Month: October 2015
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RT @VanityFair: Ermahgerddon: the untold story of the Ermahgerd girl
RT @imdominating: He is all of us.
RT @annie_parker: Great to give @billshortenmp & @edhusicMP their @CodeClubAus t-shirts today for being longtime supporters 🙂…
“If you’re drunk, you can’t be bothered cleaning the juicer. That’s a fact.” – Auguste #fridaynight @canva
Someday I will give up my ridiculous need to be the last girl still drinking with the boys.
RT @OphelieLechat: .@lennyletter’s interview with Gloria Steinem is, well, fan-fucking-tastic, especially if you also cry when angry: http:…
#frocktober day 16: self-made retro shift dress. Classy.
Startup life. @canvavibe
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@TheWonkaTonka There’s NOWHERE ELSE you’d like to go? COUGH COUGH DOWN UNDER
@TheWonkaTonka I haven’t been through NZ yet. Be a good excuse to take a couple weeks off and go exploring… 🙂
Ugh. This is me all over the place. It’s the “just” thing again.
Rebranding Pablo & Rusty’s Wow – beautiful work from @manualcreative!
@imdominating This is for you:
Listening to @rosepowell teaching a room full of entrepreneurs about pitching to the media. #StartupAUS @Fishburners
Heh. @rosepowell getting in some good zingers about state of Oz journalism!
Damn. @rosepowell has received more than 800 #StartupAUS story pitches recently… with not a single one from a woman founder. 🙁
Lists like “50 most influential people in tech” aren’t based on any methodology. They’re just made up. GASP! #tradesecrets from @rosepowell
“Don’t ever use the word mompreneur when pitching to a journalist.” Sage advice from @rosepowell
“There’s a running joke about startup founders being photographed in front of graffiti…” – @rosepowell HA!
@AraulloJake @chrispytweets @rosepowell @teknetia Clarification: 831 pitches in 11 days. None from women. 🙁
@laurentrlin link!
@miguel_wood @rosepowell It was 831 pitches in 11 days.
My first ever escape room! Both @canva teams escaped. #startup #geniuses (@ panIQ Room in Sydney)
Me at one point during the Escape Room tonight.
#frocktober day 15: self-made glow-in-the-dark Washi dress! #outofthisworld
My #frocktober fundraising total is nearly $600, and we’re only halfway through! Thanks to all who’ve donated:
@TheRealBnut Every damn time.
A brief review of PaniqRoom, the escape room I visited tonight with some @canva colleagues!
@betsybookworm Thanks!
@NicoleWill100 @MsGenGeorge @Fishburners @rosepowell Did I mention I am NOT a morning person? 😫
@NicoleWill100 @MsGenGeorge @Fishburners @rosepowell I don’t think it counts as real coffee from a bag. 🙁
Lucy Turnull kicking things off at @Fishburners as @Wyatt_MP and @SenatorCash look on! #WiInnovation
@Jonwestenberg It’s actually pretty good!
RT @NicoleWill100: How meta: the Minister for Women’s hands are photo bombing my photo of 3 kickass #FemaleFounders #wiinnovation http://t.…
Having a scribe at the #WiInnovation breakfast is such a genius idea. @Fishburners
“Journalists are great. They’re not trying to find out what you did at 18 on tequila.” – Gen “Sometimes they are!” – @Wyatt_MP #WiInnovation
@drwitty_knitter It’s not an academic conference. It’s just a Q&A panel session.
@drwitty_knitter I’m aware of the concept; I’ve even done it at work meetings. It’s just novel at techie startup gigs. 🙂
@drwitty_knitter We tend to just rely on someone in the room tweeting every important bullet point.
Calmed my nerves enough to ask about conference representation and visibility. You can’t be what you can’t see! #WiInnovation
RT @GoMilkshake: We need #diversity in #rolemodels @nikkidurkin99 @99dresses #WiInnovation @Fishburners @StartupDailyANZ #ifSheCanIcan @in…
“I want to do what I love doing in the place where I love to live.” @Murray at @Fishburners #WiInnovation AMEN!
“As Australians, we don’t like talking ourselves up, but we have to. We’re doing amazing things.” #WiInnovation
Oh good grief. Didn’t realise my lairy #frocktober choice for today was going to stand out so much! @ChiefDisrupter
Free Dare iced coffee in tunnel at Central. Is this what happens when you go to work at a normal hour?
@thisismywww Dare isn’t exactly real coffee!
@gilmae Yeah, this bares no resemblance to actual coffee. But I got up two hours early today so the sugar & caffeine are enough.
@gilmae A little bit. Not by design; just randomly happened that way!
RT @v_shakthi: Met the amazing @MelanieCanva today! Arguably the most cheerful and interesting CEO I have met!
RT @Fishburners: @Wyatt_MP at @Fishburners Women in Innovation breakfast!
RT @catehstn: “I’m a feminist. But I felt like I came out.” ~@sherylsandberg #ghc15
Don’t tell him I said it, but Wyatt Roy is totally Pikachu. 🙂 @gilmae
Tonight I went along with a dozen of my co-workers to PaniqRoom, an escape room here in Sydney. I’d heard of them before but never done one. The idea is that you’re locked in a room and have to solve puzzles to escape before a clock runs down (sort of like a real life video game). My team tackled the “Abandoned Military Bunker” challenge. We had to find a secret file, disable a bomb, and unlock the door in under 60 minutes. Apparently it only has a 40% success rate, and the record is held by a couple who finished it with only two hints. (There’s a phone you can use if you get stuck and need some help.) Obviously we were all gung-ho and quite sure we’d solve it easily. After some instructions from our host (basically telling us what not to touch and that we didn’t need to smash anything), we entered and the game began!
I didn’t know what to expect at first, but I ended up loving it. The first 5 minutes reminded me of Finders Keepers. We all ran around like crazy investigating the room and digging into things. I don’t want to give away any spoilers, but there were lots of puzzles, codes, and keys. At one point, we opened a box and were confronted by a game that I’ve played thousands of times, and THIS WAS ME. We made fantastic progress for about 40 minutes before getting stumped and having to resort to a hint. Then we got one more hint 10 minutes later that pointed us towards the final stage. We ended up escaping with about six minutes to spare.
I highly recommend PaniqRoom. The staff were great, and the puzzles were interesting without being too hard or random. Well worth a visit!
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RT @madewithcode: Today we celebrate #AdaLovelace, the brains behind the first computer program from the punchcard days.…
Glad you’re using @canva, @Fishburners! I’ll be going along on the day. 🙂
Just discovered that most recent @KnitGuildNSW newsletter had a pattern for BALLS in it, and it *wasn’t* designed by @RoseRed_Shoes. Huh.
Looking forward to tomorrow’s PR workshop at @fishburners with my future @canva colleague @rosepowell!
RT @lucykbain: Looking for feedback on my post about the #javascript new keyword Am I understanding things right?
@FlipPrior I’m so sorry to hear it! 🙁
RT @zachkitschke: Great segment featuring Canva and @melaniecanva @cliffobrecht and @themaninblue on @theprojecttv tonight!…
#frocktober day 14: Super Spy Dress from @heartofhaute!
The answer, of course, is always YES!