Month: April 2015

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    @gizo They should have an affiliate program. 🙂

    @leonardo_borges Well done!

    @RoseRed_Shoes Would you like to join us for lunch tomorrow during our break at BASKET WEAVING?! 🙂

    @RoseRed_Shoes It’s 10-4. Just forwarded you the email.

    Tree felling in progress. I’m kind of sick of the sound of chainsaws!

    @RoseRed_Shoes I did too! I had 11am on my calendar.

    Braved the queue for a liter of pistachio for a pregnant friend. The roasted coconut? That’s for me.…

    sezshares opening baby gifts. Yayyyyyy!!!

    Frill-necked lizard!

    Paleo Lemon Ginger Meatballs (from @nomnompaleo) and Chickpea & Kale & Sundried-Tomato Salad. Tasty!

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    Paleo Lemon Ginger Meatballs (from @nomnompaleo) and Chickpea & Kale & Sundried-Tomato Salad. Tasty!

    Paleo Lemon Ginger Meatballs (from @nomnompaleo) and Chickpea & Kale & Sundried-Tomato Salad. Tasty!

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    Frill-necked lizard!

    Frill-necked lizard!

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    @sezshares opening baby gifts. Yayyyyyy!!!

    @sezshares opening baby gifts. Yayyyyyy!!!

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    Braved the queue for a liter of pistachio for a pregnant friend. The roasted coconut? That's for me.

    Braved the queue for a liter of pistachio for a pregnant friend. The roasted coconut? That’s for me. @ Cow and the Moon – Gelato/Coffee/Dessert Bar

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    Tree felling in progress. I'm kind of sick of the sound of chainsaws!

    Tree felling in progress. I’m kind of sick of the sound of chainsaws!

  • Pudding Chômeur

    maple pudding cake | smitten kitchen – Oh nice! This is the dessert we had last night at LP’s Quality Meats.

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    Philosophical question: if you’re not religious, how do you process incredible good fortune? I feel so lucky sometimes.

    All I can do is thank some of the awesome people who inspire me: @sezshares @knitterjp @kunaal84 @darthted @johnallsopp @mobywhale

    New sneaks. (At what point do I become an actual Sneaker Collector?) spottedliger belindapullicino

    @zephyrama @gizo Saw them in the Vans store window earlier in the week. Bought tonight at Platypus!

    A cute hipster and a Negroni with a giant ice cube are really all I ask of a Friday night. @ Lp’s…

    The best damn Chicken Kiev I’ve ever had. #dudefood @ Lp’s Quality Meats

    RT @GeorgiCodes: this software engineer is my hero!

    @eobeara Yeah – just feel a little undeserving sometimes. I guess “pay it forward” is really all you can do.

    @stringy That’s pretty much where I’m at. Trying to remember to pay it forward and not take stuff for granted.

    @neil_killick @catehstn It’s attractive to think that there is a process I was following even though I didn’t know. But I’m also sure it

    @neil_killick @catehstn involved a heap of privilege others don’t have. Makes it hard. Just have to try to acknowledge, I guess.

    @dcotterill Maybe host an event for @GGDSydney or @WWCSyd? Helps to get on their radar as a welcoming place.

    @dcotterill In this case, I thought based on description the talk was going to be more code-heavy and felt unqualified as a programmer.

    @dcotterill So being careful how you market event can help. Not saying you have to dumb down, but aiming for a more general audience.

    @catehstn @neil_killick I will definitely look it up. Thanks. 🙂

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    The best damn Chicken Kiev I've ever had. #dudefood

    The best damn Chicken Kiev I’ve ever had. #dudefood @ Lp’s Quality Meats

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    A cute hipster and a Negroni with a giant ice cube are really all I ask of a Friday night.

    A cute hipster and a Negroni with a giant ice cube are really all I ask of a Friday night. @ Lp’s Quality Meats