Month: May 2015

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    @lucykbain Yay! Glad it worked for you. 🙂

    @pyko @lucykbain @daphnechong Sadly, the one I bought is red. 🙂

    @shvedma doing her best Miley Cyrus at the Google offices. @ Google

    #SheHacks2015 has begun! (OMG MY FIRST EVER SELFIE WITH A STICK.) @ Google

    There’s a selfie stick in the back of the room by the pizza if anybody wants to use it. SELFIES FOR ALL! #SheHacks2015

    Audible intake of breath from the crowd when they heard “I have Arduinos with me!” #SheHacks2015

    I SECOND THIS!!! #SheHacks2015

    Svet and Tracy pitching their ideas at #SheHacks2015. Mi9 represent!

    We’ve had several “It’s like Yelp for X” tonight, but oddly no “Ubers” yet! #shehacks2015

    @lisaaharrison1 @GGDSydney Wait, I didn’t see any stickers for “REALLY DODGY PHP”! 😛 #shehacks2015

    How to Win Hackathon talk for @GGDSyd’s #SheHacks2015 by @web_goddess via @SlideShare

    RT @nickyringland: #ggdsyd #shehacks2015 “Don’t solve technical challenges you don’t need to.” @web_goddess on how to win hackathons. http:…

    sezshares’s photo of me in full flight at #shehacks2015

    Whoa. @buffer is the answer to my hacking conundrum. There’s even an IFTTT Pocket->Buffer recipe! Thanks @pyko!

    23 vintage photos of Paris in spring

    Snap Me Up’s Selfie Alarm Clock Combines Two Things I Hate – Hahahahaha… that’s hilarious.

    Attention #SheHacks2015: Here’s the slide with the judging criteria!

    Someone else has had as much sugar as me!

    RT @CloudleAU: Go team! #Shehacks2015

    RT @nickyringland: “It can’t be that magic!”… “It’s that magic!” @Firebase is making life magical at #shehacks2015 #ggdsyd

    6 Methods to Become a Morning Person via @ReadMatter


    Breakfast of champions, ready to go. #SheHacks2015

    I remembered to bring colouring books and knitting, but somehow forgot Lightning cable for charging iPhone. Help! #SheHacks2015

    Attention SheHackers! Diana will be down to let you in at 9am. Get your coffee/juice/whatevs and be ready! #SheHacks2015

    Canva Carries Out 7 Year Vision To Disrupt Digital Design

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    Svet and Tracy pitching their ideas at #SheHacks2015. Mi9 represent!

    Svet and Tracy pitching their ideas at #SheHacks2015. Mi9 represent!

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    #SheHacks2015 has begun! (OMG MY FIRST EVER SELFIE WITH A STICK.)

    #SheHacks2015 has begun! (OMG MY FIRST EVER SELFIE WITH A STICK.) @ Google

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    @shvedma doing her best Miley Cyrus at the Google offices.

    @shvedma doing her best Miley Cyrus at the Google offices. @ Google

  • Free share trading in Oz

    Robinhood – Australia – Cool new startup offering free stock trading in Australia. Sign up now for early beta access. (And use my link there, as the Snook will get bumped up the waiting list depending on how many referrers use it!)

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    @darthted Next time @findercomau has an internal one, let me know. Happy to come give my talk to your team the day before!

    @darthted But you have a natural +1 advantage anyway by being American. People believe us more because we sound like we’re on television.

    RT @amishschool: Just told a coworker not to bother me when I’m eating which effectively means he can never speak to me again.

    Cadbury Have Confirmed That Vegemite Chocolate Is Going To Be A Thing – The end times are clearly upon us.

    RT @GGDSydney: Are you female back end dev available to take part in #shehacks2015 ? We’ve had some cancellations so sign up!…

    Robinhood – Free share trading coming to Australia. Sign up for early access. (The Snook is very excited about it.)

    Reading: “McCall’s Releases Cosplay Sewing Patterns”

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    My very own wireless presenter. #totesprofesh

    My very own wireless presenter. #totesprofesh