Month: July 2015

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    Anybody want to buy our coffee and end tables?

    @glasnt I bought mine from CX a couple months ago. They appear to have in stock now!

    This dining room is AMAZEBALLS.

    They brought him a birthday cupcake. 🙂

    @Saibhai Yep. Like an Art Deco version of the Great Sept of Baelor from GoT. 🙂

    @Saibhai BTW – you and @the_snook managed to win tonight’s Munchkin!

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    RT @krisalis: #letlennierun!

    YES. THIS. Listen to The Smiths: Anthems by Apple Music Indie on @AppleMusic.

    Gorgeous. I wonder if you can get prints? (Though that clown one above the sleeping kids is a little scary.)

    Twitter’s Ill-Timed ‘Frat Party’ It’s frat boys & warriors & brogrammers all the way down. The Internet is broken.

    RT @andreispsyched: Insights on innovation with Melanie Perkins, @Canva founder and CEO via @marketingmag

    OH in the office: “It’s like a war in my mouth between the onion and the chewy, and I think the onion’s winning.” @cliffobrecht HA!

    RT @CallbackWomen: “So for those who say ‘we can’t find enough women speakers for our tech conferences’—” Great recap & speaker list: http…

    Deliberating hosted WordPress for my blog (prompted by @johnallsopp of all people). Thoughts? @pyko @gilmae @lucykbain @snarkyboojum

    Quibb’s founder launches 50/50 Pledge for tech conference speakers – Fortune I’m on the list!

    @gilmae Them hosting it. Paying the $129 for a year.

    Second @canva for Work feature revealed! SO EXCITED FOR THIS LAUNCH.

    @gilmae Well, it’s gonna take me a non-trivial number of hours to import the old stuff over.

    @gilmae And my current blog CMS, remember, is PHP that I hacked together in 2001.

    @gilmae Every time he looks in the DB, the Snook cringes.

    @gilmae Oh, the fields and such are pretty normal. But I’ve got HTML and shit in there. I guess that shouldn’t matter.

    @venks79 Because I don’t want to do any upkeep or maintenance on it. I’d rather pay somebody else to do that part. 🙂

    @venks79 Does @BroadWebAU want to handle it for me? I’ll put your logo and link on it. 😀

    For his home-cooked birthday dinner, he wanted brekkie. Pancakes, fried egg, and black pud…

    @venks79 Haha, I’ll knit you a jumper! ;-P

    @venks79 I’ll have a look at themes. Ideally something I can customise to look kind of like the old one.

    Watching video of myself at last @webdirections Respond conference and every “Um, so–” is a DAGGER TO MY HEART.

    RT @MelanieCanva: Seriously @canva’s community is the absolute best — seeing tweets like this makes our team’s job so much fun. https://t.…

    RT @cliffobrecht: First Round companies with a female founder performed 63% better than their investments with all-male founding teams http…

    @aimee_maree There are no words.

    @Alegrya @steven_noble Here’s one for him! And also this, which I backed: #knitnerd

    Crafting a healthy brain through Neural Knitworks Very cool! @KnitGuildNSW

    @nicwinton @poppiepack Haha, I knew someone would make that joke. We have our own beloved Kiwis in @KnitGuildNSW too. 🙂 @drwitty_knitter

    I am getting way too blasé about hitting the button that emails 3+ million people. 🙂

    Apologies to everyone in Surry Hills I just blinded with my bare legs. (Get used to it.)

    RT @iamdevloper:

    Fantastic. Well done @sallyannw and!

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    @julliettajung @JSLouez It was last night! Sorry you missed it. It sold out within the first 24 hours.

    @lucykbain @Atlassian Yum! Don’t ruin your lunch. 🙂

    Just discovered blog has been hacked again. This close to giving up entirely and just having static HTML. I’m so over it.

    @pyko Have you used it? I am now super, super tempted.

    RT @cliffobrecht: This is going to be the best event in the history of events.

    @pyko If you help me set up a Jekyll site, I’ll knit you something 😛

    Jeez. Listened to like 5 minutes of myself from #ggdsyd last night. Somebody ring a bell every time I say “Uh, so!” next time I present. 🙁

    @pyko That is a barter I am well prepared to make!

    @drkknits What does that mean?!

    Never thought I’d see the day where @nickyringland was sharing the stage with Kim Dotcom. *shaking my head*

    GRAR. @GoGet van wouldn’t let us in. Called support, switched to another van. Still no access. On the phone with support again. 🙁

    Aaaaand all @GoGet vans at Central Park have failed. Now we are rushing to Ultimo to try another one.

    Twitter’s battle between hearts and stars is a battle for hearts and minds

    Warm muffins for the birthday boy’s breakfast! Orange & Poppyseed is his favourite.

    Honestly, the Sydstart branding confounds me. That leering giant photo of Kim Dotcom with finger guns might as well say “NO GURLS ALLOWED”.

    RT @Ammineni: Great initiative by @sandimac to diversify tech conferences. Women in Tech, join the 50/50 pledge to h…

    @GoGet We did, but I think I inadvertently got booked into a random car in another suburb. Sent the details through to admin@ this morning.

    How Taye Diggs Is Transforming the Role of Hedwig – Dayum.

