Month: September 2015
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RT @madelgiles: Saturday w/ a gold medalist,digital star, a Guinness World record holder & amazing intrapreneurs #TDCCareerSummit http://t.…
Slides from my recent talk at #TDCCareerSummit. (They won’t mean much without text though!)
@NicoleWill100 Organisation set up by @sarah_liu to promote leadership in young professional women. Very cool!
*raises hand* Stu Redman always and forever, amen @imdominating.
Going to start taking melatonin to see if it helps me sleep. Any advice, @toastman?
@toastman The symptoms are just difficulty getting to sleep. Sometimes it’s because of reflux; other times it’s just my brain won’t stop.
RT @glittertrash: Friend: “You know, that movie, Fancy Ladies On Creepy Mountain or whatever”
Me: “Picnic At Hanging Rock?”
Friend: “That’s…
@toastman I’ve had two endoscopies. I actually kind of liked them.
Just received ANOTHER @DendySydney email! After 2 unsub attempts, giving them my name, memb #, suburb, postcode, etc. This is RIDICULOUS.
Women Who Code Sydney workshop on d3.js kicking off at @canva! #wwcsyd
Get excited – @Frocktober is coming! My fundraising page is here:
RT @michelleduval: Great interview @InvestibleAsia with @melaniecanva Founder @canva – the begining #startups http:/…
Frocktober is coming…
Just as I did the last couple years, I will be participating in Frocktober 2015. If you haven’t heard of it, Frocktober raises funds and awareness for the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation. Ovarian cancer is pretty awful, and one woman dies every ten hours from it. There is currently no early detection test, and women are usually diagnosed in the late stages of the disease – when the cancer has spread to other organs in the body. Since its inception, Frocktober supporters have donated more than $1 million to the OCRF. My challenge is to wear a different dress (i.e. “frock”) every day for the month of October. If you’d like to cheer me on and support this excellent cause, I have a fundraising page here. Last year my amazing supporters donated $924.30, and this year I’m aiming to hit a full $1000. Dig deep, people!
I’m also an official “Frocktober Ambassador” this year, so be prepared for a lot of posts and sharing about this excellent cause. And for any women out there – or even men! – you should definitely sign up and frock up. 🙂
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@4colorcowboy But… the lyric is “list of ex-lovers,” right? (I heard Starbucks myself until Rodd pointed out what it actually was.)
@4colorcowboy I think it’s “got a long list of ex-lovers”. That’s how I sing it anyway!
What My Uterus Can Teach You About Being a Tech Leader — Medium
This stuff is infuriating.
@willbonds Sorry, wasn’t it clear? Female tech leaders only getting asked about their families, not about their actual accomplishments.
@willbonds Ahh, hahaha. Yep, was commenting on the topic, not the article. 🙂
@stephenlead I’ve done the mic drop on stage. Turns out organisers don’t like that. Microphones are apparently expensive. Who knew? 🙂
RT @Lackadazy: Can we Kickstart remaking Firefly with one slight cast member change?
@lucykbain I’ve played around with Delicious Monster – There’s a corresponding iPhone app with barcode scanner!
RT @tobyhede: My new dating site is called ebae
@lucykbain Damn. Well, your question prompted me to wonder if I can use it to organise sewing/knitting patterns! So thank you for that.
@codepo8 How much stuff are you selling?!
@codepo8 You didn’t actually click quantity = a bazillion stickers, did you? 🙂
I wanted to unsubscribe from a particular newsletter. So far, sender has asked for email, full name, membership #, suburb, and postcode. 😳
@gilmae Haha, I’ll give you a Canva sticker NOT to give me a Salmat one. 🙂 We’re just getting new ones printed now.
@frostickle It’s a legit local business that I want to support, but this is ridiculous. I will be marking as spam going forward for sure.
@OphelieLechat Of course! Incidentally, I will be in Melbs at least once next month, if not twice. Stitch and bitch time??
RT @sferik: Interesting new experimental GitHub feature. Attaching design specs to issues seems like it could be useful:…
Dangling Conversation
As you would’ve seen from the Instagram I posted this morning, I finished my Dangling Conversation scarf! It’s knitted out of a single skein of Manos del Uruguay Fino in “Sealing Wax,” a bright orangey-red. I bought the yarn in the last Morris & Sons sale, drawn to its gorgeous deep colour and its exquisite smooshiness. (It’s 70% superfine merino and 30% silk.) The pattern choice was inspired by a guest at an Inner City Knitters Guild meeting earlier in the year, who showed off her version in a variegated yarn. I casted mine on at Camp on August 28 and finished it this past Sunday, so it took me 23 days from start to finish. I knitted it on 4mm needles, which is a fair bit tighter than most of the other folks on Ravelry. To compensate, I added a lot of extra repeats to make it bigger and use up the entire skein. Oh, and I left off the beads. I’m not insane. 🙂
Ravelry details are here! In sort – excellent pattern; excellent yarn. Highly recommended.
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@randomknits Jealous. And who is the adorable chubby baby in the photo on the shelf??
@randomknits Awww, adorable!
@RoseRed_Shoes Bandanna! I like that.
If anybody’s looking for a new cleaner, so far we’re really happy with @TidyMeAus!
RT @jdgraffam: iOS 9 Ad-Blocking Explained…
Congrats @MelanieCanva! @canva “Character building: The nine most influential Aussie entrepreneurs on Twitter”
@venks79 Canva’s on a little line all by itself!
RT @mkasumovic: My first #AugmentedReality lab @UNSWScience. The future is bright!
ping @NicoleWill100 @DrChrisTisde…
Finished and blocked Dangling Conversation! Perfect timing for the cool change.
@willbonds I am. I just meant that today is cooler than it was yesterday. We’ve had a warm Spring so far.
How to manage your speaking speed
The Eloquent Woman: Use a script or transcript to manage your speaking speed – Really good advice, and something I will be trying myself. I always worry that I speak too fast when presenting.