Best Paleo Sweet Potato Recipes – Bookmarking ALL of these!
Month: May 2015
Meet a Mentor
Meet a mentor for students of technology (Sydney) – Meetup – This event is on May 28th, and I’ll be participating as a mentor. Please share with any Sydney technology students you know – especially women! I’d love to meet them.
Shared today on Twitter
9Jumpin team photo for my last day at Mi9. I’m gonna miss these guys…
@catehstn Thank you!
Some more of my awesome colleagues!
She really does have the best hair on the team.
@webdirections @mobywhale Damn. I’m really disappointed we didn’t get a better showing. 🙁
@randomknits Yes. Found out Friday I’m on gardening leave. One month leave from today!
@Rog42 Thanks!!
@stringy Thank you!!
@drkknits Thanks Dr K. 🙂
@pwcc Thanks!!
@webdirections @pyko @mobywhale I honestly can’t think of much more you could’ve done. 🙁 I know I sound like a broken record on this topic.
@webdirections @pyko @mobywhale I’ve harangued every female dev I know. It’s so frustrating. (I love to speak – I just don’t code anymore!)
@gilmae @webdirections @pyko @mobywhale Hahaha, crappy PHP doesn’t count! (Ask Peggy.)
w-g: Toeing the line again…
Guy Kawasaki on Sunday Profile – ABC Radio National
See that app at about 8 seconds into the commercial? That’s Canva. 🙂
Apple – iPad – Everything changes with iPad.
Meet a mentor for students of technology! Open to all tech students (uni, TAFE, self-taught) in Sydney on May 28.
Interview with Guy Kawasaki
Guy Kawasaki – Tech Innovation Evangelist – Sunday Profile – ABC Radio National (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) – I got introduced to Guy last week at Canva. He’s an incredibly engaging speaker. I’m really looking forward to getting to work with him!
Toeing the line again…
A few years ago I ran a marathon. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, and I always try to remember that when I start any new endeavour. “How hard could it be? I ran a damn marathon.” Right?
Today was also my last day at Mi9. I’ve been there just shy of two years. I was the Iteration Manager and then the Director of the 9Jumpin team, and I had the privilege of working with an absolutely amazing group of people. Staying with them would have been easy. Instead I’m gearing up for yet another challenge, and it’s completely different.
In one month, I’m starting a new role at Canva. They’ve gotten a lot of press lately. I don’t even have a real title – I’m an “all rounder,” and I’m going to do my best to help them achieve their goals. I won’t be managing a team. I won’t be writing specs. It’s pretty scary. It’s also incredibly exciting. I haven’t toed the line for a real challenge in a long time. I can’t wait to get going.
And of course, I used Canva to make the header graphic…
Photo post
She really does have the best hair on the team.
Photo post
Some more of my awesome colleagues!
Photo post
9Jumpin team photo for my last day at Mi9. I’m gonna miss these guys…
Photo post
Happy Mother’s Day to the most beautiful and smart mama in the world. (#nofilter because it was the 70’s.)