Month: August 2015

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    @Saibhai Wow, that’s cool!

    @grabyourfork They kept spam-liking me on Instagram for months before they opened though. That was annoying.

    @imdominating Yes yes, Indigo Girls… but Beth from the Walking Dead is a SINGER? wtf?

    @imdominating HAHAHAHAHAHAH

    @imdominating “Year of the Farmer”? Isn’t every damn State Fair year the year of the farmer?

    I’m attending! Please join me.

    @imdominating Jealous. “Jenny… you’ve got some barbecue sauce… on your face.” (Did you watch WHAS: First Day of Camp yet??)

    @imdominating He was good. But Paul Rudd gross-kissing with sparks and REO Speedwagon? WAS THE BEST.

    RT @theaarondouglas:

    @grabyourfork It was weird. Maybe because they worked out I live locally? I thought for sure they would’ve targeted you!

    @drkknits You forgot recruiters.

    @drkknits You learn something new every day… πŸ™‚

    RT @definatalie: RT if you still know all the words to Salt n Pepa’s Whatta Man.

    Made it to #sydtechleaders. Full house! I’m drugged up and trying to avoid hugging people. Say hi to @CathJones0!

    Trying to remember if I’ve ever in my life heard a man referred to as “bossy.” Nope. #sydtechleaders

    Wow. @MrPommyGit says MYOB interviews all women applicants regardless of CV review. Great idea. #sydtechleaders

    @lisaaharrison1 Did you sneak in the back again?? πŸ˜‰

    Leadership in tech is 94% male. Suddenly feeling better about being “post-technical.” I haven’t opted out of the fight. #sydtechleaders

    @gilmae It’s interesting that the ones complaining about all the male voices are actually guys!

    @gilmae But @darthted said something similar. I’m sympathetic to talkative people; I find it hard to shut up. So I don’t blame gender much

    Moderating panels is HARD, yo. I’ll grade myself about a B- on that one. #sydtechleaders

    @darthted @gilmae Lesson is to be very clear about process for audience questions up front!

    @gilmae @darthted I am terribly oblivious of introverts. It’s something I’m working on. SPEAK UP, quiet people! Meet me halfway!

    @gilmae @darthted Haha, I was so glad when Owen called that out! πŸ™‚

    The next part of the rollout is happening!!

    @ejapat Neither can we!! πŸ™‚

  • The Hateful Eight

    So it’s a Tarantino Western starring Kurt Russell and Samuel L. Jackson, with the first Ennio Morricone Western score in 40+ years?Β I sent the link to the Snook saying: “It’s physically impossible for this to be ANY MORE YOUR THING.”

  • How to Match Plaids When You Sew | Sew Mama Sew

    How to Match Plaids When You Sew | Sew Mama SewΒ – Really useful article! I remember spending a lot of effort and time making sure the plaids lined up on the Snook’s Negroni, and it was definitely worth it.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @aimee_maree @stibbons Chunky switches and LCD panels? I want to go to there.

    RT @tigerlilyva11: Is Canva for Work for the Entrepreneur? via @tigerlilyva11 @canva #canvaforwork

    RT @TweetTanyaSmith: My latest post is about my fav new #CanvaForWork features. Learn more @canva #visualcontent htt…

    @stibbons @aimee_maree Thanks for the reminder! Just got my tickets for Sunday. πŸ™‚

    @lisaaharrison1 @ignitesydney You would be FANTASTIC. Stephen does a great job to help too. There’s a practice night that was really useful.

    @lisaaharrison1 @ignitesydney Out there? Did you see my talk on knitting as computer code?! πŸ˜›

    Just discovered @theophani’s Great domain name; even better content for those interested in conference speaking. πŸ™‚

    @mpesce But only one has the MOST WANTED MAN ON THE INTERNET. *eyeroll*

    @jezfletcher Ah, so you’re at Funfest.

    @jezfletcher He’s up there somewhere. Just sent me a photo of the view from his room. *grumble*

    RT @SydTechLeaders: One more sleep until ‘Debugging Diversity’. See you all there. If you can’t make it, please free up your RSVP. http://…

    @SydTechLeaders @darthted It’s sold OUT?!

