Month: May 2015

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    Fellow knitters - this is disturbing, right?

    Fellow knitters – this is disturbing, right? @ Queen Victoria Building

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    Kicking off the morning surrounded by inspiring women.

    Kicking off the morning surrounded by inspiring women. @ High Tea Queen Victoria Room Queen Victoria Building

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    Well, this is a civilised way to start the day. #WANbreakfast

    Well, this is a civilised way to start the day. #WANbreakfast @ High Tea Queen Victoria Room Queen Victoria Building

  • Shared today on Twitter

    RT @textfiles: Internet Archive just got slashdotted. WOW AMAZING turns out slashdotting in 2015 means roughly 500 hits across 5 hours. NOT…

    @RoseRed_Shoes Yep, it was posted to me.

    @gilmae Ah great, you’re going! I’ll see you there. 🙂

    Cliff kicking things off at #canvatechevent. @canva

    RT @Saibhai: Our chief evangelist @GuyKawasaki opening @canva’s first engineering event

    “Guy’s Golden Touch” – whatever is gold, Guy touches. Ha! @GuyKawasaki @canva #canvatechevent

    “Before I answer that, is anyone from Mashable here?” – @GuyKawasaki Much lols. #canvatechevent

    RT @miko_a: “If your product’s only line of defense from competitors is an NDA, you haven’t got much of a product” @GuyKawasaki at #canvate…

    RT @brendanh: ‘Apple watch battery lasts two days “because you’re an engineer, you don’t get messages!”‘ @GuyKawasaki burns @nicwinton #can…

    First ever tech talk where they bring beers to you like a baseball game. BRILLIANT. #canvatechevent

    Note to self: go buy a damn clicker tomorrow. Amirite @daphnechong, @lucykbain, @pyko? #canvatechevent

    @daphnechong @lucykbain @pyko Laser pointer. I can sense Damian cringing.

    RT @GuyKawasaki: When I met @KevinMitnick, he had trouble using TouchID! But my checking account was cleared out later that day. 🙂 http:/…

    @delitescere Someone should turn that into a drinking game…

    @daphnechong @lucykbain @pyko That’s the H in SHARP! Humour!! 😉

    @rcsbaker Can you tweet a link to the conference? Would love to check it out! #canvatechevent

    Great to see @delitescere “dogfooding” his preso on Adaptive Architecture. #canvatechevent

    TIL what “connascence” means. Thanks @delitescere! #canvatechevent

    Give Me Back My Pre-Internet Brain – SWF // Douglas Coupland is in Sydney! Do I have time to reread Microserfs?!

    @msharp They only shared by word of mouth for this first one.

    @gilmae It was nice to see you! Are you going to @SydTechLeaders next week as well?

    @lucykbain @daphnechong @pyko says pretty much any one (except Apple’s) will be good!

    Reading: “How Mad Men’s Incredible Peggy Moments Came About”

    Suddenly regretting booking in #canvatechevent on Wednesday night followed by #WANbreakfast the next day. I have six hours to sleep. 🙁

    Anyone else I know going to the #WANbreakfast this morning?

    Well, this is a civilised way to start the day. #WANbreakfast @ High Tea Queen Victoria Room Queen…

    Kicking off the morning surrounded by inspiring women. @ High Tea Queen Victoria Room Queen Victoria…

    Women on average retire from the work force with about half the super of men. #WANbreakfast

    RT @WomensAgenda: It’s important to remember that career changes are possible and you don’t need to feel stuck, @angelapriestley says #WANb…

    @mobywhale Women’s Agenda Network breakfast at the Tea Rooms. Meeting loads of inspiring women!

    Listening to the amazing @NaomiSimson at the #WANbreakfast.

    Chuffed to hear @NaomiSimson insisted on not being “token woman” on Shark Tank, pushed for better gender representation. #WANbreakfast

    RT @MsDovic: There is something very cool about listening to female trailblazers in business talk about their stories #wanbreakfast #like!

