A brief history of yarn in video games – Offworld – The sight of that Nintendo Knitting Machine ad made me hyperventilate until I got to the admission that it was never manufactured. DAMN.
Unravel looks pretty cool though!
A brief history of yarn in video games – Offworld – The sight of that Nintendo Knitting Machine ad made me hyperventilate until I got to the admission that it was never manufactured. DAMN.
Unravel looks pretty cool though!
@kattjera BTW – I got a referral email that I can send you and we’ll both get $50 off. So if you want to try it, just say so!
We got our nails did. http://t.co/X23XBtpiLG http://t.co/dOnxqPCLlR
New bling for both me and the MacBook. http://t.co/GCejYbGMDd http://t.co/jirrqhVun5
@virtualwolf Not sure what the occasion was. I found out about it through @lucykbain and thought it would be fun. 🙂 Thanks Lucy!
A brief history of yarn in video games http://t.co/6epOLk6Sss That NES Knitting Machine made me gasp. EXIST DAMMIT! http://t.co/LjMAPideFD
@thisismywww It does say they never actually built it.
MetaTalk: It’s so easy your 24 year old son could master it! http://t.co/lWn32QyaXc Love it. My Mom is a computer engineer. 🙂
RT @CanvaTech: New blog post by @SamuelKillin @canva – Canva’s Compute Backend https://t.co/Jt2tsee9JB http://t.co/mpLOLAc1PI
RT @jamiesmart: You look like you haven’t screamed for a while. Let’s fix that. http://t.co/HjJbCHpUjo
RT @bronwen: “Until my tenure at Twitter, I strongly resisted being ‘the Black guy.’ ” — @marksluckie https://t.co/c73jZOmR25 http://t.co/Q…
RT @yourfirstpr: 🙋🏾 We need help finding issues to share with the community. Please send us some well-explained issues if you can. Or write…
@catehstn That’s exactly the thing my bully did in the workplace in front of my boss. On my birthday. Gahhh. Still annoyed by that.
@catehstn Nope. I yelled out “Not appropriate” as he slunk back to his desk. Everyone was happier treating it as a joke.
Eric Schmidt: Apple Music’s human curation is ‘elitist’ – Oh, PLEASE. I signed up to the three month Apple Music trial, and I’ve been really surprised how good it is. I mainly stick to the “For You” tab and the playlists it suggests to me, and I’ve discovered a lot more new-to-me music than I ever did on Spotify (or my very limited use of Google Play). I love the fact that the lists are curated by humans. How in the world would an algorithm ever put together That’s so Fetch: Songs for Mean Girls? That title alone is worth a month’s subscription, frankly.
Lark Sew-Along: Working with Knits | grainline – Just realised I’ve got the perfect bit of jersey in my stash for this, so I bought the pattern! Time to actually make something with the overlocker.
Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” Is Our Most Misread Poem – Starting the day with Mario and then poetry, because I’m deep like that.
30 years, 30 memorable facts about Super Mario Bros. | Ars Technica – Man, I loved that game. I could beat it without losing a single life.
@TheWonkaTonka Yikes. Hope you’re relaxing with a glass of wine at least!
@drkknits Oh yeah, Malcolm made a statement. Going down tomorrow. Very exciting.
@ingridjking @drkknits Yeah, I’ve read that Bishop would be Deputy. But that’s on Twitter; I can’t find confirmation anywhere.
@ingridjking @drkknits It’s mentioned on Guardian Live Blog, attributed to Sky News: http://t.co/3YEbuoAGJf
Did Andrews’ repeated insistence that Abbott would win the #libspill remind anyone else of this? http://t.co/nABukITZ5q
@themaninblue @kouky In my house we’re having whisky now.
RT @TraceySpicer: Women of Australia, rejoice. #libspill http://t.co/thViyIgZ8B
@TheWonkaTonka Australia just had a change of Prime Minister. The biggest conservative dickhead in the history of the world is gone!
@TheWonkaTonka Parliamentary democracy is nuts. But fun. Like a soap opera. Australian Twitter is going NUTS.
RT @TheRealBnut: @i386 lol, so good https://t.co/EcBYCoaODy
@TheRealBnut @i386 Seriously? Fucking BRILLIANT.
Okay, so next question: When do we get the bloody NBN in Chippendale? With a side of gay marriage and a republic?
@katja_ghost *fist bump*
AHHH, I made the same joke tonight! But @ToshGreenslade wins for making the effort of finding the clip. https://t.co/gIZk4xuxzZ
RT @gtiso: A reminder that Australia getting a new prime minister is an ideal time to check your smoke alarms.
@themaninblue Not on a Monday, with less than 4 hours notice. Sheesh.
I may have just used the phrase “silver fox” in relation to our Prime Minister.
I’ll show myself out.
@developerjack I said I’m going to bed! 😛
RT @rcsbaker: Great to announce we’ve raised our new fund at @blackbirdvc. $200m to back Aus founders attacking global markets.
Just booked in to take a 10 week Korean class starting next month! https://t.co/AVRXXii2bX