    @gilmae @SydTechLeaders @darthted Hmmmm…

    It’s interesting how @MailChimp is able to send an SMS to my non-Telstra Australian mobile, yet @TwitterAU somehow can’t.

    @MsJonesInSydney You guys at @ansarada have the coolest events…

    I keep getting spammed by @CharterhouseSyd for FE dev jobs, despite telling them repeatedly I haven’t done that for 6+ years.

    @bemaia, meet @pyko. She organises the Atlassian GGD events, and I told her you’re interested in speaking in the future! πŸ™‚

    @lahondaknitter Clearly! πŸ˜€

    Thank you @webdirections for hosting the conference speaking info session! At the very least, I won’t submit any off-brief proposals. πŸ™‚

    “Post-technical” sounds so much more futuristic and evolved than “bitter ex-dev turned management sell-out.” Thanks for the tip, @i386. πŸ™‚

    @i386 #synergy!

    @johnallsopp @i386 You guys just gave me my new LinkedIn headline.

    RT @iamdevloper: speed dating is useless

    3 minutes isn’t enough to properly explain the benefits of the unix philosophy

    @mobywhale Woohoo! Can’t wait to see you presenting. πŸ™‚

    Crap. Didn’t escape this winter’s cold/flu after all. Going back to bed. πŸ™

    Attack on the pentagon results in discovery of new mathematical tile | Science | The Guardian

    Taylor Swift gets epic domino tribute from fan – Dominoes = mesmerising to me.

  • Shared today on Twitter

    RT @canva: Our very own @web_goddess will be sharing her career journey at The Dream Collective in Sydney. Register now!…

    @lisaaharrison1 Haha, that can be arranged! πŸ™‚

    The amazing Emma kicking things off at #GGDSyd!

    @gilmae Excellent. I think I saw the same info as a Twitter stream, but blog post definitely useful.

    @ADuckIsMyFiend Oooh, good luck!

    @lisaaharrison1 Are you here? I didn’t see you come in!

    @lisaaharrison1 There’s a spare seat in the front row…

    The eternal dilemma – PIZZA versus ROBOTS? #ggdsyd

    The lovely @shvedma knitting at #GGDSyd. This is my legacy.

    RT @ADuckIsMyFiend: Puppy time #ggdsyd // You can think @pyko for the cute animals!

    The Benjamin Franklin effect: ask your enemies for favours to make them like you. #slightlyevil #worlddomination #ggdsyd

    Damn. @kimchatterjee said to use her suggestions for good, not evil. There go my plans. #ggdsyd

    RT @julliettajung: #ILookLikeAnEngineer and I can multitask while listening to @sammy_lee12 talk about #killerrobots #ggdsyd @Atlassian htt…

    Hope Delahunty giving out massive @canva props in her #ggdsyd talk tonight!

    “…so I got really shitted off.” Understandable. #ggdsyd

    @MylanVu Yay, glad you enjoyed it! And welcome. πŸ™‚

    RT @blahblahzine: Dry cleaning it’s expensive, pretty toxic and bad for the environment. I had a look at the alternatives……

    @blahblahzine Bran?! Huh.

    @ReenaRajani I think you’re right!

    If any of the #ggdsyd folks want to see what @ignitesydney is all about, my and @kimchatterjee’s talks are in here:

    @julliettajung Here you go! It’s on the FB group too. πŸ™‚

    @JSLouez We have a 24-7 support team! Just drop an email to support[at] and they’ll sort it out for you. πŸ™‚

    Sew Your Own Yolo Bookmark // LOVE IT.

    @JSLouez Ah, sorry, it was just an email address. But you can also use the form on this page:

  • The Dream Collective Career Summit

    Career Summit Speaker ImageUpcoming speaking event: I will be presenting a talkΒ at The Dream Collective Career Summit in Sydney on Saturday, September 19th. (I’ll also be speaking at the Melbourne event in October.) The Dream Collective is an off-shoot of Little Girl Big Dream, and it aims to connect and develop high-calibre young professional women from 25-35. I’m going to talk about “intrapreneurship” and how you can effect change whether you’re working in a large corporate or a small startup. If you know someone who should attend, please share this with them!