Month: April 2015

  • Photo post

    Well, this is suboptimal.

    Well, this is suboptimal.

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    Wow. Since I fixed the comment form on my blog, I get a lot more comment spam now. 🙁

    RT @bemaia: Some of the @VodafoneAU grads are here hacking at #Glitch the VHA employee only Hackathon!

    @Rose_Matthews So sorry I’m missing it!

    I am just not gonna sleep tonight.

    Reading: “How to Make Smart Decisions in Less Than 60 Seconds”

    RT @codepo8: Canadian graffiti trash talking is going for the jugular

    Well, this is suboptimal.

    Reading: “The Oregon Trail Generation: Life Before and After Mainstream Tech”

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    The Best Way to Store Fresh Herbs | Serious Eats – No more slimy coriander!

    @nancyarts I gave up on the fun ones after they kept splitting and letting the rain in. Go the knee-high gumboots from Bunnings!

    “You have tiny eyes and a big head, but that’s okay because you need it to carry around your brain because you’re smart.” – The Snook

    You Hate Yourself Because We Told You To – Medium – This. This. THIS.

    @darthted @SydTechLeaders Well. I will clearly have many thoughts on THAT topic. 🙂

    RT @darthted: Our founder is giving us Monday off for ANZAC Day.

    @gilmae Hahahahaha… DID YOU SEE LIBERTY MAKES TENTS NOW? @randomknits @drwitty_knitter

    @sezshares @darthted @SydTechLeaders Or if you have, bring the bub with you. They need to hear it. 🙂

    @gilmae Well, @lemon_lime once won, like, an international award of some type for a MongoDB thing. IIRC.

    @catehstn I still talk you up as being briefly here. #denial

    Reading: “What Happens If I Survive the Apocalypse and Only Have One Pair of Contact Lenses?”

    @JennaPrice Next time I see you I’m giving you a hug.

    RT @lukew: Mystery meat of mobile navigation: the hamburger & kebab.

    @frankarr Oh no! So I’m kinda glad I didn’t see you after all.

  • Nostalgia.

    Gamasutra: Kyle Pittman’s Blog – CRT Simulation in Super Win the Game – It’s amazing how complicated it can be to simulate something older and low-tech.

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    RT @shereeny:

    @frankarr How much was the surge pricing? 🙂

    @frankarr Are you manning the stand or attending the sessions? I’ll be there!

    @drkknits I think he’s bigger than Amy!

    RT @cshirky: “Slack is replacing email through its creation of a novel form of work-like non-work” | @jwherrman on…

    I have just ordered five “grown-up” colouring books from Amazon. I foresee a really fun team retro very soon…

    @phoebegoh They’ve got more abstract designs, like this: Supposedly really great for de-stressing, etc.

    @knitterjp Thinking I might scan some of the good ones and share if you’re interested!

    @gilmae @knitterjp Well, you aren’t invited to colour with us! (And I got the really cool TECHY book too!)

    @randomknits @knitterjp The question is – what should I get to colour them in with? Pencils? Gel pens? Textas? CRAYONS??

    w-g: MOOMIN MADNESS. In which I blog a lot of links to adorable Scandinavian crap that I must collect NOW.

    Reading: “Here Is Every Little Detail On How To Dye Your Hair Gray”

    Reading: “Going Mainstream: Native Advertising’s Shift Towards Mobile”

    Reading: “Too many startups have ‘frightening’ burn rates of $1 million+ per month, warns Silicon Valley investor …

    @JennaPrice Exactly what I thought.

    @frankarr Unfortunately not going to make it. Been unwell so far this week, and I’m not going out in that. 🙁

    @PortugueseChook Yep. Feeling relieved that so far Chippo appears to be draining better than that.

    @kunaal84 please meet @AndyMcQuarrie. Hopefully you guys can cross paths today!

    @mpesce @JennaPrice The boots really make the whole look.

    RT @kunaal84: “Speed is not just for startups” – #AWSSummit
    So true… helped @Mi9 launch 4 new sites in a very short time frame!