Month: November 2015

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    @axmcc @sophiegllghr I didn’t say it, but I live there, and now I’m going to find it very difficult not to THINK IT, so thanks.


    Photographic proof of how knitting took over #campjs. 🙂

    Things we are thankful for: our new air conditioner!

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    We have a working toilet, sink, and shower now! Wooohoo!

    @coding_mama Ooh, good call! $5/m is about as cheap as I’ve seen it. Thanks!

    @drkknits @nytimes This is soooo 5 years ago. And cherpumple is a MUCH better name than “piecaken”. Ugh.

    @PeterEvjan I bought it here at Peters of Kensington, but I’m sure other games shops would have it!

    @PeterEvjan They also make a similar two-person game called Zip-It that we have too. Also really fun!

    Video of my @webdirections Respond talk from March is online! Responsive Ads: This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

    @VivEgan41 Ooh! I’m just looking for some basic long fringe for a flapper dress, in either black or red. How do I get in touch with her?

    @rosepowell It better not. I left clothes on the line.

    In the US, they have “Elf on a Shelf.” At Canva, we have “Dave on a Tree.”

    @sydjs Someone needs swiped up!

    Fifteen years later, and I’m still listening to @codepo8 rant about standards. #sydjs

    @alexyellowshoes Thank you!!

    @johnallsopp @sydjs HA!

    “The amazing tech of today is the rubbish of tomorrow.” QFT. I’ve built some amazing sites. They’re all gone now. #sydjs

    Old people. #sydjs

    RT @goodnewsfinland: MT @moominofficial: The new free #Moomin mobile #game is here. Create your own Moominvalley ht…

    I just started a “Moomin Farming Game”. Let’s play together! Come and enjoy my valley “HYMPJX”!

    RT @canva: Join @GuyKawasaki at @CreativeLive San Francisco’s in-studio course on Dec 1! Apply now:…

  • Should You Really Only Cook With Wine You’d Drink?

    Most people say to cook with a wine you’d be willing to drink, but is that always true? We tested all kinds of wine, from cheap to expensive, light to big—and even flawed—to find out what matters and when.

    Source: Should You Really Only Cook With Wine You’d Drink? The Truth About Cooking With Wine | Serious Eats

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    Delivering homemade pies to Surry Hills in my bike basket. Possibly just achieved Peak Hip…

    @Slingshotters I’m not a startup. I just baked some pies for my colleagues at work.

    @rosepowell Hardest part about working here!

    Happy Thanksgiving! From the Yanks at @canva. (Awesome lunch, @canvavibe!)

    @darthted Yeah, but Thanksgiving for 40+ ppl requires two chefs, and today was the only day both of them were here. They made 2 turkeys!!

    Just challenged @the_snook to an arm-wrestling match to determine who gets to use the new toilet first. #marriedlife

    Green Bean Casserole: The Thanksgiving Staple We Love — Or Loathe // LOVE Martha’s version; hate the canned one.

    @parisba @TheRealBnut I made the pies! Had to make a special trip to David Jones and pay $13 for a can of Libby’s Pumpkin. 🙂

    @TheRealBnut @toolmantim I’m confused. What does this have to do with knitting? 🙂

    It’s not often you see a non-Rav knitter flounce.

    Sewists – where’s the best place in Sydney to get my hands on a LOT of fringe trim for a decent price?

    @slace Bah. I don’t have much faith that Etsy sellers are actually makers. I’ll rely on my Twitter friends that actually sew!