Month: June 2015

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    Mark it - 1:32pm is when the first alcohol came out for the day. (Thanks @ailsad!)

    Mark it – 1:32pm is when the first alcohol came out for the day. (Thanks @ailsad!) @ Abernethy House

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    I was the last knitter standing, and I'm happy to report that the error is now FIXED. Onwards! #lemurpower

    I was the last knitter standing, and I’m happy to report that the error is now FIXED. Onwards! #lemurpower

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    The Dark Side of the Spoon: What Astronauts Eat in Space Awesome space nerdery!

    Packing for a knitters’ weekend away is serious business.

    Two thoughts I had today: 1. Damn, this novelty onesie takes up half my suitcase! 2. This may be a sign I make poor life choices.

    My badass crew. I’ve been waiting for this moment for six months. #unleashthelemur

    @codepo8 Not flying, thank goodness! Just driving for the weekend. πŸ™‚

    You know things are getting Serious when head lamps are involved.

    I was the last knitter standing, and I’m happy to report that the error is now FIXED. Onwa…

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    You know things are getting Serious when head lamps are involved.

    You know things are getting Serious when head lamps are involved.

    @ Abernethy House

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    My badass crew. I've been waiting for this moment for six months. #unleashthelemur

    My badass crew. I’ve been waiting for this moment for six months. #unleashthelemur

    @ Abernethy House

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    Packing for a knitters' weekend away is serious business.

    Packing for a knitters’ weekend away is serious business.

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    Zookeepers posing like Chris Pratt in Jurassic World // Hahahahaha!

    Today’s amazing lunch: BBQ pork ribs, Song style. πŸ™‚ @canvavibe

    RT @poppiepack: Heaps Aussie. #converted #kiwi

    How to Stay Focused in an Age of Distraction Bookmarking to read when less distracted.

    I’ll be speaking at the July Food Tech Aus meetup about using content & design to grown your food startup! @canva

    CUTEST MOOMIN SWAG EVER. Almost makes me want to have a baby! (But not really.) (But kinda.)

    @DanSiepen Fail! Doesn’t include my blog. πŸ˜›

    @darthted You’re scheduled for the same night!

    Huh. Appears I may have inadvertently DDoSed myself today through a blog post. Lesson: PHP is a dangerous tool, kids. (Thanks @the_snook…)

    @i386 I bet!

    @DanSiepen Hilariously, arrived home to a message from hosting provider that error logs were exploding due to infinite PHP loop.

    @DanSiepen So maybe my blog’s omission was, in fact, A VERY GOOD CALL. πŸ˜›

    Etsy Debuts Crowdfunding Platform, Takes On Kickstarter Prediction: THIS WILL NOT END WELL.

    10 Of The Best Bars In Sydney’s Inner West | The Urban List – A handy checklist!

    10 IKEA Makeovers That Look Shockingly Luxe // SPOILER: They mostly involve gold spray paint.

  • Upcoming speaking gig: Food Tech Aus Meetup

    Leveraging Content and Design to Grow Your Food Startup – Food Tech Aus (Sydney) – Meetup – I’m going to be speaking at this event in Sydney on July 9th about how to use Canva to grow your foodie startup. Come along!