Month: October 2015

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    RT @scalzi: ATTENTION INTERNET: Please update your memes now.

    @randomknits Love it!!

    OMG Canva schnitzel coma impending.

    RT @leaky: @jk_rowling drops a bomb shell: #CursedChild is the sequel to “Deathly Hallows.” Albus Severus is the cursed child.


    RT @AnnaIsabella92: Hit six million users and reached capacity at the schnitzel joint. We’re gonna need a bigger boat. @canva #austartup ht…

    Here I come, Melbourne! (@ T3 Qantas Domestic Terminal in Mascot, NSW)

    Touchdown. (@ Melbourne Airport (MEL) – @melair in Tullamarine, VIC)

    @ImSimplyStella @GGDmelb Thank you!! Looking forward to meeting everybody. 🙂

    Hotel clerk couldn’t find my booking. Tense 15 minutes until I pointed out that the paper had printing ON THE OTHER SIDE. #fml

    #frocktober day 23: new dress in a Melbourne hotel room.

    Good morning Melbourne. So excited to speak at the #tdccareersummit today!

    80 years to achieve gender parity across senior leadership. Today is all about changing that. #tdccareersummit

    Here’s @sarah_liu kicking things off! #tdccareersummit

    RT @emd3737: Looking forward to hearing @web_goddess and others at a women in leadership conference #tdccareersummit #womenfastforward #lea…

    “If you’re going to rebel, do it with purpose.“ my favourite of @sarah_liu’s slides!

    Heh. @willdayble hates the “-preneur” thing as much as I do. #tdccareersummit

    RT @livjrog: The scarf isn’t even a scarf @willdayble #TDCCareerSummit

    “If your pitch doesn’t end with ‘AND THE COPS CAN’T DO SHIT‘ your startup idea sucks.” Ha! #gangsta #tdccareersummit

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    @nicwinton JEEZ. How many people are eating? Those are some monster pizzas!

    RT @servantofchaos: Love the way people send me articles to post on my website. Like it’s a community noticeboard for their dullness

    I don’t even have kids but I think it’s awesome that @yow_oz are offering childminding at their conference!

    RT @yow_oz: @web_goddess We believe we’re the first dev conf to do so. Really hoping this new service gives attendees with kids to ‘have it…

    @gilmae @chrisdoble Glad we could help. It’s always fun to talk shop with peers I respect. 🙂

    @delitescere @nxdnz @realestate_au @yow_oz Hey, it’s a step. Perfect is the enemy of good.

    Busted by @darthted scoping out the sale rack at Sportscraft. The #frocktober collection might be about to grow!

    @randomknits Aww a little kitty nook!

    @RoseRed_Shoes Yes… two of them might have come home with me!

    @RoseRed_Shoes (I have a dress problem.)

    @RoseRed_Shoes The problem is that the wardrobe is getting pretty full!

    #frocktober day 22: vintage house dress from the Op Shop! #eightbucks

    @catehstn I think that’s pretty much the gist of it.

    Have you seen the new @canva UI? Absolutely blown away by our amazing dev team. Ship fast and adapt!

    RT @zrail: Whenever I see a link to Medium I actively avoid it. Even if I know and like the writer. Own your words …

    RT @dontgetcaught: On women & speaking up in meetings: Lessons after JLaw’s essay with insights from @TheMarySue & …

    Flower Sack Dresses From the Flour Mills (Historical Kindness) I want all of these fabrics!

    @Yarna_ Haha! I actually tried that one year but I just ended up getting food colouring all over the kitchen. 🙂

    @GGDmelb Thanks for the RT! I give a shout out to Girl Geeks in my talk, so I’m hoping there are some in the audience. 🙂

  • Shared today on Twitter

    WHOA! I have officially topped last year’s #frocktober total, and it’s only the 21st! Thanks so much everybody.

    @gilmae @chrisdoble We recently had a #chatspill, and we are now living in the land of Slack. 🙂

    RT @GRobilliard: GDG Sydney is organising their first DevFest on Saturday 7th November.
    Grab your tickets for $12 and find out more @ https…

    @allybeaton I know @lisaaharrison1 is looking for some help with the @techwomenaus blog!

    I had a visit from the @canva sticker fairy today! (Actually it was @coconutbananadc.)

    Yummy @canvavibe lunch today from @eatdrinkpaleo’s cookbook!

    I think we need to add “seniorpreneur” and “datapreneur” to the ban list, @rosepowell. (I’ve seen both used non-ironically today.) *shudder*

    @stevelikesyou Needs a disclaimer on the back like the Puppet User Group. 🙂

    @NicoleWill100 @rosepowell WTF. “Mumpreneur”? Do my cats count? How fricking belittling is that? GAHHHH.

    Rage. What a goddamn belittling way to refer to room full of smart, talented female founders. #notamum

    @delitescere @NicoleWill100 @rosepowell Yeah, funny how they don’t use a special word when men do it.

    Today I asked @zachkitschke to teach me how to say no to things. I have become one of Those People.

    @AlanSmithOz @rosepowell Haha, yes, referring to the words, not the people!

    @mobywhale @msharp She better be!! 🙂

    @aloveofrunning @FenstarDeLuxe @Internode Mine’s out too.

    #frocktober day 21: self-made Laurel dress from @colettepatterns. I hit my fundraising goa…

    For the curious: out of my 21 #frocktober dresses worn so far this month, 11 have been sewn by me!

    Nook life. @poppiepack

    Women of Melbs – final chance to register to hear me (and others) speak at #tdccareersummit on Saturday! @GGDmelb

  • Frocktober

    I just hit my Frocktober fundraising goal! My total is currently sitting at $1055.60. So far 20 people have donated towards ovarian cancer research: Zena, Svet, Kara, Bernie, Dave, Nigel, Sam, Varun, M-H & Sandra, Donna & David, Sue, Fiona, Eileen, Damana, Jess, Gem, Sera, and Tiny. Thank you all so much! Ten more days to go…

    For the curious, I’ve just counted and so far 11 of my 21 #frocktober dresses this month have been sewn by me! So my wardrobe isn’t quite as insane as you might think. I mean, it is, but I can excuse some of it on the grounds that I MADE IT MAHSELF.