RT @krisalis: #letlennierun! https://t.co/ioaZIOB6We
YES. THIS. Listen to The Smiths: Anthems by Apple Music Indie on @AppleMusic.
https://t.co/LXqntx9Rwq http://t.co/2abmOheXiE
Gorgeous. I wonder if you can get prints? (Though that clown one above the sleeping kids is a little scary.) https://t.co/qu9o8gX7LD
Twitter’s Ill-Timed ‘Frat Party’ http://t.co/N9TlkXRrJi It’s frat boys & warriors & brogrammers all the way down. The Internet is broken.
RT @andreispsyched: Insights on innovation with Melanie Perkins, @Canva founder and CEO https://t.co/gRkW1D0cmJ via @marketingmag
OH in the office: “It’s like a war in my mouth between the onion and the chewy, and I think the onion’s winning.” @cliffobrecht HA!
RT @CallbackWomen: “So for those who say ‘we can’t find enough women speakers for our tech conferences’—” Great recap & speaker list: http…
Deliberating hosted WordPress for my blog (prompted by @johnallsopp of all people). Thoughts? @pyko @gilmae @lucykbain @snarkyboojum
Quibb’s founder launches 50/50 Pledge for tech conference speakers – Fortune http://t.co/eDaET9plBD I’m on the list! http://t.co/nkdiLJkYyx
@gilmae Them hosting it. Paying the $129 for a year.
Second @canva for Work feature revealed! SO EXCITED FOR THIS LAUNCH. https://t.co/zTIAOrC8uf
@gilmae Well, it’s gonna take me a non-trivial number of hours to import the old stuff over.
@gilmae And my current blog CMS, remember, is PHP that I hacked together in 2001.
@gilmae Every time he looks in the DB, the Snook cringes.
@gilmae Oh, the fields and such are pretty normal. But I’ve got HTML and shit in there. I guess that shouldn’t matter.
@venks79 Because I don’t want to do any upkeep or maintenance on it. I’d rather pay somebody else to do that part. 🙂
@venks79 Does @BroadWebAU want to handle it for me? I’ll put your logo and link on it. 😀
For his home-cooked birthday dinner, he wanted brekkie. Pancakes, fried egg, and black pud… http://t.co/Wq8nOWVCh9 http://t.co/L5KpT1hkeb
@venks79 Haha, I’ll knit you a jumper! ;-P
@venks79 I’ll have a look at themes. Ideally something I can customise to look kind of like the old one.
Watching video of myself at last @webdirections Respond conference and every “Um, so–” is a DAGGER TO MY HEART.
RT @MelanieCanva: Seriously @canva’s community is the absolute best — seeing tweets like this makes our team’s job so much fun. https://t.…
RT @cliffobrecht: First Round companies with a female founder performed 63% better than their investments with all-male founding teams http…
@aimee_maree There are no words.
@Alegrya @steven_noble Here’s one for him! http://t.co/vkLZUcYjkY And also this, which I backed: https://t.co/ETGf7Bcp2E #knitnerd
Crafting a healthy brain through Neural Knitworks http://t.co/pVoTBSvy0p Very cool! @KnitGuildNSW http://t.co/Nz8Zu5B8Vj
@nicwinton @poppiepack Haha, I knew someone would make that joke. We have our own beloved Kiwis in @KnitGuildNSW too. 🙂 @drwitty_knitter
I am getting way too blasé about hitting the button that emails 3+ million people. 🙂 https://t.co/TDzWiKAroV
Apologies to everyone in Surry Hills I just blinded with my bare legs. (Get used to it.)
RT @iamdevloper: http://t.co/GqtqYdFZ4U
Fantastic. Well done @sallyannw and http://t.co/HcgPulBXKk! https://t.co/sO23Ot2C7f