Month: September 2015

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    RT @mcannonbrookes: Simple choice folks. Commonwealth Bank Park or Australian Technology Park? Make noise or we lose it #startupaus http:/…

    Jony Ive explains Apple Watch Hermès production challenges If I had $1500 spare, I’d buy one.

    @NicoleWill100 Pact: if either of us win the lottery, we’re buying matching ones.

    @randomknits Nice! I coveted them at Bunnings. Saw recently somewhere else had them – Kmart maybe?

    RT @Kaibutsu: The accuracy.

    @RanMan904 Impressive spamming technique.

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    Espresso Cola: Give Your Soda the Coffee Treatment It Deserves – Bon Appétit This sounds vile.

    Mr Snook says hello to Luna McGill.

    Now Auntie Kris gets a turn!

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    RT @i386: Last day @canva today. Going to miss the team 🎈😭

    @stevage1 @DamonOehlman Sadly, my response would’ve been, “Wow, not just Men’s XXL shirts!” Grateful to be remembered at all. 🙁

    Things I am inexplicably proud of: figuring out how to perform all the maintenance tasks for the office coffee machine.

    @johnallsopp Har har. (My MIL actually bought us one of these metal filters for ours! Even less waste.

    I made Inception Cookies for @i386’s last day at @canva. My baking has had a “things inside things” theme lately.

    This will not end well.

    @kattjera First one was… Okay. Not great. Giving them one more shot in a week!

    @kattjera They did send me a very prompt reply thanking me for my feedback, so no complaints on the whole admin/booking side.

  • How to light up a tumour

    The long read: For decades, brain surgeons have struggled to identify cancerous tissue precisely. Could one of the world’s most deadly scorpions come to their aid?

    Source: How to light up a tumour | Alex O’Brien | Science | The Guardian

    Fascinating story. And the bit about the little girl Violet just crushed me.

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    RT @diversionary: So happy to see blossoms and little green leaves appearing all around Sydney now. ☀️…

    RT @lightningdb: I’ve built my slides for tonight’s #SydTechLeaders using @canva — very neat, and super easy. TBH, expectations far surpas…

    @lightningdb That’s excellent! I’m coming along tonight – would love to hear your thoughts on using it. 🙂

    @mobywhale Stuffed up your knitting already?! Get @mayaijung to help you. 🙂 Or if you’re coming to #SydTechLeaders, I’ll help!

    RT @NicoleWill100: Speaking of #shoutouts @CBAWomenInFocus Just heard about “Bubs & Boardrooms” combines childcare/co-working space http://…

    @TracyMuSung @lucykbain Me too! Such a great idea.

    @lucykbain 2:30 should be perfect!

    @codepo8 When are you coming to Australia?

    @codepo8 Do you have time to come for lunch at @canva? I promise scintilating conversation with me and @themaninblue. 🙂

    @lucykbain My colleague @poppiepack would also love to come if there’s a spot free!

    RT @InduKhosla: @estellevw @iamggreen @shanselman Found this nugget. Women are noticed for tweeting about diversity not tech.…

    RT @AnnaIsabella92: Stop hating, start appreciating. Why Google’s new logo is actually a huge success. @Inc

    RG @gertrudemade – What a nice idea! I’m tagging @jpofoz. #gertrudemadefriendsforever

    We are so spoiled. Yummiest lunch yet, @canvavibe! #carbcoma

    Slightly disappointed there are only 5 women at tonight’s #sydtechleaders. I want more women in Tech Leadership roles!

    But on the plus side, there’s a @developerjack sighting, which is always welcome. 🙂 #sydtechleaders

    Leadership as ability to read context and operate within it. I like that. A very Game of Thrones understanding of power. #sydtechleaders

    @codepo8 @themaninblue maybe we could schedule our next @CanvaTech event and get you to speak! 😛

    Org structure and “holacracy” are hot topics at the moment. (We are not really a holacracy.) #sydtechleaders

    Been waiting for @lightningdb’s #sydtechleaders talk and his fabulous @canva-made slides!

    @developerjack I immediately thought @lightningdb’s crack was 100% about you. 🙂

    @developerjack @lightningdb Only 11 on Meetup. 🙂