The view from the back as we kick off! #tdccareersummit
Intrapreneurs create luck, says @sarah_liu. That’s pretty much the theme of my whole career! #TDCCareerSummit
Heh. I got married in Vegas. I can cross that one off my 100 Things! #TDCCareerSummit
RT @mitchelmore_j: Incredible speech @Seb100Things it is so important to chase your goals. For me, it’s running my first marathon in a montโฆ
Gold metal selfie! I can’t believe @elliecoleswim let me wear it!! #tdccareersummit
Oh good grief. Medal. Stupid auto-correct. #TDCCareerSummit
RT @leadingatwork: Let’s start proudly putting ‘all rounder’ on our business cards #jobtitlesofthefuture @web_goddess #TDCCareerSummit
RT @sallyrhill: This org chart is SO good! MT @TimMahlberg: I want to work for an org with a happy sun! @web_goddess #TDCCareerSummit http:โฆ
One slight brain freeze, but I’ll focus on all the positive tweets. Thank you all so much!! #TDCCareerSummit
Yes, my #TDCCareerSummit preso was made in @canva. Big thanks to @poppiepack for design advice and @MelanieCanva for org chart vision!
RT @sseela: #tdccareersummit Big fan of Canva, created so many canvases! Naturally fangirling over this talk ofโฆ
RT @SheonaBello: Free lunch with a side of self fulfilment. Where do we sign up? @Web_goddess @Canva #TDCCareerSummit
@sophiechamptal1 Haha, I haven’t read that series. It does feel kind of futuristic though!
@conniecodes Thank you so much for coming! Was so great to see you, @madelgiles @mitchelmore_j @susanshiwashere as friendly faces. #nerves
@SheonaBello We are definitely recruiting some freelance content writers. Can I introduce you to @AnnaIsabella92? ๐
@sallyrhill @TimMahlberg Thanks! One of the @canva designers made it for @MelanieCanva, who shared it with me. I love it. ๐
@sarah_liu @leadingatwork Thank you, especially for the opportunity! Intimidating to share the stage with such awesome fellow speakers.
@susanshiwashere Thank you!! For a while, I was the VP of Getting Things Done. ๐
@sublimefinds Thank you for the tweets! Glad you liked it. ๐
@sallyrhill @TimMahlberg @MelanieCanva Nope. More like just contact point for it. Talk to me at lunch and I’ll give more detail.
Gajah. Was so keyed up for my #TDCCareerSummit talk I messed up my knitting pattern. Time to unpick 2 rows!
@knitterjp SCARF.
Guy Kawasaki – The Art of Intrapreneurship. Great reading for everyone at #TDCCareerSummit!
“You could wake the dead!” – compliment from @conniecodes on my volume when public speaking. ๐
Had a couple ppl tell me: “Great talk! Now I want to quit my job!” Yikes. What have I wrought?? ๐ #TDCCareerSummit
@randomknits @knitterjp I’m taking a poll. The women here are backing me that it’s a scarf. Suck it! ๐
RT @sarah_liu: Our amazing speakers all together – thank you for generously sharing your insights and wisdom #tdccareersummitโฆ
Stopped by the #tdccareersummit photo booth with @cultofconnie and Susan. Girl Geeks FTW!
@sallyrhill @TimMahlberg I didn’t get to find you guys again! But basically, as we scale we’ve found it’s good to have someone who is the
@sallyrhill @TimMahlberg point of contact for each project. Just so that we don’t have to have everybody in every meeting to coordinate.
@AshleeMcCusker @stephenlead I’m sure he improved upon it! ๐