Month: April 2015

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    He felt a Rob Roy was appropriate. #outlander

    He felt a Rob Roy was appropriate. #outlander

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    And there's the weekend sorted...

    And there’s the weekend sorted…

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    Farewell @guedes_bruno!

    Farewell @guedes_bruno! @ Ninemsn

  • YOW Women in Tech Competition

    Last October I attended a YOW Night talk on “Instantly Better Presentations” with Damian Conway. It was fantastic, and I spent the night feverishly taking notes on how to give more effective technical talks. At the end of the night, I was excited to learn that YOW were launching a Women in Tech Competition to increase the diversity of speakers at their events. You had to submit a talk proposal, and five winners would be given a full day workshop with Damian as well as the opportunity to speak at a YOW event in 2015. I sent off my talk proposal, and a couple weeks ago I was delighted to hear that I was one of the winners! My workshop with Damian is next month, and I’m excited to get feedback from him on the previous conference talks I’ve given. Congratulations as well to my fellow winners Isabel, Octavia, Rhiana, and Katie!

    Yow Comp

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @jessgenevieve Congrats. Great feeling, isn’t it! 🙂

    Forgot to untick “Request responses” on an invitation to whole department. Inbox full of replies. ARGH. Outlook defaults are my NEMESIS.

    RT @webdirections: With no little trepidation, announcing #code15. Featuring @slightlylate, @rachelnabors, @SlexAxton, @nodebotanist. http:…

    @webdirections @mobywhale I sent the CFP link to the entire Mi9 Tech department. Now to start twisting arms… 🙂

    Team drinks for @gmachait’s farewell. @ Parsons

    Fifteen years ago today I kissed the cute boy in the office I had a crush on…

    @codepo8 Its feets are as big as its head! Awwww.

    Reading: “They Are No Men: Tolkien’s 6 Most Bad-Ass Forgotten Ladies”

    w-g: @yow_oz Women in Tech Comp – Congrats @vilacides, @occipocci, @rhianaheath, and @glasnt!

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    Fifteen years ago today I kissed the cute boy in the office I had a crush on...

    Fifteen years ago today I kissed the cute boy in the office I had a crush on…

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    Team drinks for @sakshichait's farewell.

    Team drinks for @sakshichait’s farewell. @ Parsons