Month: August 2015
I couldn’t find a WordPress plugin that replicated my old script that posted each day’s favorited tweets. It was a nice way for me to share some quick links without having to write a whole blog post about it. The closest thing I could find was Twitter Digest, which instead pulls in all your tweets for the…
You know you are a #marketing junkie when you are puking with excitement for #CanvaForWork #socialmedia -> I'm not sure if I'm more impressed with the actual #canvaforwork features or their roll-out strategy! @canva -> It's lucky I don't judge candidates by their 404 pages cause Jeb Bush's is pretty great. ->…
Nbd…love it! You're awesome! #ILookLikeAnEngineer All these pics are making me smile so much right now! Amazing! -> So many amazing women on #ILookLikeAnEngineer ..loving the #javascript for breakfast! 🙂 ->
Whoa, love it! And there are two others coming too? TAKE MY MONEY, DISNEY.
Hmm. I dislike change for change’s sake, but I do see what they’re going for here. And they got rid of the clunky pagination that always tripped me up. I’ll give it a chance… As of this morning, we’ve launched a site-wide redesign with three main goals: clean, attractive pages that highlight our best stories;…
The #ILookLikeAnEngineer hashtag on Twitter has slightly redeemed my faith in humanity today. (It was prompted by this essay on Medium.)
Many thanks to my friend Bez for a tip-off on Twitter this morning: Excited to see a @web_goddess mention in @TheAmpHour #257. “There can’t be two self replicating mitten projects, right?” I had to go investigate. It turns out The Amp Hour is a weekly podcast about electronics from a guy in Sydney and a…
After giving a talk on geek knitting in 2012, I was inspired to try my hand at knitting a QR code. The code on these mittens actually scans and points the viewer to the pattern on this page so they can make their own. Hence, self-replicating mittens! These mittens are knitted in the round, so…
What if all the lyrics in “Don’t You Want Me” were that line about working in a cocktail bar? – HA! Brilliant. -> The Companies Trying to Recapture the Original Spirit of the Sharing Economy ANTI-UBER -> Me: Every time I click my Uploads tab, it cracks me up. @i386: hahaha +…
I’ve been going to Girl Geek Sydney events for six years now. The first was at Google back in 2009, and I went with my friends Tia and Issy. None of us really knew what to expect. I remember feeling apprehensive because I’d recently left development to work as a business analyst, and I was…