Month: March 2015 (page 1 of 12)
- TheOnion: Indiana Governor Insists New Law Has Nothing To Do With Thing It Explicitly Intended To Do
- StephenKing: Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration act is gay discrimination, pure and simple. You can frost a dog turd, but it’s still a dog turd.
- webdirections: Great writeup of our recent #respond15 conference from @jonnystening
- policy: We´re disappointed to see state bills that enshrine discrimination. These bills are unjust and bad for business. We support #EqualityForAll.
- selfconference: @bridgefoundry @CallbackWomen @devbootcamp @devchix @girldevelopit Our scholarship applications are officially open!
- markdalgleish: From Melb or Sydney & never given a conference talk? CFP now open for @webdirections Code, the perfect place to start
Who Said It: Kanye West Or Jean-Ralphio Saperstein – How did I only get NINE right?!