Month: June 2015

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    SOS! (I made the blinkenlights turn on!!) #arduino @WWCSyd

    SOS! (I made the blinkenlights turn on!!) #arduino @WWCSyd

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    Time for pizza, beer, and hardware hacking with @WWCSyd! #arduino

    Time for pizza, beer, and hardware hacking with @WWCSyd! #arduino @ NICTA-ATP

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    Team @canva selfie at the Women@Google Inspire event this morning!

    Team @canva selfie at the Women@Google Inspire event this morning! @ Google, One Darling Island

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    @keisanpablo @ErisBasilio All right, all right. You made me smile. 😛

    I really, really wanted this meetup group to have been founded by Art Vandalay.

    @supercres WTF that is the weirdest AskMeFi I’ve seen in ages.

    @codepo8 Ooh. Don’t think I’ve unlocked that one yet. Was it from the “UK” update?

    w-g: Paleo Brekkie – my recipe for coconut yogurt and paleo muesli!

    RT @tolmasky: Fuck if we can just get Taylor swift to write an essay about putting a couple more ports into the new MacBook or allowing App…

    @gilmae I’m not a prescriptivist. I just know that when I eat the Snook’s muesli with oats, I get reflux and feel bad afterwards.

    @gilmae Ignore the caveman aspect of the name. The case against grains has to do with “anti-nutrients” apparently:

    @gilmae I just know I ate cake and sugary treats all weekend and have spent the last 36 hours with a duodenitis flare-up. 🙁

    Today’s lunch! RG @canvavibe: Duck Curry for Canva this Monday! #startup #fuel #duck #curr…

    RT @MoominOfficial: Tove Jansson’s beautiful original artwork now available as large size fine prints – only on http…

    At @googledownunder early in the morning to hear @verdantflaneur talk about sustainability…

    “Someone told me the job you do in your first 2yrs out of uni will determine your career.” Huh. Definitely true for me. #googleinspire

    Record profits don’t mean much when your staff are embarrassed to be associated with the company. #googleinspire

    You don’t earn credibility if you only tell the good stories. You have to tell what you struggled with and what didn’t work. #googleinspire

    In a big organisation, finding your tribe is really critical. #googleinspire

    @johnallsopp I suspect you’re correct.

    Sometimes success is getting someone else to be the hero. Getting a CEO on board with a new idea is a very delicate art! #googleinspire

    “I have a lot of people who don’t know they’re my mentor; they just know I ask them to coffee a lot.” Brilliant idea! #googleinspire

    TIL Westpac have a goal of 50% women in leadership by 2017. Wow. Really impressed they’re going for it! #googleinspire

    Pro tip: when engaging a critical stakeholder, always go in pairs. You need someone to back you up with what’s said. #googleinspire

    “Out the Front” podcast about interesting design/sustainability stuff in Sydney. Still going, @verdantflaneur?

  • Paleo Brekkie

    Paleo Brekkie

    Recently I tweeted a photo of my homemade coconut yogurt, and a couple people wanted to know how I made it. I got the idea from the Eat Drink Paleo cookbook by Irena Macri. You can buy coconut yogurt at Coles, but it costs $8.25 for a 500ml container. (Ouch!) If you make it yourself, it costs about half that much. That definitely makes it worth the additional effort to me.

    I start with four cans of coconut cream or milk, which yields about a liter of yogurt. The first step is to boil a big kettle of water and pour it over a saucepan, spoon, and the metal bowl with a plastic lid I plan to store my yogurt in. This sterilises everything and makes sure the only bugs in your yogurt are the ones you put there deliberately! I carefully move the hot items to a clean tea towel to dry. I open each can of coconut milk/cream and pour it into the saucepan, stopping when I get to the clear/watery bit at the bottom of each can. (You can chill your cans to make separating even easier, but it’s not too hard to stop when you get to that point. I figure I lose maybe 20%.) Start heating the coconut up slowly on the cooktop, using a thermometer to check when you’re getting close to 40C. When it hits 43C, it’s time to take it off the heat and add your yogurt culture.

    For my first batch, I used a sachet of yogurt culture the Snook bought at The Hop and Grain brewstore. For the second batch, I used a reserved quarter cup of my first batch of yogurt. (You could also try it with leftover purchased yogurt.) I use the sterilised spoon to scoop out a bit of the hot coconut into my clean cup, and then I add the starter and stir it in. Then I pour the whole thing back into the pot and stir it around well. Then it’s time to transfer the whole pot into my metal storage bowl and cover it up. This goes into the oven, which is set at 40C (the lowest our oven will go – it’s basically just the oven light as the heat source). And then I leave it there for at least 12 hours, if not more. You can tell when you uncover it that it’s been fermenting, and it’ll have a nice little tang if you taste it. Once I’m satisfied, I put the whole thing into the fridge for another day. It’s not as thick as storebought yogurt at first, but it definitely continues to thicken up the longer it sits in the fridge. It’s really nice!

    And to go with my coconut yogurt, I usually have some paleo muesli. This is another recipe from Eat Drink Paleo, and I’ve made it several times. Unlike the yogurt, this is definitely not cheaper than the storebought version! That’s because it’s basically all nuts and seeds, without the filler of oats or grain. I use a mix of macadamias, almonds, and hazelnuts, and I generally put either dried cranberries or apricots in as the fruit. Then I add maple syrup, honey, shredded and flaked coconut, pepitas, and vanilla. I never bother with “activating” the nuts, and I never remember to add the chia either. (Chia kinda grosses me out anyway.) Just be careful not to eat too much in one sitting! As my friend Amy said when she tried it last week, “THIS STUFF IS LIKE CRACK.”

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    Honey Cake from new Russian bakery at Broadway - Really tasty! Thanks for recommending, @shvedma.

    Honey Cake from new Russian bakery at Broadway – Really tasty! Thanks for recommending, @shvedma. @ Broadway Shopping Centre

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    Thank you ladies for a lovely weekend. Just what I needed!

    Any of my US friends get CNBC? Trying to watch a recent ep online… @imdominating @Justacogitating

    RT @aweissman: Interesting: “Amazon will soon start paying authors based on how many pages are read’…

    @ErisBasilio @keisanpablo You guys are WAY too cheerful for a Monday morning. #grumpy #notamorningperson

    RT @Logo_Geek: How To Design Your Personal Brand Image In 10 Steps
    #Branding #GraphicDesign #Design…

    @chrisgander Awww, you big geek! Love it. 🙂

    RT @dwiskus: To Taylor, Love Dave

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    Thank you ladies for a lovely weekend. Just what I needed!

    Thank you ladies for a lovely weekend. Just what I needed!

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    Mark it – 1:32pm is when the first alcohol came out for the day. (Thanks @ailsad!)

    Two repeats down!

    I think I’ve reached the limit of my extroversion. Time to go sit in a quiet place by myself for a bit.

    RT @testobsessed: Totally right answer. Don’t know why it was marked wrong. @msdevUK: Honest dev exam (via @imgur) #programmerhumor http://…

    RT @a_man_in_black: Buzzfeed on Reddit.

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    Two repeats down!

    Two repeats down! @ Abernethy House