Month: November 2015

  • Dream Collective Career Summit Slides & Video

    Recently I gave talks in Sydney and Melbourne as part of the Dream Collective Career Summit. The Dream Collective is an off-shoot of Little Girl Big Dream, and it aims to connect and develop high-calibre young professional women from 25-35. For this event, they pulled together a number of speakers for “TED-style talks” about intrapreneurship. My friend Eileen attended the Melbourne event and was able to film my talk. Here it is!

    There’s a hilarious 30s bit in the middle where Eileen accidentally hit stop on the video, so I had to recreate that part at home. In case you’re wondering. 🙂

    If you’d like a closer look at my slides, they’re here. Special thanks to Guy Kawasaki for his writings on intrapreneurship (especially this blog post), and to Poppie Pack for helping tweak the design of my slides. The whole presentation was design in Canva, of course!

    I also took some photos on the day of previous speakers as well as our panel at the end. Thank you so much to Sarah and the Dream Collective team for inviting me!

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    Wait, @saraicat from @ColettePatterns is going to be in Melbs!? Any chance of a visit to Sydney too??

    RT @diversionary: I’m experimenting with Medium, so what better than “How to make Cold Brew Coffee” as a first post?…

    @diversionary The font meant I had to stare at “80g” for a while to figure out what it meant. Thought for a sec that “og” was special unit.

    @TheTonyHam Actually, they start *before* Halloween. That stupid tree goes up in the QVB in mid-October. Drives me nuts every time.

    @TheTonyHam I actually really love it. It’s different. More like a weird summer vacation than anything. 🙂

    @iamnotyourbroom @diversionary *glares*

    @JennaPrice I just hearted that.

    @gilmae But doesn’t it feel good? I LOVE pruning backlogs. I should be a professional backlog pruner.

    @imdominating So you’re missing Pacey. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU.

    The Snook got it for me in the US as a joke, but the real joke is that I LOVE IT and it’s nearly gone. 🙁

    @kouky Well, there’s your problem. It’s spelled <center>. 😜

    If The Shoe Fits: The Rise Of The Stylish Comfort Shoe #sneakers4life

    RT @CBCNews: Asked why he went with gender parity in his cabinet, Trudeau says “Because it’s 2015”…

    Want to see video & photos from my Dream Collective talk in Melbourne? It’s here!

    @saraicat @colettepatterns Well, you have quite a fan club! Say the word and we can at least put together some drinks. 🙂

    My life philosophy.

    @saraicat Excellent. Will see what I can throw together. Talk to you soon!

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    Come on, @goCatchApp. I turned on notifications thinking it’d be updates on a cab, not Melbourne Cup spam. 🙁

    @mmastertheone Hm. They’re the right way for me… WordPress. I’ll investigate.

    @mmastertheone Weird. I see them as vertical even in new browser. Still that way after refresh?

    @sebastiangrail I pinged them about that today too. 🙁

    @mmastertheone Lesson: don’t rely on WordPress for rotating in the future! 🙂 Thanks…

    Hooray for #pantsvember! I got new shoes to celebrate.

    @snaxolotl Are you okay? I don’t even know you really, but you seem like a good person. I’m sure your friends would want to help!

    @gilmae @randomknits We just use Revolution. I buy it online. Last time cheapest I found was

    @justasitsounds I know, right? I haven’t heard much more. DM me if you get any details. 🙂

    @mobywhale @SydCSS @darylljann @georgiecel I agree! Love this one with me and @chrisdoble:

    RT @NicoleWill100: Australian snowstorm

    Just realised I haven’t refreshed Tweetdeck, so I’ve still got stars! For now.

    @drkknits @rosered_shoes Voltaren? We have ibuprofen in the US, you know! You can buy GIANT bottles of it! 🙂


    @diversionary I was going to suggest @johnallsopp start an irritNewsletter, when I remembered he pretty much has one already. 😜

    RT @Quibb: Why Static Website Generators Are The Next Big Thing via @MistOne

  • Bathroom Renovation

    Here we go again on another renovation adventure! It’s time to turn our old and busted ensuite bathroom into something more modern and less gross. As with the kitchen, we’re going with Harvey Norman Renovations to manage the whole project. We spent last night clearing out the bathroom and moving our bed into the guest room. Here are the before photos:

    The big change is that we’re swapping the toilet and the shower. That way the shower can run parallel to the window and can be a little bigger. Then we’ll have a smaller vanity beside it (where the towel rack used to be). The walls will be tiled up to the ceiling with white rectangles, and the floor will be white hexagons with black grout.

    The first task, of course, was to demolish the old bathroom. In three hours, five guys and a jackhammer took it down to the bare bricks. Now it looks like a prison cell! Here’s hoping the rest of the build goes smoothly…

    (Yeah, they chipped the damn window. They’re already arranging to get it fixed…)

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    This year was a tipping point for Halloween in Australia. I didn’t see ANY snarky hate online, and seems like a lot of people celebrated!

    @gilmae I would’ve liked to have had that on the plane this morning.

