Month: April 2015

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    New sneaks. (At what point do I become an actual Sneaker Collector?) @spottedliger @belindapullicino

    New sneaks. (At what point do I become an actual Sneaker Collector?) @spottedliger @belindapullicino

  • Best. Husband. Ever.

    @web_goddess Never underestimate the power of a nitrile glove and a hard disk magnet.

    — The Snook (@the_snook) April 17, 2015

  • It’s a pavlova!

    Bon Appétempt: Upside-Down Lemon Meringue Pie – Come on – that’s not a pie, it’s a pavlova! Reminds me quite a bit of the Pumpkin Pie Pav I’ve made for Halloween a couple times.

  • I snorted into my coffee.

    Soon giving a talk to a v.large co, partly on costs of decision making in big orgs. So far 8 people have needed to approve my ppt. Mic drop.

    — Ben Hammersley (@benhammersley) April 14, 2015

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @drkknits @drwitty_knitter @KateMfD Haha, HAND! Nice. Glad it worked out.

    @mobywhale @darthted Realistically, is anybody going to bet against a “Texas Tiger”?!

    We need to get more women along to #yownight. It was great to run into @rowdyrabbit though!

    RT @GuardianAus: Blood on the living-room table: why I still love the Game of Thrones board game

    @darthted @m4rtin @canva I was like 1,995,014. 🙂

    @evolvable Yes! I said hi to @sammy_lee12 – met her at Girl Geek event before. One issue is that the week already had several other events

    @evolvable @sammy_lee12 Girl Geek Tuesday, Women Who Code and Node on Thursday. We are spoiled for choice. Maybe a factor.

    @bakevin I’m clearly out of the loop – the orange is a surprise! Looks great. 🙂

    RT @tammybutow: Here are my slides and resources for the #SheMakesApps workshop I’m teaching at Columbia University this month! https://t.c…

    @tammybutow I wish you were doing this in Sydney! I’ll just have to pretend. 🙂

    Tragedy. Decided on a whim to plait my hair. Snagged an earring with my fingernail and it popped out…

    @johnallsopp @tammybutow EXCELLENT! I will do whatever I can to make this happen. 🙂

  • For the Snook.

    How to Clean Out Your Spice Cabinet and Organize it-for Good | Serious Eats – We have a giant jar of ground cumin in the pantry that I swear we’ve been using for five years. Yeah, we should really throw that out.

  • Tiny house.

    Prefab for Two: A 290-Square-Foot House for $24,000: Remodelista – So twee! I love it. This would be great to have as a lake house.

  • Photo post

    Our first Autumn with wood floors in the bedroom has necessitated my first ever pair of Uggs. #hipsterslippies

    Our first Autumn with wood floors in the bedroom has necessitated my first ever pair of Uggs. #hipsterslippies

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @SerriLaw My little baby’s all grown up!! 😛

    @romainprieto I knew that! But I always forget it so it’s ever a surprise when I rediscover it.

    Our first Autumn with wood floors in the bedroom has necessitated my first ever pair of Uggs.…

    @drkknits Hang in there!

    @drkknits Time zone issue?

    @kissability @kcarruthers Huh. So on top of imposter syndrome, now I have to worry that peers think my success is down to fucking GOLF. Ugh.

    RT @georgiedent: How I found myself (and 11 other women) in the wrong place for lunch