Month: May 2015

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    RT @cazjade: How can I prepare for getting hit by a bus?

    Oh hello, Pink Nose.

    I spent the last two minutes of Game of Thrones averting my eyes and squealing. Love that they’re departing from the books!

    RT @ISS_Research: Just watching @starwars. In space. No big deal. #StarWarsDay #Maythe4thBeWithYou

    RT @onthemedia: Hey, it’s a profile of @arthur_affect.

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    Oh hello, Pink Nose.

    Oh hello, Pink Nose.

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    Reading: “Meerkat Launches Its Android App To All”

    RT @nprmonkeysee: You’ll survive one day of people cooing over a baby you don’t know. It’ll be all right. Go for a walk.

    Reading: “Emojineering Part 1: Machine Learning for Emoji Trends”

    @RoseRed_Shoes I actually think I might steal that idea right now. That’s how classy I am! 🙂

    Registered for @KnitGuildNSW Camp today! I’ve got some fun ideas for the “Mystery Scarf” too…

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    Too popular! So much for our local secret. (@ The Sconery in Chippendale, NSW)

    Another highly relevant piece about women presenters. @pyko @lucykbain @daphnechong @charrett @glasnt @RhianaHeath

    RT @verge: Startup workers are tweeting about how much money they actually make #talkpay

    Helping The Snook finally put a dent in his clothing budget… (@ Uniqlo in Sydney, NSW)

    Two things giving me LIFE this weekend: new red lippie and a Moomin sweatshirt. #moominmadness

    @mpesce It has too many “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf” connotations for me.

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    Two things giving me LIFE this weekend: new red lippie and a Moomin sweatshirt. #moominmadness

    Two things giving me LIFE this weekend: new red lippie and a Moomin sweatshirt. #moominmadness

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    Fantastic full day of presentation training with Damian Conway. Thanks @yow_oz! So many tips to share with my team.

    @redambition @randomknits @gilmae But it’s just a yarn club. Those have existed for ages. They make it sound like goddamn Uber or something.

    RT @AllanJClarke: Traditional dancing on Sydney’s busiest street, George st. Forced closure protests. #SOSABLAKAUSTRALIA…

    Ah. My bus appears to be stopped by a protest.

    YES. There’s the weekend sorted. #stressedout #colorallthethings

    @stufromoz Yeah, I worked it out when I got off the bus and walked home through the middle of it. 🙂

    @randomknits @Roceal I had a gift certificate thanks to @kunaal84 that was burning a hole in my pocket. I should probably give him one. 🙂

    @mmastertheone It’s totally a thing now. That’s how I got the idea!

    RT @lucykbain: Many thanks to @yow_oz for putting on such as awesome workshop with Damian Conway! I learned so much and met some wonderful …

    RT @katyha: Jane Austen Bingo. I genuinely think this is the thing on the internet that has made me laugh the most ever.…

    @charrett Good call. I’m most of the way through a bottle of wine – seems like the perfect time. 🙂

    Relevant to the discussion from today! (Made me laugh and laugh.) @pyko @lucykbain @daphnechong @charrett @glasnt

    Me: “Do you wanna watch Mad Men and colour?” @the_snook: “Yes!” Sometimes married life is the best.

  • LOL.

    Amy Schumer’s One Direction Parody Perfectly Skewers Pop Songs About ‘Natural Beauty’ | TIME – This is so fantastic. I actually had a discussion with a few people today about whether wearing makeup when giving a presentation at tech events was appropriate. The guy in the room said no, he preferred women who weren’t made up. But I argued that he probably didn’t realise which women were wearing it and which weren’t!

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    YES. There's the weekend sorted. #stressedout #colorallthethings

    YES. There’s the weekend sorted. #stressedout #colorallthethings