Month: July 2015

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    Today's Disney Knitting Fail: Flounder's like,

    Today’s Disney Knitting Fail: Flounder’s like, “Girl, what’s wrong with your FACE?!”

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    KnitYak: Custom mathematical knit scarves – For all fans of geeky knitting!

    RT @yow_oz: Are you coming to our next #yownight in Sydney July 23?

    Hogwarts rejects at @canva.

    @Hookedio Just signed up and it looks good, but I’m getting notifications for EVERYTHING rather than just events I selected. Help!

    @Hookedio Thank you! Dashboard looking good. πŸ™‚

    @TheRealBnut Whoa! Interesting. There’s also NO WAY those were the scoring rules we were using. πŸ™‚

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    Hogwarts rejects at @canva.

    Hogwarts rejects at @canva.

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    A cold and rainy day is happier as a Weasley. #paradeofforgottenhandknits

    A cold and rainy day is happier as a Weasley. #paradeofforgottenhandknits

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    The @canva designers are ready to answer your questions this week!

    @katja_ghost @OphelieLechat I work at @canva, but I’m not a designer! I’m learning a lot from them though. πŸ™‚

    How to improve your mood on a rainy day! @jpofoz @4colorcowboy

    Setting up my Quibb to share links about work Anybody else a member already?

    RT @KathrynElliott: RT @kateileaver: Woman carries things using hands.

    Intro to Cocteau Twins on @AppleMusic. – I was dubious AppleMusic, but I’m loving this!

    @OphelieLechat About six weeks ago. Yay, I love working on something that people actually like! πŸ™‚

    In the battle between the Awesomeness of Pumpkin Spice and the Blahness of Hot Almond Milk, I think Almond Milk wins. πŸ™

    @mathowie That sucks. πŸ™

    The big list of female programmers in Australia Hey, neat! @lucykbain @pyko @rowdyrabbit @GeorgieCodes

    Of course, the list is a bit out of date given that @GeorgiCodes doesn’t even live here anymore… πŸ™

    Just heard strangest pre-rec message on train. “Don’t cause delays. If you’re unwell, get off at next stop…” Huh? Sick ppl cause delays?

    @mjonesy_87 @stufromoz @gilmae @merrinmez Wow, I had no idea! It was on approach to North Syd, and I’d never heard that before.

    @lisaaharrison1 @knitterjp Thank you for coming! Such a great group of inspiring women. πŸ™‚

    @charrett @evolvable Haha, good point. I’ll confess that the person that sent me the link is, in fact, a recruiter! πŸ˜›

    A cold and rainy day is happier as a Weasley. #paradeofforgottenhandknits

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    How to improve your mood on a rainy day! @jpofoz @4colorcowboy

    How to improve your mood on a rainy day! @jpofoz @4colorcowboy

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    Today's Disney Knitting Fail: Why is Pooh throttling Piglet?!

    Today’s Disney Knitting Fail: Why is Pooh throttling Piglet?!

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    RT @Ben_Shute: Awesome read – > 6 Steps to #ContentMarketing Domination @JoePulizzi via @CMIContent…

    Now I’m just waiting for @i386 to comment on my jeans tucked into brown boots…

    @diversionary @i386 Good grief – they’re not COWBOY BOOTS! They’re biker boots. I’m a poser, but not an outdoorsy one. πŸ™‚

    @i386 I’ll bring in some pumpkin pie spice tomorrow and we can make our own!

    RT @AnnaIsabella92: Editorial/ design friends in Sydney – want to work on the most exciting project of your career?…

    Any of my digital editor/writer/producer friends looking for a job? Canva is hiring!

    RT @angelapriestley: There are 33 Australian female tech entrepreneurs on this list. In case @sydstart is still trying to find women http:/…

    @200ok Thanks for the reminder! Just sponsored you. πŸ™‚

    @webdirections Yay! So now that we’re friends, how about that coffee? Hahaha… πŸ™‚

    RT @servantofchaos: Cmon @sydstart surely you can do better here!

    Give your cat the gift of Donald Trump’s hair with #TrumpYourCat – Totally doing this tonight.

    I’m absolutely loving Apple Music’s recommendations. Not pictured: “Inspired by HΓΌsker DΓΌ” & “The B-52’s: Deep Cuts.”

    @gusseting @davidchang Haha, I have no problem with most of what he says! He didn’t even mention GRATED CARROT.

    RT @canva: Create Great Designs Webinar with @poppiepack – register here

    @200ok Actually I just realised everyone is having a dry SydJS, so you’ll be in good company. πŸ™‚ See you soon.

    I’ve been inside and had coffee in the kitchen. Really, truly!

    Wow, where did all these people come from at #SydJS? Suddenly the room is PACKED!

    @slace Ahhhh. I’m in the Canva Low-Carb Club this week, so I didn’t venture anywhere near the (delicious, delicious) pizza.

    @slace IRON WILL.

    @developerjack Are you at #sydjs? I’ve got Canva stickers…

    @stephenlead I think you just invented the Geek Dad Joke.

    @hal9zillion Oh good – you got in!

    “This is bleeding edge stuff. The risk of using it is you may look like a hipster.” Ha! – @nkbtnk at #sydjs

    The only valid measurement of code quality: WTFs/m Ha! Reminds me of some devs I know. #sydjs

    More things should be taught using Missile Defense as an example! #sydjs

    Now Asteroids! This is already the greatest tech talk I’ve ever heard. #sydjs

    It’s Ender’s Game! Where’s the Little Doctor? #sydjs

    RT @JedWatson: .@simon_swain smashing it at #sydjs tonight… Amazing talk, so well presented. Absolutely bloody brilliant, @simon_swain! #sydjs

    Here’s that Frontend Developer job at @canva I mentioned at #SydJS!

    “Yarn bombing” is in the damn OED now?! UGH. WHO DO I WRITE IN PROTEST? @KnitGuildNSW

    RT @HarvardBiz: What to do when an employee quits and you didn’t see it coming

    Today’s Disney Knitting Fail: Why is Pooh throttling Piglet?!

    The spice must flow, @i386. We are GO for PSL. πŸ™‚ @diversionary

    @i386 @diversionary I’m gonna try it in the almond milk latte. #famouslastwords

    8 of The Best Red Lipsticks – #7 is also T.Swift’s fave, and I feel inspired to wear it today.