Month: July 2015

  • Inflammatory, but true!

    My Burger Manifesto | Lucky Peach – David Chang lays down his vision of the perfect burter. My favourite bit:

    You know who fucks up burgers more than anyone else in the world? Australians. Australia has no idea what a burger is. They put a fried egg on their burger. They put canned beetroot on it, like a wedge of it. I am not joking you. This is how they eat their burger.

    Ha! Sorry my Aussie countrymen, but he ain’t wrong.

  • Algorithmic bias and glass cliffs and Sydstart and the Hoff and ARGHHHH I’M LOSING IT.

    SydStart lineupIt’s been a frustrating week. On Monday I got an email from SydStart announcing that pre-release tickets for “the biggest startup conference in Australia” were about to go on sale. Excited, I scrolled down to see the speakers list and was greeted with a list of all men. “Wait, really?!” I thought. I’m not naive; I certainly didn’t expect equal representation. But I thought they’d at least put a token woman on the list. I went to the website and saw the same wall of dudes. Frustrated, I sent them a tweet:

    Hey @SydStart – if you want to actually include any women speakers in your event, I can recommend several (including ME)!

    — Kris Howard (@web_goddess) July 13, 2015

    I got a reply not long after saying: “Hi. We’re looking forward to announcing more speakers soon! Stay tuned!” Kind of a non-answer, right? Does it mean they have some amazing women speakers yet to be announced, or they’re currently scrambling trying to find someone? I shared the screenshot and my complaint in the Girl Geeks FB group and was heartened to see I wasn’t the only one annoyed by this. Other people were tweeting to them as well. It got picked up by StartupSmart, who reported that the organisers claimed they had invited a couple women but they wanted speaking fees and there was no budget for it. But they’re totally asking some others! (So yeah. Scrambling.) Today Women’s Agenda posted a list of female founders they could have asked. I also discovered that someone has actually set up an All Male Panels Tumblr to catalogue stuff like this (complete with hilarious photos of the Hoff added).

    Frustrating, right? Look, I know that there aren’t as many female startup founders at the “Global Influencer” level, and the few that are probably turn down 90% of their speaker invitations. Totally get that. (In fact, I work for one of them.) The solution is not to throw your hands up and say, “Welp, we tried!” when you can’t find a female Elon Musk for your event. There are so many other options!

    And of course, this all happens alongside the Reddit shitshow, which I can’t even discuss without launching into a rant. Now it looks like Pao wasn’t even involved in firing Taylor, and their female lead engineer just quit, and maybe it was all a long con anyway? Regardless, the haters are cheering. I have no idea whether Pao was good at her job or not. It’s impossible to tell when 99% of the criticism thrown at her is sexist ranting. But hey, at least I learned what the term “glass cliff” means.

    Oh! And add “algorithmic bias” to this week’s vocabulary lesson. Seems that Google shows prestigious job ads to men but not women. Sorry, Ellen. Finding the next role just got that much harder.

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    Dug out the oversized lairy 80's jumper today! #paradeofforgottenhandknits

    Dug out the oversized lairy 80’s jumper today! #paradeofforgottenhandknits

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    @OzGamer You’ve got a virus of some sort. You just Skyped me a very dodgy weightloss link!

    @OzGamer Haha, I figured! 😛

    Anybody going to ? I’ll be presenting the wireframing workshop on Saturday morning! @GGDSydney @WWCSyd

    RT @webdirections: Into Javascript and Robots? Nodebots day is coming up July 25th, with events in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane http://t.…

    Chef Song is making coq au vin for Bastille Day. The office smells SO GOOD.

    Another hackathon coming up in Sydney!

    Okay, what the heck is a “voider”? I even googled it.

    @Astarael Ahhh, that makes sense! Good thinking.

    @Astarael Haha, just put two-and-two together and verified with @TheRealBnut that you are who I thought! 🙂

    RT @sophiegllghr: That’s a great accompanying cartoon from the @nytimes

    Eavesdropping on @davidhearnden’s big moment! @canva

    @webdirections The little “verified” and “friends” icons are linking to your Ooops page.

