Month: March 2015

  • *gasp*

    30 Rock Predicted the Fate of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt | Vanity Fair – We watched the first episode last night and loved it. Ellie Kemper is adorable and hilarious. Did you know dancing is ALL ABOUT BUTTS NOW? I also kind of want an “Indiana Mole Woman” T-shirt. (I am terrible, I know.) I’ve already been spoiled on the actor playing Rev. Richard Wayne Gary Wayne – I knew I recognised that voice – so I’m looking forward to that reveal. Now excuse me, I have to go apply for a job selling gummy sharks.

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    @lucykbain @WWCSyd Do you need any help at the interviewing session? Happy to review CVs and throw questions at people if it’s useful. 🙂

    @romainprieto Heya – is there going to be a Node Ninjas event this month?

    @lucykbain @WWCSyd Cool! Count me in.

    Reading: “How Salty Should Pasta Water Be?”

    Reading: “Inside The Post-Minecraft Life Of Billionaire Gamer God Markus Persson”

    @codepo8 Ha!

    Reading: “Recline, don’t ‘Lean In’ (Why I hate Sheryl Sandberg)”

    The Irish banking crisis explained. (Link courtesy of @kottke.)

    @carlfish Nicely put.

    Nasa reveals plans to produce breathable air on Mars // Time to re-read “Red Mars.” Watch out for stowaway hippies!

    w-g: 30 Rock Predicted the Fate of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt – We watched the 1st episode last night & loved it!


    Cake It To The Limit: Play it again, Sam – Seeing a post from “Cake it to the Limit” pop up in my RSS reader was just the best gift ever on a Monday. Love it!

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    Not gonna lie: reading that @mathowie is going to work at @SlackHQ makes me want to reevaluate its use in my team. (In a good way.)

    Sated. #yumcha @ Sky Phoenix Chinese Restaurant

    Full house to hear femfreq at the Opera House for #IWD. @ Sydney Opera House

    First trigger warning comes < 10min into @femfreq’s talk, discussing the harassment she’s faced. Ugh. #IWD

    “You can love something and be critical of it at the same time.” Amen. Sad that a lot of people haven’t learned it yet. #IWD #AllAboutWomen

    Haha, entire room chuckling happily as @femfreq points out that, from some angles, the Opera House looks like the turrets from Portal. #IWD

    RT @emmamgibbs: One of the most radical things you can do is believe a woman when she tells you about her experiences. – @femfreq #AllAbout…

    Funniest bit of @femfreq’s talk was that she had to ban multiple misspellings of “sandwich” from her FB page. LOL. #IWD #AllAboutWomen

    Going through the #AllAboutWomen hashtag and following so many awesome women and men. Glad to have been part of such a great event.

    @gusseting You don’t have to keep tweeting me! I know the company well. 🙂

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    Full house to hear @femfreq at the Opera House for #IWD.

    Full house to hear @femfreq at the Opera House for #IWD. @ Sydney Opera House

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    Sated. #yumcha

    Sated. #yumcha @ Sky Phoenix Chinese Restaurant

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    Auction happening. 2bdr apartment above us currently sitting at $945,000. Neighbours standing in the street in shock.

    RT @NerdistDotCom: Brace yourself & watch #NerdistPresents: BLANK PAGE, a @taylorswift13/@GameOfThrones mashup http:…

    @catehstn @justkelly_ok I’m kind of in awe right now!

    Reading: “Coding Like a Girl — Medium”

    Paleo spaghetti and meatballs. Yum!

    @imdominating BUT MY BIRTHDAY ISN’T FOR ANOTHER WEEK! *swoon*

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    Paleo spaghetti and meatballs. Yum!

    Paleo spaghetti and meatballs. Yum!