@gilmae Not at Canva.
@drwitty_knitter Yeah, where a distribution curve is mandated. Some places even have mandatory culls of bottom ranked people.
@drwitty_knitter Microsoft was one of the most famous proponents. https://t.co/2tFsUXitxA
@gilmae Oh, yes. Sorry. It was in reference to the Amazon thing.
RT @Disney: Coming soon to a Disney Park not so far, far away: #StarWarsLand. http://t.co/hkdYooAqLU
ANNOYING 7 HOUR ROADTRIP (TIME LAPSE) http://t.co/hOY8OWEX3I Heh. This guy amused the heck out of me. A+ playlist, would listen again.
RT @ErikMarinovich: Kickstarter is the new SkyMall catalog. A whole lot of things you don’t need but must own.
I know I’ve been watching way too much Angel, but that NYT hit piece on Amazon makes the place sound like Wolfram & Hart!
@TheRealBnut Okay, what. http://t.co/6nJuYruJuF
@boundvariable @poppiepack It’s not super trendy until I can buy eyeglasses inspired by it. http://t.co/h1UW2arhD5
@TheRealBnut …that got hacked all to shit and replaced with WordPress. 🙂
Selfie with a giant glowing robot. #makerfaire http://t.co/A7MwYqYNIU http://t.co/Cz92ORmGiz
Hm. We appear to be the only grownups without children in the “Intro to Physical Computing” workshop.
Not STEM, but STEAM! Science, Technology, Engineering, ARTS, and Math. Awesome, Intel!
Playing with my new Leatherman while the Snook programs a Galileo. Thanks @IntelEDU! http://t.co/ijextTeLpl http://t.co/gM8JWIV1hp
The Empire Doesn’t Care About Your Stick Figure Family http://t.co/dhiURrvXDE Almost makes me want to buy a car! http://t.co/lbvqDxmS76
RT @feross: The Internet of things! [source of pic unknown] http://t.co/eF1HEHdmWZ
Managed to catch @stibbons when not mobbed by children and he demoed a perfect moon landing for us! http://t.co/cmCeiFXqpm
A 3-D selfie with the Snook courtesy of @IntelRealSense! #makerfaire http://t.co/hmBAGSVj1f http://t.co/MBVy7mSovM
How Snoopy Killed Peanuts http://t.co/TRuTiv2tur – For the Snook http://t.co/ZXus7uP0Be
Alternative nation’s last stand: Lollapalooza 1995, an oral history – WaPo http://t.co/Xu1514yaXn Story of my youth. http://t.co/OK0sF1Ct2K
RT @beaney: Bedtime phenomenon: scientist develops book to send children to sleep in minutes – http://t.co/DkGIAy0CV8 – I need this FOR ME!
@carlfish Kitchen appliances! Such a Renaissance man. 🙂
More than 200 triathletes compete in Goshen’s Rock the Quarry – http://t.co/7YMT0SQ8Ny You guys, my Mom ran a TRIATHLON this weekend!!