Month: March 2015

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    I blame @kellyandrine for this.

    I blame @kellyandrine for this.

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    Are you at @thebigdayin? Come visit the #mi9 stand at the Careers Fair and say hi to Dee, Jess, and me!

    Are you at @thebigdayin? Come visit the #mi9 stand at the Careers Fair and say hi to Dee, Jess, and me! @ UTS: University of Technology, Sydney

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    Reading: “Maria von Trapp: The Preeminent Manic Pixie Dream Girl”

    Are you at @thebigdayin? Come visit the #mi9 stand at the Careers Fair and say hi to Dee, Jess, and…

    @gilmae Phwoaaaaar. (Are you hinting I should bake it for my Twitter BFF? I’ll leave that to @randomknits…)

    @SerriLaw We’re in Building 1 outside the Great Hall! WE HAVE CHOCOLATE. 😛

  • Interesting.

    What I’ve learned after 10 years of quantifying myself – Medium – I’m tempted to try out Eternity myself. Here’s my conundrum though: there’s lots of evidence that the act of tracking something – food, goals, exercise, time spent – produces results even if you don’t seriously analyse the results. But what happens when “tracking” becomes effortless? It seems like there’s a point at which the results drop off. If I were using a manual pedometer and logging my steps each day, I suspect I would be fitter and more motivated than I am when my Fitbit just handles it all for me (and sometimes I forget to even look at the results).

  • Fortunately, I have a live-in barista.

    How Bad Are K-Cups for the Environment? – The Atlantic – Two things I found fascinating: 1) Singapore doesn’t have K-Cups. Huh. Another tick in Singapore’s favour, as far as I’m concerned! 2) Keurig actually argues that their machines are more environmentally efficient because non-Keurig machines waste too much coffee (since rarely to people measure out exactly the proper amount), and coffee uses a lot of water to grow. That would be interesting to try to quantify. I know that the Snook (and I) thinks that the coffee he produces by grinding fresh beans and using an espresso machine at home is far superior to K-Cup taste… but judging by the coffee grinds all over the counter top each day, there’s definitely some wastage and inefficiency. (Not to mention when somebody – *cough cough* – forgets and leaves the machine on all day…)

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    Altruism Autumn continues! Finally hit 10 donations today. @ Australian Red Cross Blood Donation…

    @SerriLaw They make you fetch coffee??

    In progress bedroom floor!

    And it’s finished! Now to paint the skirting boards and move *everything* back in…

    RT @imdominating: “Red lips make everything else look intentional.” Me & I stand by that.

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    And it's finished! Now to paint the skirting boards and move *everything* back in...

    And it’s finished! Now to paint the skirting boards and move *everything* back in…

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    In progress bedroom floor!

    In progress bedroom floor!