    @webdirections I was so excited to see @GGDSydney listed as a friend and wanted to see where it linked. 🙂

    RT @webdirections: We’ve just rebooted our listing of Aussie Web/Digital meetups and events (add yours if it’s not t…

    I only learned the term “glass cliff” yesterday, and I’ve already seen it like 10 times on the Internet today. 🙁

    @drwitty_knitter @redambition I know. I tweeted it at them yesterday. Shared it around with the Girl Geeks on FB as well.

    @johnallsopp @_kyliejane @mpesce That’s exactly it. Bane of my existence for the last two years!

    @woollythinker @drwitty_knitter Yes, but also a raft of articles in the past 24 hours about how Ellen Pao was likely set up for failure.

    RT @codepo8: The boring front-end developer – why not?

    @developerjack Congrats and best of luck on the new gig!

    RT @viveka: But srsly how is no Australian TV channel covering the #plutoflyby live? Hello @ABCaustralia? This is what broadcast is *for*.

    Today’s Disney knitting fail is FAAAAABULOUS.

    RT @GoldyHA: Is it Uber’s technology that’s disruptive, or its ability to exploit giant loophole in employment laws and social safety net?

    RT @bronwen: We did not pay speakers at #aboveallhuman and achieved 50% female speakers. Not good enough #Sydstart.

    Proud to be a speaker at this weekend mentoring lots of women startup founders. See #sydstart? Not that hard.

    @Fifikins Beautiful! And congratulations. 🙂

    Dug out the oversized lairy 80’s jumper today! #paradeofforgottenhandknits

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    Today's Disney knitting fail is FAAAAABULOUS.

    Today’s Disney knitting fail is FAAAAABULOUS.

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    Who needs a tricolour? I dressed as a French fashion editor. All black, red lippie, liquid eyeliner. Vive la France! #bastilleday #oohlala

    Who needs a tricolour? I dressed as a French fashion editor. All black, red lippie, liquid eyeliner. Vive la France! #bastilleday #oohlala

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    I saw her yesterday and fell in love. She’s being restored and reupholstered before I take…

    Hey @SydStart – if you want to actually include any women speakers in your event, I can recommend several (including ME)!

    @sydstart Glad to hear it! Thanks. 🙂

    RT @sethdmichaels: extremely optimistic NYT illustration has a guy in a driverless car reading a print-edition newspaper…

    RT @joereid: “Can I get your phone number?
    “That’s also the order of ‘Buffy’ seasons ranked best to worst.”
    “I know.”
    – Comic-Co…

    @imdominating ARE YOU JENNY FROM THE BLOCK?! (Love it.)

    First bathroom renovation quote is in. Quoth the Snook: “Wheeee! Thirty large.” #fml

    Disney knitting pattern HORROR. (I bought the book for $1. It did not disappoint.) WHAT HA…

    RT @itsnicethat: How do you approach rebranding one of the most loved children’s authors? Ask @sunshineagency > http…

    RT @joshmillard: It’s not an essay, but here’s 500ish words now how Reddit could, and why they probably won’t, purge the awful stuff.


    RT @matthewrevell: Knitting and steganography: from @web_goddess

    Who needs a tricolour? I dressed as a French fashion editor. All black, red lippie, liquid…

    @msharp Haha! I also had on a military beret but figured that was a step too far.

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    Disney knitting pattern HORROR. (I bought the book for $1. It did not disappoint.) WHAT HAPPENED TO THEIR FACES?! Can't sleep - Grumpy will eat me.

    Disney knitting pattern HORROR. (I bought the book for $1. It did not disappoint.) WHAT HAPPENED TO THEIR FACES?! Can’t sleep – Grumpy will eat me.

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    I saw her yesterday and fell in love. She's being restored and reupholstered before I take her home. (She's real vintage Fler!)

    I saw her yesterday and fell in love. She’s being restored and reupholstered before I take her home. (She’s real vintage Fler!)

  • Shared today on Twitter

    He’s home! And he brought me Android socks. 🙂

    @JennaPrice Awwww, you are so nice! 🙂

    @sissyharkin @kevinpokeeffe Speaking for me, because someone finally said it. Reddit is not the whole Internet and they don’t represent me.

    He literally went through 9 jigsaw blades, but the Snook managed to get our new cooktop fi…

    “One law enforcement officer entered the home with a dog capable of sniffing out micro SD cards…” – Wait, WHAT?!