Month: April 2015

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    One-Pot Tuna Noodle Casserole. So not Paleo. So tasty nevertheless…

    @QHUpdates BSD5 appears to be down! (I hope it wasn’t me that killed it.)

    On a whim, spent two straight days finally going all-in on responsive web design. I blame @johnallsopp and @Malarkey.

    I actually built two sites. The other one is Yeah, I used a template. Still figuring stuff out.

    My blog isn’t remotely done yet – still got a lot of legacy pages (and crufty DB content) to clean up. But getting there.

    Reading: “A 30-year-old is resurrecting one of Chicago’s most endangered landmarks – Quartz”

    Reading: “Antiques Roadshow special to shed new light on ‘extraordinary’ letters sewn by Great Yarmouth woman”

    Reading: “how to sew a needle book”

    Reading: ““Better Call Saul’s” Jonathan Banks on playing Mike: “It brings out a lot of my sadness””

    @pwcc Yep, somebody else sent me that tip. Working on it now! 🙂

    @pwcc Thanks! I’ve been pulling in the social media stuff for years. It’s just the layout that needs to change.

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    @stufromoz Ah, shit. Was just about to head to Broadway.

    IT’S A MADHOUSE. (at @Coles in Glebe, NSW)

    Mayo-Free Chicken Salad with Kimchi. The Snook said, “Yum. @davidchang would be all over this shit.”

    My 14th Easter in Australia, and they’ve all been like this. #autumnsucks

    @RoseRed_Shoes Watching Big Bang Theory, and Amy is making Penny go to basket weaving!

    Reading: “ABC to Bring Back ‘The Muppet Show’ After 19 Years”

    @RoseRed_Shoes Sheldon and Leonard went too, and they all ended up liking it! #winning

    @redambition …including the fact that I’M NOT ON IT. (Come on. That would be hilarious.)

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    My 14th Easter in Australia, and they've all been like this. #autumnsucks

    My 14th Easter in Australia, and they’ve all been like this. #autumnsucks

    Mayo-Free Chicken Salad with Kimchi

    Mayo-Free Chicken Salad with Kimchi. The Snook said, “Yum. @davidchang would be all over this shit.”

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    Game of Thrones: The 7 Deaths That Could Take Everyone By Surprise – If Ser Davos dies, I WILL LOSE IT.

    RT @LeeshaHannigan: Warning: this will be me at Spectrum. And IlluxCon. // Me at just about every tech event. 🙁

    Could everyone else stop watching Netflix so my Outlander episode will stop buffering? Thanks. #firstworldproblem

    Started the long weekend with an experiment: Epic Pancake (made in the rice cooker)! A little overly…

    @stufromoz Chippendale is, like, dead last on the NBN list. The only way we’re getting faster Internet is moving house.

    Hm. Don’t remember this plot line from Outlander book. Don’t know if it’s invented for show, or I skipped it to get to the sexy book bits.

    Both are equally plausible.

    @knitterjp Wait. 626? I just noticed that. YOU ARE INSANE.

    Reading: “Hop Theory Is Making Tea Bags For Beer Drinkers”

    @susiegii I thought you were going to Reno?

    RT @freebsdgirl: Tales from the Trenches: I was SWATed

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    Started the long weekend with an experiment: Epic Pancake (made in the rice cooker)! A little overly browned on the bottom, but nevertheless tasty.

    Started the long weekend with an experiment: Epic Pancake (made in the rice cooker)! A little overly browned on the bottom, but nevertheless tasty.

  • Makeup stuff

    Makeup For Hooded Eyes – Into The Gloss – Since I missed the day in high school when they taught all the girls how to apply makeup, I find this stuff fascinating. Today I learned that my eyes are “hooded,” and it makes so much sense. No wonder putting stuff on them never lasts and you can barely see it. I also found 8 Makeup Tips for Hooded Eyelids and Hooded Eyelids? Me Too. Here’s Everything I’ve Learned About Applying Eyeliner To Them very helpful.

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    @nabeelahali Just saw you’re speaking at next Girl Geek event. Sweet! I’ll be sure to attend and say hello. 🙂

    Farewell guedes_bruno! @ Ninemsn

    @randomknits Love it!!

    RT @schemaly: 7 Ways to Combat Manterrupting and Broppriating Illustrated by @Kathleen_Edison is fantastic. http://…

    And there’s the weekend sorted…

    He felt a Rob Roy was appropriate. #outlander

    Reading: “Skinny-dipping in the void: the day I toured James Turrell’s art show naked”

    Reading: “Mad Men Doesn’t Believe in Love”