I’m on deck. Living out my Beyoncé dream! #Respond15
Month: March 2015
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Mi9 (ninemsn) is looking for Software Developer – Core Platforms http://t.co/IWDCNopgHu #job
Web Directions Respond conf speaker drinks. These are my people. (@ Golden Age Cinema & Bar – @goldenagesydney) https://t.co/BbxMbGbsgr
Such a fun night with my fellow @webdirections Respond speakers tonight. That @johnallsopp knows how to pick ‘em.
@mobywhale I’m excited! See you there. 🙂
RT @NatureNews: Short-sightedness is reaching epidemic proportions. Scientists may have found a reason why http://t.co/tJW7sJtopE http://t.…
Reading: “Take on any scoundrel in this! Star Wars pin-up style Boba Fett dress : …” http://t.co/HQo9uiqNqS
@amandapalmer @neilhimself Congratulations to you both!
@romainprieto Thanks! Talking at #Respond15 today too. I think two in one week may have been too many. 🙂
It’s @johnallsopp kicking things at @webdirections #Respond15. http://t.co/Kf77QQB46Y
@kunaal84 Thank you! I’m on at 10:55. 🙂
No knocking the 90’s aesthetic, @scottjehl! For some of us, it was formative. 🙂 #respond15
@romainprieto Responsive Ads. (Yeah, I got the sexy topic, didn’t I?)
11.8″. The maximum distance electricity can travel in one nanosecond, as demoed by Grace Hopper. Very cool. #respond15
One hour until I subject all these lovely devs and designers to a talk on ads. #Respond15 #sadistic
I’m on deck. Living out my Beyoncé dream! #Respond15 https://t.co/zDHyFzijVR
RT @brayza: 3 coffees and I’m responsive. #respond15
@drzax I’m trying to decide if that’s a compliment or not. 🙂
Loving that @nabeelahali used Finn Family Moomintroll as a prop. Very good book. #sniffismyspiritanimal #Respond15
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I had a fantastic time presenting at #ignitesydney last night. Thanks to the organisers for giving me the opportunity! I was incredibly impressed and inspired by my fellow speakers too – they all did an amazing job. (And thanks to @halans for the photos!)
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I went to get my hair blow-dried on a work day. It felt terribly grown-up.
@mobywhale Thank you! You’ve seen the original anyway. 🙂
Lubrication. I’m up first at #ignitesydney. T-minus 60 minutes to go… https://t.co/owQGw1XScf
RT @halans: T-30m for @web_goddess’ “Granny was a hacker” #ignitesydney http://t.co/xD1tUVyynt
Phew. Nailed it! Should’ve allowed more time for laughs. #ignitesydney #relieved
RT @halans: Kris Howard @web_goddess : Granny was a hacker #ignitesydney http://t.co/5EgE6kGcak
@tur_nr Ha, thought I spotted you! Yeah, I think I was more nervous in front of your team. 🙂
RT @svetaz: Such a great rush presenting at #ignitesydney – I’m in a great company of inspiring presenters. An evening of new thoughts and …
@halans Fantastic shot! You did a great job capturing the night. 🙂
@halans Mind if I put the one of me on my blog? Will credit you and link to your site. Just want to show my mom. 🙂
@halans I’ll wait til tomorrow then. Thanks!
Reading: “The Morning Routine Experts Recommend for Peak Productivity” http://t.co/aADoA7GvD2
I had a fantastic time presenting at #ignitesydney last night. Thanks to the organisers for giving me… https://t.co/xb3rYo4X8D
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Lubrication. I’m up first at #ignitesydney. T-minus 60 minutes to go…
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RT @mslanei: Quite liking the new floor reveal on the Barangaroo construction. #IWD #sydney #barangaroo http://t.co/KUzwrZ0c86 http://t.co/…
“I prefer to play with someone who’s actually good … and I also like the pretty pieces.” SUPER CUTE! She rules. http://t.co/g4vqtuQnA3
Korean Green Onion Pancakes with Prawn, Bacon, and Kimchi – AND cold cucumber noodles. Delish. https://t.co/SffX3E8QrX
RT @emd3737: For St Patrick’s Day this year, I’m going to rid Australia of snakes.
RT @alizasherman: Why there are so many female managers but so few CEOs http://t.co/Ty5upwSwDE 50% middle managers, 5% CEOs.
Wait, I’m speaking FIRST at @ignitesydney tonight? Won’t give me much time to reach Optimum Beer Level, @stephenlead! http://t.co/X5sLIvuN6G
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Korean Green Onion Pancakes with Prawn, Bacon, and Kimchi – AND cold cucumber noodles. Delish.
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Time for the @ignitesydney dress rehearsal!
@RoseRed_Shoes Hmmm. I’m not sure what to think of that. o_O
In case you were wondering, the taste of the swimming pool cake is inversely proportional to its totally awesome appearance. #somuchsugar
@RoseRed_Shoes WHAA? Kimchi is the bomb diggity. I’m making kimchi pancakes for dinner tomorrow night! I will serve you some one day.
RT @ignitesydney: Rehearsals going well for #ignitesydney
Can’t wait til Tuesday! http://t.co/X8MhSxpCO6
Reading: “Architects in London have designed a shadowless skyscraper” http://t.co/xxO2QLraXT
Reading: “Eavesdropping Barbie is “downright creepy,” privacy advocates say” http://t.co/FBAIsuOw27
RT @codepo8: That @web_goddess is celebrating her birthday today! She rocks! // Awww, thanks! Damn. We met each other 16 YEARS AGO.
@codepo8 Or was it 15? I think 15. In my old age I’m losing my math skills.