They got the screen up! We’re about to get underway. #mudfest @mudgeeregion @ Bunnamagoo Cellardoor
Month: March 2015
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It’s very blustery out there! Looks like the inflatable screen is a bust, sadly. #mudfest @mudgeeregion @ Bunnamagoo Cellardoor
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Oh yes. The reward after a stressful week and a long drive. @mudgeeregion @ Trelawney Farm Mudgee
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Sustenance and beer. @mudgeeregion @ Mudgee Brewing Co.
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Love this winery. Taking half a case back to Sydney. @ Logan Wines
Fascinating build
My Shining Maze Build Notes – Tested – Adam Savage from Mythbusters build a scale replica of the hedge maze from The Shining. I’d seen it linked in a few places recently but hadn’t read it til now. The whole process is fascinating. I love reading how people make things.
Shared today on Twitter
Mi9 (ninemsn) is looking for Web Developer #job
Reading: “How I Became A Minor Celebrity In China (After My Stolen Phone Ended Up There)”
Reading: “18 Gochujang Recipes to Give Your Food Some Sweet, Sweet Heat”
Reading: “In Defense of Quiche, Because a Savory Custard Done Right Is Magical”
Reading: “There Is Such a Thing as Eating “Too Healthy,” and It’s Seriously Dangerous”
Shared today on Twitter
@OphelieLechat @mobywhale Phew. Was worried that it was boring or everybody already knew that stuff!
RT @Malarkey: Conference organisers: Hire @web_goddess to speak about responsive advertising. This is the best talk on the subject I’ve see…
@Malarkey Thank you so much. I was so worried how it’d be taken. Phew. 🙂
@OphelieLechat Thank you! Haha, I’ll have to work out how to include some knitting next time. 🙂
@OphelieLechat Yes! I’m regretting not bringing any. I can live vicariously.
RT @drzax: If you’re watching me talk at #Respond15 (or even if you aren’t), you might like the extra links in this readme:…
From a Moomin reference to Yes Minister. That’s how you know it’s a good conference. @pwcc #Respond15
@diversionary We appreciate you putting your body on the line for our caffeination. 🙂
RT @Xavier_Ho: #respond15 morning Q&A!
Post-lunch 9Jumpin team selfie at #Respond15 with andrewmamo and Pat.
RT @johnallsopp: #respond15 @guypod’s research on RWD in top trafficked sites. // Exact blog post cited in my preso!
“Which of these is a better *translation* of your brand?” – @yeseniaa Definitely going to remember that one for future use. #respond15
Also, as a US expat I have not craved Papa John’s this badly in fifteen years. Damn that @yeseniaa. #respond15
@yeseniaa It’s very good. Recommend you go as early in the day as you can otherwise you’re gonna queue up for a loooong time.
@Formulate @yeseniaa The thing that makes my head explode is when the ads guys say, “But the ad’s to spec.” WHOSE SPEC? NOT MINE.
Here’s my deck from today if you’re curious! #Respond15 Responsive Ads: This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things… Yet.
Lots of references to today. Definitely a tool to bookmark and use regularly. #respond15
@theblahman @Malarkey Oh sweet! I haven’t tried it out yet. That’ll be cool.
HAMBURGER is the correct answer, @200ok. Everyone knows that. #respond15
Commandment: never let anyone put the words “old” or “new” in your codebase. – @200ok HA! #respond15
@stephenlead It was filmed! Not sure if they’ll be public or not. I think if you click “Notes” on slideshare you can see my text.
.@stephenlead Slide deck theme was courtesy of Kristie Carville, very talented Mi9 designer. I am not that tasteful myself. 🙂 #respond15
@stephenlead Hm, slide 7 was on one line in the original. Stupid Keynote -> Powerpoint conversion…
RT @pwcc: Beginnings define what we understand something to be. They can be very hard to shake. – @webfliccy #respond15 // Quiet poetic!
RT @RichardSison: My key takeaway from #respond15? Performance matters. Stick up for the end users and sad, angry developers!
@drkknits Speak for yourself. I love that stuff. (Granted, I didn’t see much of it the first time around.)
@nabeelahali Did you draw the illustrations in yours? I wondered. They were charming!
@JasonSoultan I’m on my 4th of the day. @samplecoffeebar will be the death of us all.
@webdirections @Malarkey What do folks need to bring for the workshop tomorrow? My team are keen!
@JasonSoultan My friend lives there. I said, “It’s so pretty!” She replied, “SPIDERS.”
RT @KenjiWalter: #respond15 rough #sketchnotes a part 1 // Wow – very cool!
. @Malarkey’s emphasis on human-to-human conversations reminds me of Cluetrain Manifesto. #hippiesunite #Respond15
Envisioning “Where’s the chimpanzee?” being asked in design reviews in the future… @AndrewMamo @Malarkey #Respond15
RT @RichardSison: What a talk @Malarkey. I’ll add to my previous tweet: Performance matters. But designers, don’t forget your roots. Be mag…
RT @mobywhale: The beautifully designed site @yeseniaa mentioned before about endangered animals:
Kicking on at #sydcss. This has been a long, geeky, awesome, friendly, inspiring day. Very grateful to have been involved. #Respond15
@Malarkey The point of the Big Phone is Big Battery. 61% no recharge.
At #sydCSS, @johnallsopp talking about long-term code maintainability. Um. I have a working site using TABLES FOR LAYOUT that’s almost 20yo.
*ducks to avoid flying tomatoes* #sydCSS
@hehalana Almost!!
RT @CampaignMonitor: It’s been a massively rewarding day at @webdirections #Respond15 / @SydCSS today. Sydney’s web community is strong! 💪 …
@hehalana Spacer gifs FTW. 😀
Sorry to leave #sydCSS so early, but I’ve had a full-on week. Next time, @mobywhale. 🙂
@hehalana Meh. Kids don’t care. (I actually did start making a responsive version. Someday I’ll launch it.
@yarrcat Same! I hope we’ll cross paths again soon. 🙂
@mobywhale And thank you for inspiring me to apply for Ignite in the first place. 🙂
Photo post
Post-lunch 9Jumpin team selfie at #Respond15 with @andrewmamo and Pat.