Month: November 2015

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    Update on the Bathroom Reno: we’re one week in, and already two weeks behind schedule. Not impressed, @harveynormanAU. Not impressed. 🙁

    So… this is happening in the @canva office right now. @SamuelKillin

    Thank you @randomknits for my awesome new sticker. Who says laptops are only for tech stuff!?

    @gilmae A bit of column A, a bit of column B, I suspect. But don’t discount the fact that @cliffobrecht just really likes his barber.

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    @thatwearwolf She’s going to be in Melbourne next week, you know! 🙂

    @drkknits Okay, I definitely need an update.

    @drkknits @imdominating Well, this is all a bit much for a Monday morning. 😛

    RT @campjsnews: Less than 10 tickets left for CampJS VI (20 – 23 November, Springbrook QLD):

    @NicoleWill100 @jmcduling I often have to dodge backpackers handing out their marketing materials in the tunnel at Central. It’s annoying.

    Lots of links to the excellent @mefiblue post on emotional labor. Highly recommended.

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    When the zombies rise, these are the women who will be clothing humanity. #sewingposse @co…

    RT @acarboni: Sick prank: Leave this photo @malki faked open on random devices to freak out your friends https://t.…

    Posing in my Myrtle dress with the actual fabric with the ACTUAL DESIGNER. #zomg @saraimit…

    RT @junkeedotcom: ‘Serial”s Adnan Syed has won the motion to re-open his case in a post-conviction hearing |

    Picked up my new sandals!

    Impromptu trip to the cinema to finally see “The Martian.” (@ Palace Cinemas in Leichhardt, NSW)

    RT @canva: How To Use Images To Skyrocket Your Blog Traffic by @steverayson

    @randomknits Awww, happy birthday @gilmae!

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    RT @NicoleWill100: Hi @startupaus please help us spread the word about #TechfugeesAustralia Hackathon … …

    RT @futzle: Probably Sydney people call tornadoes “wind scallops”.

    RT @mitchelmore_j: Fantastic article on how to increase gender diversity and hire women via @techcrunch

    Fuelling before TMBG! (@ Mary’s in Newtown, NSW w/ @knitterjp)

    They Might Be Giants is an old crowd. Not quite Huey Lewis old, but gettin’ up there.

    You can’t go back to Constantinople. #TMBG

    @HartsyardNaomi @thegretzenmore Next time! Too tired. 🙂 Tried to get a table at HY but was all booked out earlier!

    @thegretzenmore @HartsyardNaomi Absolutely!

    @developerjack @frankarr That’ll be @MeccaCoffee. He’s not wrong. 🙂

    Here with a dozen sewists to go on a fabric shopping trip with Sarai from Colette Patterns! (at @reubenhills)

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    @randomknits @gilmae I also make cheese.

    Day 3 of renovation, and guess what? No tradies have turned up yet. I keep looking over my shoulder for Kevin McCloud.

    This is insane. I’ve been to Ada Initiative events. We talked about imposter syndrome, not “how to frame men”. FFS.

    If that’s what MRAs think goes on at WiT events, they’re sadly mistaken. We’re a lot more boring that that. We’re just people.

    RT @allybeaton: How a Project Manager can help developers becoming much more productive

    My 9-Year Love Affair With Melatonin // I’ve been using it for a few weeks. Definitely noticed the weird dreams!

    @gilmae Was ESR always a raving loony? Somehow I missed that.

    @drwitty_knitter @mpesce And the electricians have finally turned up! Crossing my fingers over here.

    @TheWonkaTonka Drooling all over everything…

    RT @agile_memes: When good Scrum Masters go bad #agile #scrum

    @imdominating @AMCTalkingDead @1iota AWESOME! Congrats!!