Month: September 2015

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    We had fish tacos to celebrate our goldfish’s birthday. They were really tasty. #darkhumou…

    He loves llamas. #googlefieldday

    I asked Siri to show photos of my cat, Dr. Amy Jones. To my surprise got it mostly right! (w/ cameo by Rodd’s belly.)

    @gilmae Amy because my sister’s name is Amy. Dr. Jones because we like the idea of cats as dignified professionals.

    @gilmae (Petey is actually P.D. = Professor Death.)

    It’s the first day of #Frocktober, you guys! So excited. And a nice stretch of warm weather coming up. LET’S DO THIS! @Frocktober

    Tall vs short: Which is it better to be? I like being a Gigantor.

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    @thisismywww @redambition @gilmae I’m sure the fine folks at the @pillowfortcast have recommendations. 🙂

    @mitchelmore_j @GGDSydney Rookie maneuver. Should’ve just get-crashed! 😛

    @mitchelmore_j @GGDSydney Or even gate-crashed. *sigh* I need coffee.

    @thisismywww @redambition @gilmae @pillowfortcast You’ll recognise the voice of one of the hosts! 🙂

    @thisismywww @redambition @gilmae @pillowfortcast Well, @unlikelylibrary’s Midwestern twang is hard to miss. 😛

    Pebble Is Trying to Run Circles Around Apple — Medium The huge bezel kills it for me. Ugh.

    Going to a tech breakfast event on Friday. Twelve attendees from startups… and I’m the only woman. Of course. 🙁

    @willbonds Huh? The other 11 are men.

    @willbonds Oh, it was an open invitation. I’m not blaming organisers; I appear to have been the only woman at the invited companies to RSVP

    @willbonds Just depressing that more women didn’t put their hand up. (Of course, possible there aren’t women at those other places.)

    @servantofchaos @autopilotus Same!

    @willbonds In the general sense that I wish ratios were better, and wondering what more could be done.

    RT @campjsnews: Just a couple more days before we close talk submissions for CampJS VI – we really want to hear from you!…

    Female Comedians on Whether They Would Want to Be a Late-Night Host ME=IN A HEARTBEAT PEOPLE.

    Wait, wait. Bieber is in Sydney right now??

    Enjoying the talk from @michaelsharkey at @Fishburners tonight! #startupaus

    @hollingsworth @michaelsharkey @Fishburners Hellooooo!

    @NicoleWill100 Nicole. You know people. One of them knows Bieber. Come on, how cool would it be if we got a BIEBER SELFIE?! 😜

    When you’re not seeing signs of engagement, forego hard sell. Establish credentials & expertise w/ customer 1st. @michaelsharkey #startupaus

    @hollingsworth @servantofchaos @michaelsharkey @autopilotus @Fishburners Correction – if I’m not in that selfie, it didn’t happen!

    @lisaaharrison1 @Tyro @GGDSydney Yay, go @sammy_lee12! I’m so sorry to miss it.

    Selfie with @tonyhollingsworth, @servantofchaos, and @chloebeevers! #startupaus

    Listening to the audiobook of “The Martian” while the Snook points out all the chemistry inaccuracies…

    @drwitty_knitter Ha! Yes, very similar. 🙂

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    @drkknits Lazy American! JFGI. 😛

    Happy birthday @knitterjp!

    @blahblahzine The @KnitGuildNSW has demoed projects using recycled “plarn” at the last few Easter Shows. They can help!

    Hardest part of new healthy eating plan – avoiding the freezer full of Tim Tams that beckons ever day after lunch. Exquisite torture.

    RT @cityofsydney: Thanks for spreading the word @HuffPostAU!

    Told the Snook I’m going to Classy Coding this weekend & he responded with brilliant Wodehouse-inspired pseudocode.

    @NicoleWill100 I don’t know what the context is there, but my inner-8yo wishes I had that on a T-shirt RIGHT NOW.

    @NicoleWill100 Glitter or sequins? The eternal dilemma.

    @drwitty_knitter Wow! Very pretty

    Have cut out Lark t-shirt in a beautiful teal jersey – and just realised I only have white overlocker thread. Is that problem? @randomknits

    @sammy_lee12 Your list looks a lot like mine. I keep mine in Todoist. Just having the list makes me feel better than not.

    RT @simoncozens: My development paradigm is called Dare-Driven Development, where feature requests come in the form “Hey, I bet you can’t m…

    Just watched The Monster Squad for the first time in probably 25 years. Surprised me how much I remembered!

    New couch cover has arrived from @comfortworks! Loving the grey herringbone. There’s our p…

    RT @stokely: If you’re looking to cowork in Sydney, new Chippo space @CO_SYD has free days this month & many membership perks:…

    A church renovated into a private home is absolutely heavenly Love it. So Grand Designs.

  • What, what?

    Told the Snook I’m going to Classy Coding this weekend and he responded with some absolutely brilliant Wodehouse-inspired pseudocode:

    if (chum.isSpiffing()) {
     chum.greet("What, what?");
  • Exer-ma-cise

    City Of Sydney Pledges No Resident Will Be More Than 800m Away From An Outdoor Exercise Station – Very cool. And Chippendale is specifically mentioned! I wonder if they’ll put it in the Peace Park or over on the green by Central Park.

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    Time for another Disney Knitting Fail! Huey appears to have suffered some horrible facial …

    Double-Vision Makeup Look For Halloween | NYLON WOW!

    Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes programmed Rage last night! “Old people music” from 80s & 90s. 🙂