdata @TalentInt

    Great talk at @TalentInt this morning. Just wish guys wouldn’t assume women aren’t technical based on how they’re dressed! #proudtechie

    @datalicious Heh, no problem. I was pretty sure Christian was going to be corrected by his wife anyway. 🙂

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    Tonight: cask wine and a Zooper Dooper. Tomorrow: the Fat Duck, one of the best restaurants in the world. #classy

    Tonight: cask wine and a Zooper Dooper. Tomorrow: the Fat Duck, one of the best restaurants in the world. #classy

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    Just your average Tuesday night in the Sydney CBD.

    Just your average Tuesday night in the Sydney CBD.