    Finally growing into the crotchety old man he always was inside. 🙂

  • Photo post

    Last night. So fun. #GGDSyd @canvavibe @jpofoz

    Last night. So fun. #GGDSyd @canvavibe @jpofoz

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    Any Sydney tech events I should spruik tonight at @GGDSydney? I’ve already got @webdirections, @SydTechLeaders, @SydCSS, etc…

    @webdirections Bug report! Clicked on the “overview” link from the new site and got a 404:

    @webdirections Perfecto! Will call it out especially. 🙂

    Rails Girls – Sydney August 21-22, 2015! – Highly recommended if you want to learn Rails! I did it a few years ago.

    @aimee_maree I’m listening. 🙂 Are you around next month for this?

    RT @georgiedent: At Ch 10 to talk gender pay gap with @WGEA @alisonsageco, Susan Lloyd-Horwitz @NatarshaBelling #inyourhands…

    @aimee_maree Too bad. Well, if you have any thoughts/article/questions you want me to raise on the night with the panel, let me know!

    RT @poppiepack: Looking forward to speaking with the amazing @canva ladies tonight at @GGDSydney @MelanieCanva @web_goddess @AnnaIsabella92…

    @sammy_lee12 Three cheers for @nicwinton, unsung Tech Support hero of #GGDSyd at @canva!

    RT @AnnaHushlak: “Know your story so you can create your opportunities” – a nice anecdote on defining your #career @GGDSydney @canva #ggdsyd

    RT @angela_bee: Funny how most of the room put their hands up when asked if anyone has had a #careercrisis @canva #ggdsyd

    Tag team of @poppiepack and @nicwinton designing in @canva for #ggdsyd!

    RT @craigles75: The Container Colouring Book – learn about containers while colouring in! – slight sales pitch warni…

    Last night. So fun. #GGDSyd @canvavibe @jpofoz

    @owensenior @SydTechLeaders I did! Hopefully you’ll get an influx of new folks. 🙂

    RT @JSLouez: #GirlGeek dinner at #Canva tonight. Incredibly inspiring to hear the women of #Canva speak. #iLoveTech #SiliconSydney http://t…

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    @frankarr Great line-up so far! You guys still looking for any speakers/volunteers/general dogsbodies to help on the day? 🙂

    @frankarr Ah, cool! Well, let me know @montyhamilton if there’s any way I can help. Or email me at kris at 🙂

    Anyone looking for a new coffee table and/or end table? We’re selling our old ones.

    @LeeSkiesWeeSkie @bilue_voice Very cool!

    National Sleepy Head Day -Thank goodness the Snook didn’t know about this, or I’d have gotten doused!

    @drkknits Make like Elsa and let it go… LET IT GOOOO! 🙂

    RT @GeeH: Excellent post by @lornajane on mic use when speaking – – bookmarked for reading before every talk!

    @redambition Yowch! That’s gonna affect the knitting.

    RT @gilmae: Apple Geniuses judge the dirt on my laptops. Today’s cleaned it in front of me. Thought “Yeah, but I’m not the one wearing a tr…

    RT @poppiepack: Have you registered for #canvaforwork yet? #gamechanger @canva

    @themaninblue It makes your deskmates worry about you!

    Everybody tweeting about Masterchef has suddenly made me aware that I haven’t watched FTA television in months. Funny, that.

    Wait wait wait. Heston made them make this? WE ATE THAT, @NessNomster!

    @gilmae I spent the night researching electroluminescent wires and tutorials for making blinky Arduino things.

    Funniest thing today: “Are you all using Evernote? It’s like when everyone changed from lipgloss to lipstick & didn’t tell me!” -@poppiepack

    RT @yeseniaa: So much valuable information in “Diversity: The Elusive HOW” by @ninavizz.

    At Home at the End of the World: The Long Defeat of Mike Mignola’s Hellboy «

    Rodd’s goon bag photo from Reddit is featured on @BuzzFeedOz. It’s, like, the highlight of his life.

    RT @kouky: Moving Fast With High Code Quality – Quora

  • Oh those wacky Finns.

    National Sleepy Head Day – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – Thank goodness the Snook didn’t know about this, or I would’ve had a very damp morning!

    National Sleepy Head Day (Finnish: Unikeonpäivä) is celebrated in Finland on July 27 every year. Traditionally on this day, the last person in the house (also dubbed as the “laziest”) to wake up is woken up using water, either by being thrown into a lake or the sea, or by having water thrown on them.

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    Bulgogi burger and people watching in Redfern…

    He captioned the photo: “Look at Grandma!” #rockingchair #catlady #unapologetic

    Two old Karlstad couches sold, going on Sunday. New Karlstad couch purchased, coming on Wednesday. It’s gonna be crowded for a few days…

    Sous vide kangaroo steak, pumpkin mash, and beetroot. Very tasty experiment!

    My F21 Thread Screen video is finally up!

    Made it through six hours of Wolf Hall before finally noticing how incongruously clean everyone looks.

    RT @LegendaryLeaTV: Years of gaming have taught me there is something behind this wall.

    @aimee_maree @developerjack @sydphp ARGH I wanted to go too, but it appears that PHP and my husband share a birthday. 🙁 I’m sad to miss it!

    @imdominating So where are you moving? I’m out of the loop here.

    @developerjack @aimee_maree Awww, thanks. I promised to cook him pancakes though. I spend far too many nights as it is at tech events. 🙂

    @chiuki That is a GINORMOUS watch! That’s pretty much why I haven’t taken the plunge on a smart watch myself. I have small wrists too. 🙁

    @johnallsopp Looks correct to me. 48 Pirrama Road, right?

    @johnallsopp They’ve got 3 of ’em down there, but that one is officially the main one as far as I know.