Month: September 2015

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    Big plates on a small table.

    At the salon. Changing it up.

    @VivEgan41 @mindykaling I know, but I still think he’s wrong. Unless he does, in fact, also say “Jraphics.” 🙂

    @lahondaknitter Very nice Eggs Benedict to ease into the weekend!

    Hooray lives! Congrats to @susanshiwashere and the team. 🙂

    @drdralal @kcarruthers I know. He’s still wrong.

    @nicwinton Is that the duty free? 🙂

    @nicwinton Good selections. See you soon!

    Anybody in Sydney get gas hooked up at their house? Looking for a recommendation for a plumber!

    @stephenlead Chippendale

    Me: “Does my new haircut make me look like Peppermint Patty?”
    Him: “I didn’t want to menti…

    RT @TechCrunch: 30 women who have revolutionized a male-dominated industry

    The History of Female Anger | Broadly For @drkknits, who will appreciate it.

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    RT @canva: Celebratory cupcakes from @linkedin – the best way to start the morning! #friday #sweettreats #startuplife

    How the Mason Jar Went From Farmers to Hipsters Mine are from Lagunitas

    @i386 SCHNITZELLLLLLL. (You were missed.)

    RT @sallyannw: Some of the greatest scientific discoveries came from women. And the first programmers were women. This make me sad! https:/…

    @redambition @gilmae @randomknits @mintie So how was it? Did I miss it?

    @randomknits Ooh, lovely! Should’ve known you’d get one. 🙂

    RT @CanvaTech: Our Engineering Blog has had a facelift!

    @gilmae Cheers. I have learned more about Jekyll and Github flavored Markdown than I ever expected.

    Dinner at the local. (@ The Chippendale Hotel in Chippendale, NSW)

    @drkknits Yep. I’ve found switching back and forth isn’t as daunting as people think. You mostly just follow everyone else.

    @drkknits The hardest part are rural roads where there aren’t many other drivers.

    @drkknits Yeah, at intersections Rodd usually announces BIG TURN KRISTY so I remember if I’m crossing traffic.

    Very much enjoying @mindykaling’s new audiobook… except she pronounces “gif” as JIF. My brain was like NOOOOOOO.

  • An Introvert’s Guide to Better Presentations

    An Introvert’s Guide to Better Presentations — Medium – Following on from that last post, here’s Matt Haughey talking about how he prepares to give talks. I don’t think he’s as much of an introvert as he thinks he is. I have the exact same thoughts when I’m about to get up on stage. It’s unnerving and scary to have that many people look at you, regardless of how much of an extravert you are.

    I took Matt’s advice recently and purchased the Beyond Bullet Points book. I haven’t finished reading it yet, but it’s already made a difference in how I approach giving talks. It’s quite heavily oriented around PowerPoint, but it’s pretty easily to ignore that stuff and focus on the approach to crafting a narrative for the audience.

  • Will the Real Introverts Please Stand Up?

    Will the Real Introverts Please Stand Up? – Beautiful Minds – Scientific American Blog Network – Fascinating article. It seems that extraversion is more about “reward sensitivity” than gregariousness. I definitely get a dopamine rush from giving talks. (I was on a high for several hours after my talk at the Dream Collective Career Summit last week.)

    This is particularly interesting: the 10 behaviours most uniquely predictive of extraversion (out of a list of 400):

    1. Told a dirty joke.
    2. Planned a party.
    3. Entertained six or more people.
    4. Told a joke.
    5. Volunteered for a club or organization.
    6. Tried to get a tan.
    7. Attended a city council meeting.
    8. Colored my hair.
    9. Went to a night club.
    10. Drank in a bar.

    Uh, other than going to a city council meeting, I’ve done all those. (I’ve pretty much given up on tanning though.)

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    RT @jasongay: There’s a guy in this coffee shop sitting at a table, not on his phone, not on a laptop, just drinking coffee, like a psychop…

    RT @Inc: Meet America’s 50 Fastest-Growing Women-Led Companies

    @coconutbananadc found a lost cache of Canva stickers! Find me if you want one before they…

    RT @ansarada: ansarada is giving away 2 tickets to Web Directions, for women and indigenous attendees: #diversity #c…

    @redambition I just ate two Coconut Cream Tim Tams straight from the freezer, and it was goddamn glorious.

    @randomknits @redambition HOLY SHIT WHAT IS THAT

    @gilmae @randomknits @redambition @mintie Sucker. EAT IT DONNA. THIS IS A HARSH WORLD.

    I’m a mentor for this! Better get in quick before the tickets are all gone…

    Brown bag technical talks at Canva are classy affairs. #tinnie #startuplife

    I’m attending CampJS VI, 20-23 November 2015 in Springbrook. Anybody else going that I know besides @DamonOehlman?

    Men in dresses are the new normal Brilliant. You can all sign up for @Frocktober then!