Month: September 2015

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    @susanshiwashere Hahaha, ๐Ÿ™‚

    RT @zachkitschke: โ€˜Give Away Your Legosโ€™ and Other Commandments for Scaling Startups

    What passes for romantic talk at my house on a Sunday morning: “Hey honey, what’s the best tool for me to create a database diagram?”

    @kattjera Second cleaning went really great! Very happy. We’re going to stay with @TidyMeAus. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @tinypang That’s what he recommended. I’m messing around with MySQL Workbench.

    @tinypang Ooh, very cool! I’m just wanting to make a very simple high-level diagram for a site I’m rebuilding.

    In case you’re wondering, I’m using MySQL Workbench to try and wrangle into a coherent data model. It’s not working.

    @randomknits Wow, you got her wearing a leash! Never been able to get either of ours in one.

    @gilmae Thanks. This is a long term project – I’m just getting started. Rodd is suggesting Django for the build. Ever used it?

    @gilmae Migration would be a headache. Existing site is a mess of some DB-driven components in the midst of 15 years of hard-coded HTML

    @gilmae OH, ha! Nah, I didn’t bother installing.

    @randomknits Nice! I’ve just laundered the fabric for my Lark. How did you find the pattern?

    “It’s a scarf!” she protested feebly. “SCAAAARRRRF.” (And yeah, that’s some pretty dodgy bโ€ฆ

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    The view from the back as we kick off! #tdccareersummit

    Intrapreneurs create luck, says @sarah_liu. That’s pretty much the theme of my whole career! #TDCCareerSummit

    Heh. I got married in Vegas. I can cross that one off my 100 Things! #TDCCareerSummit

    RT @mitchelmore_j: Incredible speech @Seb100Things it is so important to chase your goals. For me, it’s running my first marathon in a montโ€ฆ

    Gold metal selfie! I can’t believe @elliecoleswim let me wear it!! #tdccareersummit

    Oh good grief. Medal. Stupid auto-correct. #TDCCareerSummit

    RT @leadingatwork: Let’s start proudly putting ‘all rounder’ on our business cards #jobtitlesofthefuture @web_goddess #TDCCareerSummit

    RT @sallyrhill: This org chart is SO good! MT @TimMahlberg: I want to work for an org with a happy sun! @web_goddess #TDCCareerSummit http:โ€ฆ

    One slight brain freeze, but I’ll focus on all the positive tweets. Thank you all so much!! #TDCCareerSummit

    Yes, my #TDCCareerSummit preso was made in @canva. Big thanks to @poppiepack for design advice and @MelanieCanva for org chart vision!

    RT @sseela: #tdccareersummit Big fan of Canva, created so many canvases! Naturally fangirling over this talk ofโ€ฆ

    RT @SheonaBello: Free lunch with a side of self fulfilment. Where do we sign up? @Web_goddess @Canva #TDCCareerSummit

    @sophiechamptal1 Haha, I haven’t read that series. It does feel kind of futuristic though!

    @conniecodes Thank you so much for coming! Was so great to see you, @madelgiles @mitchelmore_j @susanshiwashere as friendly faces. #nerves

    @SheonaBello We are definitely recruiting some freelance content writers. Can I introduce you to @AnnaIsabella92? ๐Ÿ™‚

    @sallyrhill @TimMahlberg Thanks! One of the @canva designers made it for @MelanieCanva, who shared it with me. I love it. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @sarah_liu @leadingatwork Thank you, especially for the opportunity! Intimidating to share the stage with such awesome fellow speakers.

    @susanshiwashere Thank you!! For a while, I was the VP of Getting Things Done. ๐Ÿ˜

    @sublimefinds Thank you for the tweets! Glad you liked it. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @sallyrhill @TimMahlberg @MelanieCanva Nope. More like just contact point for it. Talk to me at lunch and I’ll give more detail.

    Gajah. Was so keyed up for my #TDCCareerSummit talk I messed up my knitting pattern. Time to unpick 2 rows!