    Note to self: look up @pryorlisa’s book “Pin Striped Prison.” Sounds really great. #WANbreakfast

    It’s rare to find a job that allows you to THINK and BE KIND. @pryorlisa found that in medicine. #WANbreakfast

    RT @angelapriestley: So @pryorlisa has studied law and medicine – and been an award-winning journo in between. Just, as you do #overachieve…

    You start out with lots of passion & energy, but then one day you find yourself in admin filling out forms. @NaomiSimson #qft #WANbreakfast

    RT @julesaly: . @NaomiSimson on being an entrepreneur: risky, you give up a decent salary but “you never know what you don’t know” #WANbrea…

    When mentors are no longer useful, consider getting a business coach – one that asks uncomfortable questions. @alovegrove #WANbreakfast

    “There’s no harm in applying. There’s nothing to lose.” #lifeadvice from @pryorlisa #WANbreakfast

    RT @theworkher: Networking tip: Think “how do you help this person?” Says @alovegrove #WANbreakfast @WomensAgenda

    Women who want to get ahead in careers go back to study, men get more work experience. Study may not be the best option. #WANbreakfast

    Getting the impression that my impulse to get an MBA may not be what I actually need for my career. #WANbreakfast

    . @NaomiSimson talking about why women disappeared from IT. Young women with talents dumb down to avoid looking geeky. 🙁 #WANbreakfast

    RT @LucyPerryCEO: Effort, energy, risk. The trifecta for success as shared by the brainiacs at @WomensAgenda #WANbreakfast @NaomiSimson

    Fellow knitters – this is disturbing, right? @ Queen Victoria Building

    My very own wireless presenter. #totesprofesh

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    Great to see @delitescere dogfooding his preso on Adaptive Architecture. #canvatechevent

    Great to see @delitescere “dogfooding” his preso on Adaptive Architecture. #canvatechevent

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    First ever tech talk where they bring beers to you like a baseball game. BRILLIANT. #canvatechevent

    First ever tech talk where they bring beers to you like a baseball game. BRILLIANT. #canvatechevent

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    Cliff kicking things off at #canvatechevent. @canva

    Cliff kicking things off at #canvatechevent. @canva

  • Shared today on Twitter

    Back at @SydneyGA for #socialmedia expert panel on top trends for 2015. (@ General Assembly in Sydney, NSW)

    I think #socialmedia might be too general a hashtag, @SydneyGA. There’s the first lesson of the night!

    Should’ve known someone would be meerkatting this event! #socialmedia

    Facebook wins the #socialmedia battle on the basis of targeting and tracking… or does it? Some argument from the panel on that one!

    Audience member: “Who here was at CeBIT today?” Guy near me: “Oh crap, that was TODAY?!” Ha! #socialmedia

    @gilmae Worst hashtag ever. It’s completely useless for following along the event. *sigh*

    Facebook levelling the field between big companies and SMEs in terms of marketing and advertising. #socialmedia

    Everyone says including visual content is key to getting clicks and engagement. Recommendations: Vine, Canva #socialmedia

    RT @LadiesWhoLeague: “People don’t follow brands on Twitter, they follow people.” #socialmedia @SydneyGA

    Netflix launch in Australia solely targeted local influencers. Very interesting. #socialmedia

    @lifeasdaddy Not me, sadly. (But I already had it! They missed out.)

    Reading: “Google+ introduces themed Collections, becomes more like Pinterest”

    “I wouldn’t spend a second on [Google+].” – panelist. Ouch. #socialmedia

    Marketers need to adhere to local laws/regulations about disclosing sponsorship and paid links/commentary. #socialmedia

    RT @RenoRumble: RETWEET if you’re ready to #RenoRumble!

    @marcuscorrigan Better late than never, I guess! #gasocial #socialmedia

    Lunchtime retail therapy at sportscraft. Whimsical fruit and Liberty prints is so very much in my…

    Ice cube and Banrock for @rosered_shoes. #totesclassy

    @gilmae I am reading this. Reading.

    Reading: “How Amsterdam became the bicycle capital of the world”

    Huh. I got feedback from the judges at the Easter Show claiming that I had ends not sewn in. I did not. That’s weird.

    RT @yow_oz: Next #yownight with @daveathomas May 14 (MEL), May 15 (SYD) & May 19 (BNE).

    Reading: “Forget a resignation letter … this man just quit his job in the most delicious…

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    Ice cube and Banrock for @roseredshoes. #totesclassy

    Ice cube and Banrock for @roseredshoes. #totesclassy

    Lunchtime retail therapy at @sportscraft. Whimsical fruit and Liberty prints is so very much in my wheelhouse...

    Lunchtime retail therapy at @sportscraft. Whimsical fruit and Liberty prints is so very much in my wheelhouse…