Month: February 2015

  • Photo post

    Damn. A year flies by pretty fast!

    Damn. A year flies by pretty fast!

  • New local meetup group

    Sydney Technology Leaders – Meetup – I attended this new-ish meetup group last night at UTS and it was fantastic. There were several speakers talking about challenges with scaling – scaling teams, scaling Agile, and scaling infrastructure. I will definitely be attending again the future. Highly recommended if you’re a local tech leader and want to meet and share ideas with your peers.

  • Photo post

    Lunchtime with @quiteriequi and Aperol Spritz!

    Lunchtime with @quiteriequi and Aperol Spritz! @ The Lemon Tree

  • Ignite Sydney 13

    Tickets are now available for the next iteration of Ignite Sydney. I’m going to be presenting an updated and reworked version of my “Granny was a Hacker” talk, modified to fit the Ignite format: five minutes with slides that auto-advance every 15 seconds. You should come along!

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    @drkknits Actually it’s pretty much just “Tylenol”. 🙂

    RT @webdirections: Build Web sites? In Sydney? Our Responsive Design conference returns March 19. Early Bird ends March 1.…

    @redambition Hahahahahahaha

    RT @MAKERSwomen: 50 years of women in space: #MAKERS #starstruck

    @mobywhale @susanjrobertson Rhanks for teaching me what a11y means! Never heard that one before. So some good came out of the discussion. 🙂

    @mobywhale Sure! I mean, I know a bit about accessibility. Just hadn’t seen it referred to in that way. Took me a second to work out. 🙂

    @msharp @mobywhale THAT one I knew! 😛

    @msharp @mobywhale Okay, now I’m stumped again. 🙂

    @msharp @mobywhale Now you’re just taking the p2s. 🙂

    Sydney Tech Leaders meet up! (@ UTS Building 10 – @utsengage in Ultimo, NSW)

    My first #sydtechleaders meet up. Tonight’s topic: “Scaling Well.” Excited to join the group!

    Number of IT grads in AU has halved over the last decade? I did not know that. Huh. #sydtechleaders

    Very cool to meet Peter from @LawPath tonight. Definitely one of the startups I’be been following lately. #sydtechleaders

    I’m having Large Bank flashbacks. *shudder* #sydtechleaders

    @lifeasdaddy @cwrightdesign While it’s nice to imagine army of autodidacts w/ startups, difficulty hiring seems to indicate overall drop. 🙁

    @darthted I lasted three months before fleeing. 🙂

    @joshhunt Yes indeed! He gave a great talk on scaling architecture.

    @cwrightdesign @mobywhale @msharp “lol”

    Hm. Have now lost 2 days of @fitbit sleep data due to error when adjusting times and saving on iOS app. Anybody else?

    Tickets now open for the next @ignitesydney! I’m talking about knitting as computer code.

    @FoxCricket #CWC15

  • Kickass.

    50 Years of Women in Space. Very cool and inspiring, though “First Lady Astronaut Trainees” makes me cringe.

  • Urge to sew rising…

    WIP Wednesday: Playful Petals Quilt – Ooh. Bookmarking since this is really cute.

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    This whole American-dude-food trend is starting to bore even me. MILLER IS NOT A GOOD BEER, PEOPLE.

    @thisismywww @scalzi I was pretty much joking. I know that @jkottke’s archives go back to March ’98, so he’s got me beat right there.

    Telstra opens first public API to developers // Whoa, that’s really cool @frankarr!

    @frankarr I’m now trying to figure out a cool way to play with it, maybe some sort of home automation trigger? That could be cool.

    @frankarr Hahahaha… “A sample application has been developed to illustrate how you might … send an SMS to someone named Frank…”

    @frankarr Ooh. Ooh. I just had an idea. Company hackathon coming up. This could be interesting!

    @gilmae PBR is the worst. But sadly, that place is late to the game. My lovely little local in Chippo has it too. Ugh.

    RT @metafilter: Ask: Power Pop-me-up! // BEST ASKME EVER. This is all so very much up-my-alley I’m going to pass out.

    Reading: “Tim Cook: Our Objective With Apple Watch Is to Change the Way People Live Their Lives”

    Reading: “Seven Habits of Optimistic People”

    Reading: “The contagious thought that could kill you”

    Reading: “Astronauts can now drink espresso from a cup in space, because everyone deserves caffeine”

    Reading: “24 Historic Photos That’ll Make You Want To Be An Astronaut”

    Reading: “The Heat Map Microwave uses IR cameras to show how hot your food is”

    @johnallsopp Heh I knew immediately without even scrolling down what you were ranting about. Read that over breakfast too. 🙂

    @chrisgander More like 7ish. I found some cool scripts to pull Fitbit data into a Google spreadsheet for analysis. No strong patterns yet.

    @NickDeverell My friend @kunaal84 is there somewhere, I think!

    @chrisgander Quantified Self 4 LIFE DUDE.

    RT @gusseting: RT @PandoDaily: The $1 billion company that prefers 40 year old coders who only work 45 hours a week …

    @gilmae @redambition That sounds like Wuss Talk. Empathy is for suckers. (Guess how my morning’s going?)

    @redambition @gilmae People learning to HTFU is the answer. 😛

    @redambition @gilmae Meh. Just tired of grown people who act like they’re still in high school, you know?

    @randomknits That would explain a lot!