Fewer Women Run Big Companies Than Men Named John – NYTimes.com – I’m reminded of the Dave Rule.
Month: March 2015
Fascinating read
Curious City: Historians and feminists in Chicago debate whether Jane Addams should be called a lesbian | WBEZ 91.5 Chicago – Pretty interesting piece about whether Jane Addams could be considered a lesbian in the modern parlance, but also about what that means and how historians and laypeople try to interpret the past. I was immediately reminded of Christabel LaMotte and Blanche Glover from A. S. Byatt’s Possession. (Definitely high-time for a re-read.) I learned the term “Boston marriages,” which I’d never heard of before, and I was amused by this comment from the highly fascinating MeFi discussion:
“It’s fascinating to consider that the very prudishness of Victorian society allowed women to buck heteronormative gender roles, simply because everyone was too “polite” to even acknowledge what their unconventional choices might actually mean.”
I remember being highly offended when I was an undergrad at ND that dorms were single-gender and men were not allowed to stay overnight with women, but the lesbians in the room next door to mine were basically free to get it on whenever they wanted. I guess the lesson is that Catholic priests can be quite Victorian in their prudishness and assumptions…
Mardi Gras’ tribute to Freddie is a viral hit – THIS IS FANTASTIC. The Snook and I loved it. Full points to all the Freddies for committing. (“I Want to Break Free” Freddie is always my personal fave though.)
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@drkknits You mean potato cakes? *ducks*
@JamesCoyne Testify.
@kapww Congratulations!!
As I have somehow managed to escape “decision exhaustion” for the first time this week, I’m en route to IKEA. This may have been a bad call.
@drkknits Welcome back, by the way. Everything is the same, you’ll be pleased to know.
@drkknits Wow. You have gone all in on the Apple products.
RT @beccatronic: This is the most “America” headline I’ve ever read. Every word/clause is a whole new level. 🇺🇸 http://t.co/4uIZbHoI4V http…
The rule holds. IKEA at night is a million times less annoying and crowded than IKEA on the weekend.
Step goal for March 6, 2015 achieved! 8014 total steps today via @Fitbit.
Mardi Gras’ tribute to Freddie is a viral hit http://t.co/Bpi7svSN9y // Posted by my buddy @MattAkersten! Nicely done.
I can’t even decide.
Are You Suffering From Decision Fatigue? (Plus What to Do About It) | Mark’s Daily Apple – Wow. This post really resonated with me. I was going to cherry-pick the best bits, but really, it’s all good. I’ve been flat out at work for the past month – dealing with personal dramas, trying to recruit new employees, and playing multi-dimensional chess trying to work out if my team can achieve our deadlines. Even on my best days, I’m just shattered by the time I get home. I’ve got emails sitting in my Inbox that I could deal with but, you know, I just can’t. My brain is all used up. I’ve always known I work better with rules and routine, so I guess the obvious path here is to get back to that. Remove choice from the easy stuff so I preserve my mental capacity for the times I really need it.
Part of me also wonders if this isn’t the reason the Snook tends to defer so many small day-to-day household decisions to me. He’s shifting that cognitive load onto me! Sneaky.
21 Podcasts to Listen to for Productivity, Work-Life Balance, and the Pursuit of Happiness – I just subscribed to, like, five of these.
Altruism Autumn continues
I just crossed a longstanding item off my To Do list: Set up an automated monthly donation to Motor Neurone Disease Australia. Great organisation supporting families dealing with MND, which has touched our loved ones in recent years.
Goodbye, mathowie.
Sixteen Years | MetaTalk – Wow, for the MeFites this is pretty huge. @mathowie is stepping down! I remember how stoked I was to get a personal email from him four years ago when his family was visiting Sydney, asking for advice on travelling from the airport and suggesting we meet up. It turned into a proper event with a bunch of other Sydney MeFites, and qwip even got a photo. Thanks for all the memories, Matt, and best of luck on your new adventure!
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@nickmaher @stephenlead My team builds a catch-up TV app. I’d say 60% of email feedback is addressed to characters on the TV shows.
Why the Today Show alarm clock app is a wake-up call http://t.co/g4qLXvJyP9 via @smh // Wooo! My team built this!
RT @KainTietzel: Homework from a 9 y.o. aussie kid. http://t.co/qSuv6YntWX
Hey @iprofile – why are you spamming me to “remind me” I have a profile that I never signed up for? With job details 8+ years old?
@iProfile @regravity Wow, the exact same thing just happened to me. Details appear to be from a job 8+ years ago.
@regravity @iProfile The issue is I haven’t engaged any recruiting agencies. The information they have on me is nearly a decade out of date.
I blame kellyandrine for this. https://t.co/reHwNK5FAw
Reading: “86 seconds to the sofa: In praise of Better Call Saul’s slowness” http://t.co/Ba5cVsnoBK
Reading: “How Banana Pudding Became a Southern Icon” http://t.co/rClF4CW2a9
Reading: “Cocktails From a Low-Stocked Bar: A Guide to Substitutions” http://t.co/aHWYhDrQhU
w-g: Sixteen Years | MetaTalk – Wow, for the MeFites this is pretty huge. @mathowie is stepping down… http://t.co/orjZe6iEQL
Fake taxidermied animal heads with Liberty. http://t.co/LzIbOjnMsF (ping @randomknits…)
Wait, what? Sportscraft are selling a shirt in a Liberty print inspired by John Malkovich. Yes, really. @randomknits http://t.co/mMxMJhCBmF
@drwitty_knitter @randomknits It’s my day for crazy Liberty links on the Internet, evidently.