    @gilmae Ah, yes. 🙂

    @gilmae Ooh, did you do the jack-o-lantern? I never saw a photo!

    @gilmae @randomknits Awww, it’s cute!

    RT @frostickle: @web_goddess Finally found a spare moment to edit & post my blogpost… I really shouldn’t have let it drag so much 😓 https:/…

    @frostickle Thanks for the heads up! Looks great – love the photographs. 🙂

    @lemon_lime Done! 🙂

    @stevelikesyou @mobywhale @LookaheadSearch Yay! Congrats – was hoping it went well. 🙂

    @drkknits You are going to be amazing!

    @randomknits Ooh, exciting! I finished my Myrtle – just about to blog it.

    #frocktober – the very last one! Self-made Myrtle from @colettepatterns, finished two days…

    @OphelieLechat Well, I started a Women in Tech Stitch and Bitch group here in Sydney. We have a Google groups mailing list…

    @OphelieLechat So I know heaps. 🙂 @knitterjp, @mobywhale, @NicoleWill100, @shvedma, @randomknits, @kakaCharlotte, etc etc…

    RT @OphelieLechat: @web_goddess I have a potentially terrible idea of starting a Slack group for crafters. Potential members so far: you an…

    More details on my final #frocktober dress: the plaid Myrtle! My attempt to channel Vivienne Westwood…

    @OphelieLechat Done and done! Awesome idea!

    @drkknits @RoseRed_Shoes I pronounced it as “car-mul” until I was a teenager. Somethings I still do. (It’s always “car-mul corn”.)

    @drkknits Sounds like it’s going well!

    @drkknits That’s the awesome part about the South. They know manners down there!

    Telstra Media brings in Nine executive in reshuffle // Well. That is interesting.

    The builders are here, and bathroom demolition is happening.

    7:30am, so the jack hammering is starting. I’m sorry to everyone in Chippendale.

    @randomknits ON THE WALLS?! Awesome.

    @randomknits Beautiful colour! (But you knew I’d say that…)

    RT @themaninblue: Canva breakfast

    3hrs of jackhammering to turn old-and-busted bathroom into a jail cell. Fun. Pics here! #bathreno2015

  • #frocktober – the very last one! Self-made Myrtle from @colettepatterns, finished two days ago!

    Myrtle Dress

    This is my very last dress for Frocktober 2015, and it’s the second one I made this month. The fabric is a plaid jersey knit that I bought at The Fabric Store a while back. When I saw the plaid, I immediately thought of Vivienne Westwood, something drapey at the top but cinched in at the waist. Maybe even a little bit punk. Given that my sewing skills aren’t quite up to corsetry, I settled on Myrtle by Colette Patterns as a nice compromise. It features a schwoopy cowl neck bodice (self-lined!), pockets(!), and an elastic waistband. I spent a lot of time on the cutting, trying to make sure that everything was square and the plaid was centered on the skirt and bodice. I realised pretty quickly though that matching it up across seams was going to be impossible. (The pattern includes a neat trick to encase the elastic at the waist, but I couldn’t figure out to match the plaid across the join.) I figure with all the lovely Grecian draping happening, you can’t really tell that it doesn’t line up. I managed all the sewing on Saturday afternoon/evening, and it wasn’t that hard. (I found the sewalong tutorial very helpful for understanding what was happening with the self-lined bodice and the waistband.) I used my overlocker where I could, and I finally mastered the two-needle hem. (The trick is to actually use a ballpoint needle with knits. DUH.) I was so pleased with it, I had to wear it today even though technically it’s now PANTSVEMBER. It’s amazingly comfortable to wear, and I feel like it’s a flattering design for my shape. I really like it!

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    RT @felixsalmon: How heavy is a single Atlantic article? Answer: at least 15 floppy disks. This is not the phone’s fault!…

    Brunch in NYC by way of Melbourne.

    Ready for the wedding of @crumpart and Paul!

    Gotta love a wedding ceremony that includes the “Mawidge” clip from the Princess Bride and “Origin of Love” from Hedwig as the recessional.

    @ozbluey @drwitty_knitter Men are Completely welcome to participate in #frocktober! We’d love to have you onboard. Make your own rules. 🙂

    @thatwearwolf Hello!

    I think I was the most excited person on the dance floor when “Shake It Off” started. WOOOOO! Thanks @crumpet 🙂

    A woman walked in on me taking a photo in the bathroom. “It’s this safety warning,” I said. “IT’S NUTS.”

    The newlyweds share a dance… @crumpart

    #frocktober day 32: polka dots for @crumpart’s wedding. (I told you I wasn’t done yet…)

    @twelveeyes Looks great! How did you alter the pleats?

    @stephenlead Right?! I kept my face and eyeballs well away.

    Wow. Google is WRONG! Still showing flight as delayed, but we’re boarding on time. Good thing we didn’t rely on it.

    Back to Sydney and straight to work! (@ Melbourne Airport (MEL) – @melair in Tullamarine, VIC)