    @knitterjp SCARF.

    Guy Kawasaki – The Art of Intrapreneurship. Great reading for everyone at #TDCCareerSummit!

    “You could wake the dead!” – compliment from @conniecodes on my volume when public speaking. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Had a couple ppl tell me: “Great talk! Now I want to quit my job!” Yikes. What have I wrought?? ๐Ÿ™‚ #TDCCareerSummit

    @randomknits @knitterjp I’m taking a poll. The women here are backing me that it’s a scarf. Suck it! ๐Ÿ˜

    RT @sarah_liu: Our amazing speakers all together – thank you for generously sharing your insights and wisdom #tdccareersummitโ€ฆ

    Stopped by the #tdccareersummit photo booth with @cultofconnie and Susan. Girl Geeks FTW!

    @sallyrhill @TimMahlberg I didn’t get to find you guys again! But basically, as we scale we’ve found it’s good to have someone who is the

    @sallyrhill @TimMahlberg point of contact for each project. Just so that we don’t have to have everybody in every meeting to coordinate.

    @AshleeMcCusker @stephenlead I’m sure he improved upon it! ๐Ÿ™‚

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    At a meeting yesterday: “Did you change your hair? It’s black in your Gmail pic.” Me: “Oh, sorry. That’s a Wonder Woman wig.” #totesprofesh

    @DendySydney I love you guys, but this is the third time I’ve unsubbed from your newsletter and I keep getting emails!

    RT @poppiepack: Folllow @canva on @instagram – graphics and tips for inspiration 24/7 #design #inspiration http://t.โ€ฆ

    @sundress @i386 @MarcinS The secret is that people who drink Pumpkin Spice Lattes don’t actually like coffee. They like sugary milk.

    @sundress @i386 @MarcinS They’d barf if they tried the ones we had at @samplecoffeebar, which were made with actual good coffee.

    RT @poppiepack: Pretty pumped to say I’m speaking at @ignitesydney #excited #lifeinanook

    @ignitesydney @stephenlead I’m buying ten tickets on behalf of Canva. Can I just put my name on all of them and work it out later?

    The single oddest LinkedIn connection request I’ve ever gotten: What do you reckon? Setup for a 419 scam?

    @sammy_lee12 That sucks. I hope you’re doing okay. FWIW, I’m 38 and nowhere near that user profile either! That person is a MYTH. ๐Ÿ˜›

    @gilmae @randomknits @emilyscarlett93 224. But more importantly – how many Harley pics?

    Pounding a coffee and getting ready to leave for #TDCCareerSummit. Nervous for my talk, but really excited to meet everyone too!

    @NicoleWill100 Thanks! Just did last minute edit to tone down anti-corp rhetoric as realised other speakers are from some Big Companies. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    RT @ikebarinholtz: #IStandWithPP because I care about women and their health

    Most important weapon in a speaker’s arsenal – the Red Lippie of Power #TDCCareerSummit

    @madelgiles @sarah_liu Should I head in? Crowd forming at the doors.

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    RT @scottjohnson: Summer is coming.

    I canโ€™t listen to the Smiths with bright pink fingernails. Itโ€™ll have to be this then.

    RT @AnnaIsabella92: #Freelance #designers โ€“ want to write for PM me.

    @sebastiangrail I see one girl. ๐Ÿ™ I should come along with you and @kouky next time!

    ‘Jeopardy!’ contestant pranks Alex Trebek, makes him say ‘Turd Ferguson’ HA!

  • The genius of Super Mario Bros.

    auntie pixelante โ€บ level design lesson: to the right, hold on tightย – A detailed analysis of the opening level of Super Mario Brothers. Wow. I never thought about clever it was. So much thought went into it!

  • The ethics of modern web ad-blocking

    The ethics of modern web ad-blocking โ€“ Marco.orgย – In other news, I just installed Ghostery. I think of it as psychic penance for working (in the past) on websites with a truly evil set of tracking/advertising scripts.