Month: June 2015

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    3-star restaurant? No, just meeting the Snook for lunch at Google.

    3-star restaurant? No, just meeting the Snook for lunch at Google. *sigh* Chicken with Asian greens and kimchi. @ Google, One Darling Island

  • “You can be my wingman anytime.”

    The Iceman List – The Message – Medium – Fun little essay about watching the movies of the 80’s and discovering the antagonists aren’t really as bad as we thought. Random aside: I remember studying Top Gun in one of the film classes I took at ND, and I was astonished to find out that the elevator love scene was only added to the movie at the last minute. I think we were studying it as part of a unit on “camp,” and we talked a lot about the homoeroticism of the movie. (The volleyball scene, amirite?) That was a fun class.

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    @Glassbreakersco Awesome, thanks!

    @jennijenni Nooo! It’s a myth around for years. Penguins do NOT need sweaters. It’s bad for them! #mumbrella360

    @drkknits So far every single young person on this show makes Bad Choices.

    What Serious Eats’ Sale to Fexy Media Means for You – I’m worried, to be honest. It’s such a great site.

    @mmastertheone A bit! My geeky knitting is less knitted Dalek, more encrypted computer code these days though. 🙂

    The Iceman List – Medium – Fun essay redeeming some 80’s cinematic villains.

    Caitlyn Jenner: Twitter bot @she_not_he corrects Twitter users who misgender her.

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    RT @mybluewristband: The Myth of the Full-stack Developer via @andyshora

    RT @m1k3_br33z3: Maslow’s Hierarchy of (delivery team) needs.

    RT @yow_oz: Next #yownight Sydney 4 June with @lynaghk & @fgeorge52. Tickets available here: // I’ll be there!

    With “West End Girls,” Pet Shop Boys set a high standard for U.K. hip-hop · The A.V. Club

    GO AUSSIE GO! Why Every NBA Team Needs an Australian – WSJ

    @Glassbreakersco I’ve changed jobs and updated LinkedIn but my profile still has my old company. I can’t see anywhere else to change it?

    Great interview @melaniecanva! How Emotion Helped Grow Our Startup to 2.8M Users in 20 Months

  • Computer Systems Analyst FTW.

    Will Your Job Be Done By A Machine? : Planet Money : NPR – Interesting little tool. I plugged in some of the professions relevant to the Snook and myself. “Computer Programmer” has a 48.1% chance of being automated, but “Software Developers Applications” is only 4.2%. But then “Information Security Analysts, Web Developers and Computer Network Architects” falls in the middle at 20.6%. (I wonder what the distinction is?) “Computer and Information Systems Managers” looks pretty good – only 3.5% chance of being automated. The C-suite is even better at 1.5%. But I think “Computer Systems Analyst” is probably the the absolute best – only 0.6% chance of being automated! Maybe I should’ve got that IIBA certification after all… (The backup plan, as always, is to chuck it all and become a full-time “craft artist.” Only 3.5% chance of being automated! Sure, nanotech will replace a lot of production, but there will always be a market to sell quality handmade goods to the Vickies, right?)

  • “Roger that. Approaching CHOWDAH!”

    In Flight – – This is an absolutely beautiful interactive piece written by a pilot describing a flight from London to Tokyo. I immediately sent it to the Snook; he’s a big fan of airplanes and flying. (Interesting trivia: his original major in uni was aeronautical engineering.) The writing is lovely and I appreciated the touches of humour throughout. The infographics were really helpful too as I learned about waypoints and sky countries and the problem with altimeters. I also marvelled at the overall design of the piece – the way the background and text colours shifted as I scrolled, mimicking the airplane’s long journey, bookended by the takeoff and landing sequences. What a fantastic way to present a longform essay. I worry sometimes that the Internet has broken my ability to digest longer pieces of text, but I absolutely savoured every word of this one.

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    I’m heading over to Surry Hills for lunch. Anybody free to grab a coffee later? @johnallsopp?

    @johnallsopp Of course! Let me know if there’s ever anything I can do to help. Always happy to pitch in for @webdirections. 🙂

    Optical Adjustment — Medium // Great examples of why good design always involves tiny tweaks!

    @SallyPompom Nope. I spoke to Albert briefly when I was there but they were pretty busy. Sounds like he’s trying to get Ann there too!

    Banana bread with cinnamon butter and black coffee. I like this place.

    How Wollongong’s iAccelerate stopped ‘paying lip service’ to women entrepreneurs and closed in on 50/50

    w-g: Two finished scarves! Zig-Zag and Linen Stitch. Just in time for winter…

    Landry just won the game and I think Tyra’s about to break up with him and I might cry! (The Friday Night Lights marathon continues…)

    @imdominating She’s “Harry and the Henderson”-ing him! DAMN YOU TYRA. HE KILLED FOR YOU.

    @imdominating I was gonna say!

    @drkknits Does it have hair spray in it? Doesn’t count otherwise.

    @imdominating I hated him in Breaking Bad, but I love him as Landry/Lance.

    @imdominating Dude, is reborn Lyla about to 3-way with Street and Riggins?!

    @imdominating She called it off “to pray.” Girl, I am disappoint.

    @drkknits You look fantastic! I’m sure you NAILED it!

    In Flight – NYTimes – Lovely interactive essay; well worth a read. (CHWDH made me LOL.)

    Will Your Job Be Done By A Machine? : NPR – “Computer Systems Analyst” FTW, I guess.

    Cameron Adams – Canva | TheNextGag – Nice interview with @themaninblue!