Month: September 2015
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I’m mentoring all weekend at AWShine Hack Sydney and I’m having a great time. AWS has managed to attract a really diverse crowd with some fantastic ideas. I can’t wait to see the final presentations this afternoon. Thank you to Stephen Lead for the great photo (and for hosting us at BlueChilli)!
#AWShineHack going well! Taking a short break to attend my high school reunion and then will be back at it tonight. #heelsandhacks ->
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- – using FourSquare and Instagram data to tell you which places near you have the fewest amount of people. -> @web_goddess @lisaaharrison1 hey guys! made a little video on ladies, thought you may enjoy ->
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In The Empire Strikes Back, Luke does a one-armed handstand with Yoda balanced on his foot. Using this, I can estimate the mass of Yoda. Source: I Used Physics to Calculate How Much Yoda Weighs | WIRED