Month: April 2015

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    This is not the real version of the song.

    This is not the real version of the song. @ Mizuya Japanese Restaurant And Karaoke

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    The other end of the table.

    The other end of the table. @ Encasa

    Happy birthday Anbu!

    Happy birthday Anbu! @ Encasa

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    @stephenlead Ooh, that’s very cool. I’ve actually had this project on my To Do list for ages: 🙂

    @darthted I thought you were on the selection panel for that!

    Creating a More Female-Friendly Tech Industry: Forum | KQED // Definitely going to be listening to this one.

    Excited for the kickoff of tonight’s #sydtechleaders event! (@ UTS Building 10 – @utsengage in Ultimo, NSW)

    Listening to Sam Riley, CEO of @ansarada. First tech leadership talk I’ve ever seen start with an Ani Difranco quote! #sydtechleaders

    How to slow momentum as a leader vs speed it up. I need to print this out and stuck it on my monitor. #sydtechleaders

    The view from the panel at #sydtechleaders…

    Listening to Dr. Bernard in full flight! #sydtechleaders

    @mobywhale @darthted Awwww, thanks!!!

    @gilmae Huh?!

    @allspaw Nope, but I think he’s going to share the slides after! Keep an eye on @SydTechLeaders.

    Fantastic night tonight at @SydTechLeaders, followed by WAY TOO MANY BEERS with the guys from @ansarada. cc @200ok @samuelriley @darthted

    Tech events like @webdirections, @GGDSydney, and @SydTechLeaders remind me of all the best reasons to be in our industry. #inspired

    @scottjehl @filamentgroup @meyerweb @jenville @zeldman @lyndaweinman @adactio @skrug I made office book group read the Cluetrain Manifesto.

    @scottjehl @filamentgroup @meyerweb @jenville @zeldman @lyndaweinman @adactio @skrug They didn’t get it. 🙁

    @catehstn Not sure what was more depressing: the survey results or my team members quoting them as reality. 🙁

    RT @elsand: This post by @mallelis is easily the funniest thing I’ve read all week: (via @markboynz) ping @peatyg

    @gilmae Ah, I didn’t even notice!

    RT @BuzzFeedOz: Is This @Vegemite Chocolate Bar Actually Real? via @braddybb @CadburyAU

    Apple II Watch – Now this, I’d wear.

    @imdominating But, but… two has sexy sexy Ian Malcolm, right? I forget all the rest.

  • Listen.

    Creating a More Female-Friendly Tech Industry: Forum | KQED Public Media for Northern CA – Definitely going to be downloading this one to listen. One of the guests is the CEO of Women Who Code, and if you’re not on their mailing list, you should be.

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    @paulangov Ah, okay. Let me know. I was going to share it around at work!

    The Single Best Thing You Can Do For Your Career – DONN FELKER – Great link from @techspeakdigest!

    Things I never expected to hear in my office: “So you’re buying a cape?” – @AndrewMamo to our colleague

    There is an autumnal chill in the air, which means it’s time for #colouredtights! (Tights from…

    @mobywhale Yes! I’ll be there. Very excited to hear it. You should definitely suggest they sign up to @techspeakdigest.

    @darthted From where? I’m waiting on a couple myself…

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    There is an autumnal chill in the air, which means it's time for #colouredtights!

    There is an autumnal chill in the air, which means it’s time for #colouredtights! (Tights from @welovecolors. Rug from @templeandwebster.)

  • Spoiler: Public Speaking

    The Single Best Thing You Can Do For Your Career – DONN FELKER – Fantastic article about how public speaking can enhance and expand your career in technology. (Link courtesy of the fantastic Technically Speaking newsletter, which you should sign up for.)

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    It’s important to ease oneself back into work mode after a long weekend. @ Lord Nelson Brewery Hotel

    I’m on a panel at the next Sydney Technology Leaders meetup on Thursday. Please say hello if you come along!

    @mobywhale Haha, @darthted roped me into it at about 5:30 tonight. Must’ve been desperate. 😉

    @blahblahzine It works now! 🙂

    Brontosaurus Is Officially A Dinosaur Again – Now if Pluto regains planetary status, our kindy knowledge is all good!

    @gilmae Anyone can attend. Free pizza and beer! 🙂

    @paulangov Went to RSVP to RHoK ideation but it says they’re closed?

    RT @JennaGuillaume: “Look, it has pockets!” – every woman wearing a dress with pockets