Month: June 2015

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    RT @sandimac: New data shows only 25% of speakers at tech events are women

    Interesting. Only 6 attendees out of 70 at FashHack had ever been to a hackathon before. Was it the high ticket cost?

    RT @keisanpablo: 12 Things You Can Do Starting Today to Be a Better Leader by @murraynewlands via @Entrepreneur

    Need to come up with a title for business cards. Ideas? Engagement Mastermind. Strategy Executor. Getter of Things Done. Startup Imperator?

    Today’s @canva lunch: Beef Rendang with salad. Very filling!

    Fave 5 Cafés In Surry Hills Eep! Only been to one of them so far…

    RT @jezfletcher: @web_goddess VP of Keepin’ It Real. // LOVE IT. What do you think @cliffobrecht @MelanieCanva? 😀

    @VenessaHunt Haha – can’t believe I didn’t think of that myself!

    Join me in @Android’s global #andproud parade. Androidify yourself and celebrate #Pride

    Auto backups for apps sounds pretty sweet. Setting up my new iPhone was painful… #gdgsydney

    With Android M, you can change the status bar to light colour & icons go dark. I’m picturing @canva aqua! #gdgsydney

    Since launch of Chromecast, there have been 1.5 billion clicks on the “cast” button: 40% Android, 40% iOS, 20% Chrome. #gdgsydney

    @mootpointer I had something wrong and Genius suggested I manually restore each app in case backup was corrupt. But well noted. 🙂

    @randomknits Awww. (Also, that’s my new favourite hashtag.)

    14+ years later, and it’s still the same routine every single morning. @the_snook

    Microserfs is 20?! Reflecting on startup life and whether there’s a Computer Age canon.

    RT @adwrighty: ‘Serial’ looking to cash in on an impressive 90million downloads!

    What Is Australian Brekkie? – Bon Appétit This article is SO WRONG. Brekkie greens? Porridge-like bread? Kimchi?!

    This week on Facebook I learned there’s no point arguing gun control with someone so fake tanned she looks like an Oompa-Loompa. #fml

    And that ultimately, the “Turn off notifications” button on a post is the only thing keeping my head from exploding.

    My fave part was when she said that people commit suicide with cars & those aren’t regulated. “Uh, yes they are. That’s what the BMV does.”

    @drkknits Crossing my fingers for you! Have a great trip.

    @frankarr You mean they get API access AND a power bank? Nice! 🙂

    How To Marry The Right Girl: A Mathematical Solution – I’m going to use to choose a builder!

    @frankarr I’d love one! 🙂

    @virtualwolf She babbled that criminals would always get guns (so laws are useless). Me: People get heroin, so no point to drug laws either?

    @virtualwolf GAHH. I need to let go otherwise this idiot is going to ruin my day.

    Do The Simple Thing First: The Engineering Behind Instagram

  • hellojed

    Start-up Costs: Silicon Valley, Halt and Catch Fire, and How Microserfdom Ate the World – How can Microserfs be 20 years old? I need to buy it and re-read it. (I keep giving copies away and never getting them back; that’s how you know it’s good.) I love that book. I first read it when I was working in a startup in the dotcom boom, living in a sharehouse in London with my boyfriend and two other guys we worked with. I identified with Daniel, but I wished I was as cool as Karla. I think about her theory that the body stores memories and emotions in muscular deep freeze every time I get a massage. I cried and cried at the ending. I even liked the silly bits, like the pages where Daniel would free associate words to create a subconscious for his computer. IT SPOKE TO ME, MAN. And now here I am once again in startup life, and everything is different but somehow the same. Poetic, isn’t it? Change all the IRC references to Hipchat and you’re pretty much there. (And I know I’m not the first to point out that Coupland essentially invented Minecraft in this book. I hope Notch thanked him!)

    This made me think: Is there a recognised canon for Computer Age books? I think Microserfs should be in it. What else? I recently read The Cluetrain Manifesto for the first time, which everybody else in my book group hated but I loved. (Man, in 2000 we really thought intranets were going to be a much bigger Thing than they ended up being, huh?) I still haven’t read The Cathedral and the Bazaar or The Mythical Man Month, which I probably should. The Snook reckons that The Cuckoo’s Egg is worthy of inclusion. Any others?

  • Sooooo tempted.

    Geo for Bootstrap, a Timeless Theme by Divshot – It’s 1996 all over again, and I LOVE IT.

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    I just backed KnitYak: Custom mathematical knit scarves on @Kickstarter Thanks @TheRealBnut for the tip!

    Exclusive: Tim Cook says lack of diversity in tech is ‘our fault’

    Whipped up a quick design in @Canva for @the_snook, who wanted it to share at work:

    @StringStory What an asshole. 🙁

    @johnlorimer @Canva Woohoo! That’s what we like to hear. 🙂

    RT @Tim_O_Brien: Just processed latest @NASANewHorizons image of Pluto’s moon Charon…that’s no moon 😉 http://t.c…

    Today I learned Kiwi phrase “smoking a mango.” I’m disappointed I’ve never heard @drwitty_knitter or @Kat13v use it! (Thanks @poppiepack!)

    @TheRealBnut That’s it! @poppiepack used it to mean “Are you high/crazy?” I feel like there should be a Tumblr called Smoking Mangoes.

    RT @DeveloperSteve: Amazing turnout for #wdcode, @johnallsopp and the @webdirections team did an awesome job

    Geo for Bootstrap, a Timeless Theme – It’s 1996 and I LOVE IT. (Thanks @SamuelKillin.)

    @mobywhale Congrats. 🙂

  • A Kickstarter for knitting geeks

    KnitYak: Custom mathematical knit scarves by Fabienne – Very cool initiative. I backed it! I’m tempted to try to create my own unique pattern for handknitting too…

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    Team @canva selfie at the Women@Google Inspire event this morning!

    @gilmae I just had a Commonwealth Bank flashback.

    @thisismywww @gilmae For three months briefly in 2013.

    @verdantflaneur @wiggoaugogo Fantastic! Well, if you don’t already know my friend @m_mobbs, he’d be perfect for an episode. 🙂

    @verdantflaneur And thanks for the talk this morning. My colleagues and I came away brainstorming ideas we can implement in our office. 🙂

    Time for pizza, beer, and hardware hacking with @WWCSyd! #arduino

    AS400 programmer in the house? Respect. @WWCSyd

    SOS! (I made the blinkenlights turn on!!) #arduino @WWCSyd

    I have graduated to a circuit with a bigger blinkenlight.

    Lesson of the night: when in doubt, turn it 90 degrees. Thanks @mobywhale!

    @gilmae Huh. @the_snook’s actual response was: “Step 2: ? Step 3: World domination!”

    I’m now worried about the both of you.

    Final project of the night: TRAFFIC LIGHTS! (Lights on left are for cars; lights on right …

    I had lots of fun learning about #arduino tonight. Thanks @WWCSyd & @Cyclearn for organising! (BTW this was my kit:

    @randomknits SQUEE! I somehow feel as if you have been letting us down with regards to kitten photos. MOAR PLEASE.

    Here’s all the titles coming and going from Netflix in July · Newswire · The A.V. Club

    These Companies Are Making Smartwatches for Grandma | TIME – What a fantastic idea!

  • Photo post

    Final project of the night: TRAFFIC LIGHTS!

    Final project of the night: TRAFFIC LIGHTS! (Lights on left are for cars; lights on right for pedestrians.) #arduino @WWCSyd

  • Photo post

    I have graduated to a circuit with a bigger blinkenlight.

    I have graduated to a circuit with a bigger blinkenlight.