Month: October 2015

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    @Gemma_Stiles Thank you for your Frocktober donation! Really appreciate it. 🙂

    @Yarna_ Thank you for the Frocktober donation! 😀

    @kimtomacruise Happy Canva-versary!

    @drkknits JEALOUS. (Suck it, Trebek.)

    Ron Howard’s Willow is still raucous and ridiculous 27 years later // I loved this movie!

    @richbuggy @canva Nope, not yet…

    Wait. I’m confused. Dendy (and other Aussie cinemas) selling SW tickets for “Thursday 17 December, 12:01am”. But trailer says December 18th.

    OHHH. We do get it a day earlier than the US!

    @TheWonkaTonka Did Harry popularise the man bun? I think of them as more Dothraki than anything. 🙂

    @lisaaharrison1 @poppiepack Yay! So excited for you guys tonight. Can’t wait. 🙂

    Massive @canva crew at #ignitesydney to support our @poppiepack!

    RT @joannejacobs: Melanie Perkins from Canva named the 2015 tech entrepreneur of the year for NSW – well done! 🙂

    Nice. @andykelk already getting laughs at @ignitesydney! #ignitesydney

    No slides? Bold move! (Kind of a cheat though!) 😜 #ignitesydney

    Surprise cameo by the @canva offices in @poppiepack’s fantastic #ignitesydney talk!

    RT @thuyvi85: Loved this presentation about #nooks #ignitesydney

    Talk about diversity and how teaching women prisoners to code might be a solution from @lisaaharrison1 #ignitesydney

    RT @LucindaBurtt: @poppiepack Great case for less open plan offices and more cosy nooks. Introverts rejoice. #IgniteSydney

    Penny was BRILLIANT. Humour, grace, wit, and such an important topic. #ignitesydney

    I want to live in Ash Town! #ignitesydney

    Loved the idea to put indigenous art in every classroom! #ignitesydney

    But how fast can the dinosaur do the Kessel run? #IgniteSydney

    RT @andykelk: Here’s my #ignitesydney talk: “I’d get rid of all the managers”

    RT @PennySharpemlc: @lisaaharrison1 back at you. I’d love to put you in touch with people who maybe interested in your idea. #ignitesydney

    In talking to my colleagues after #ignitesydney, it’s clear the takeaway was: “Four backflips and a double-deuce.” New measure of awesome.

    #frocktober day 20: brand new self-made Hazel dress from @colettepatterns! #dressdebut #ig…

    New stretch denim Hazel dress! #frocktober #dressdebut

    @RoseRed_Shoes Poor thing. She’s probably just hungry.

    Want to increase the numbers of women in tech? Join @tanya_plibersek, @NaomiSimson, and @rebekahposse Tuesday night!

    If you’re enjoying my frocks – 20 in a row so far! – consider donating to #frocktober. I’ve raised over $600 so far!

    @OphelieLechat Oh cool! Does that mean you can help me reach a bunch of coders to knit?! 😛

    We have reached peak Breton stripe. It’s everywhere, and I now declare it to be over. Please adjust your wardrobes accordingly.

  • Denim Hazel Dress

    Hazel DressI finished another dress! Back in July I was passing Sew Make Create and did a DOUBLE TAKE when I noticed they were having a fabric sale. I couldn’t resist. I ended up buying three pieces, one of which was an interesting stretchy denim with a pintuck detail (almost like stripes). Of course, as soon as I bought it I couldn’t figure out what the hell to do with it. I knew those vertical lines would be difficult to match up. Donna came through with the best suggestion: why not make another Hazel? (I’ve made two before.) I decided to fully line the top of this one with some red voile, and I used that for the pockets as well. I had a hell of a time with the strap placement and length though, and I’m still not 100% happy with them. (I think I unpicked them three or four times.) On the plus side, the denim was so stretchy that I was able to forgo the zipper entirely. But on the negative side, I didn’t use a walking foot so the top of the bodice got a bit stretched out and gapey. I eventually settled on topstitching a line around the top to create a casing that I was able to thread some thin elastic through. That’s enough to pull the top a bit tighter around my bust and armpits. Despite all the headaches, it ended up being a very cute, functional sundress!

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    @gilmae General induction or specifically about onboarding new devs?

    @gilmae That’s something we’re been working at Canva quite a bit. You should come over for a beer sometime and I’ll introduce @chrisdoble.

    @darthted @gilmae Thanks Ted! Very useful. Our latest batch are shipping within the first week, but we aren’t quite on Day 1 just yet. 🙂

    @chrisdoble @gilmae Friday is SPORTS DAY, remember? We might be running around a field somewhere. 😐

    @NicoleWill100 Oh good grief. Maybe @maheshmurali would be interested in that approach. 😀

    RT @NicoleWill100: Love this @MsGenGeorge from @oneshiftjobs on learning to be a Leader. Nice piece @rosepowell #sta…

    Fine tuning my talk for #tdccareersummit this weekend in Melbourne! Very excited to meet everyone down there. 🙂

    @OphelieLechat I will potentially have some free time in Melbourne on Sunday if you want to catch up! On-the-spur stitch and bitch? 🙂


    ARGH. Just spent the whole night trying to get my sewing machine to hem properly with a twin needle. No go. I give up. Tomorrow.

    @aloveofrunning @FenstarDeLuxe @Internode Same!

    And now the Internet is down. The technology is hassling me, man!

    @FenstarDeLuxe @aloveofrunning @Internode Not for me. 🙁

    @FenstarDeLuxe @aloveofrunning @Internode WAIT. It might be okay!

    #frocktober day 19: vintage dress. Monday.

    Just booked my midnight screening Star Wars tickets for Dendy Newtown. (What are the odds I’m back on the spam list? *sigh*)

    @lucykbain Just this morning at 8am, I believe!

    @aloveofrunning @FenstarDeLuxe @Internode Thanks – I’ll bookmark that for the next inexplicable outage. 🙁

    Me: “For $32, I can order Rebel Alliance Sliders.”
    Snook: “I’ve never tried Bantha.”
    Me: “It’s 2015, darling. It’s probably PULLED BANTHA.”

    @gilmae Speaking of haute Hoth cuisine, are you guys interested in trying to get Noma tickets? #treatyoself

    @gilmae I rationalised it as cheaper than flying to Denmark.

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    Sunday pancakes at Something for Jess. #nofilter

    Just spent 10 minutes doing a political phone survey about the next federal election. To my surprise, I really enjoyed it.

    I sounded like a Lib nightmare: wealthy, childless, university educated, pro marriage-equality, pro-environment hippie unafraid of boats.

    “How good or bad a reason to vote for the Liberals is ‘stopping the boats’?” EXTREMELY BAD.

    Instagram is already getting lazy about ad quality | The Verge // I’ve noticed this too.

    Programming Hate Into AI Will Be Controversial, But Possibly… Clickbait title – it’s about consciousness. Intriguing

    #frocktober day 17: self-made Moneta dress! #hawaiian @colettepatterns

    #frocktober day 18: Aloha dress I bought in Honolulu! #hawaiian

    An Off-the-Grid Prefab that Combines Open Plan Living with Rugged Durability // I love every aspect of this.

    RT @kouky: Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Official Poster

    @TheWonkaTonka @kouky “Conspicuously absent” seems to the most used phrase 🙂

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    Here’s @lisaaharrison1′s idea of heaven!

    I made a new friend.

    Sounds like an awesome way to start the weekend, @jocranford!

    Yahoo wants to kill passwords with revamped Mail app – CNET

    RT @mydaughtersarmy: The U.S. gun problem, put in perspective: