Month: April 2015
codepo8: Canadian graffiti trash talking is going for the jugular DamienMcKenna: Again I implore you – if you’re at any way involved in the hiring process at your company, please read
Well, this is suboptimal.
What Happens If I Survive the Apocalypse and Only Have One Pair of Contact Lenses?
lukew: Mystery meat of mobile navigation: the hamburger & kebab. [3/3] darthted: Our founder is giving us Monday off for ANZAC Day.
Nice girls don’t get the Keynote | Maverick Tester
You Hate Yourself Because We Told You To – Medium
Going Mainstream: Native Advertising’s Shift Towards Mobile Too many startups have ‘frightening’ burn rates of $1 million+ per month, warns Silicon Valley investor Sam Altman Here Is Every Little Detail On How To Dye Your Hair Gray
kunaal84: “Speed is not just for startups” – #AWSSummit So true… helped @Mi9 launch 4 new sites in a very short time frame! alex_c_lee: GIraffes at Sydney’s @tarongazoo catching raindrops on their tongues #SydneyStorm #NSWWeather @BuzzFeedOz
The Best Way to Store Fresh Herbs | Serious Eats
Gamasutra: Kyle Pittman’s Blog – CRT Simulation in Super Win the Game – It’s amazing how complicated it can be to simulate something older and low-tech.