Month: December 2015

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    @randomknits @Opheli8 I am a sucker for a good @TempleWebster sale.

    STOP THE PRESSES. Best of Bootie 2015 has been available for over a week?! (I forget every year.)

    @smithcdau Thanks, I’ll check it out!

    RT @smithcdau: @web_goddess Also checkout DJ Earworm United States of Pop

    @supercres Interesting. I looked at it but didn’t see any compelling reason to upgrade, especially as the new one is subscription.

    @supercres Why did you decide to get the new one? Did I miss some awesome feature?

    RT @Quibb: Startups and Shit, How to get rich in tech, guaranteed. via @hsukenooi

    Happy to discover @reubenhills is open today so I could stock up on coffee beans for the long weekend. The place is packed!

    @betterbomb Haha, I’ve already got the list. Just wondering if whacking them all in .htaccess is the best way to go…

    RT @nic_hazell: What a list! Great piece by @NicoleWill100 celebrating the success of #female #entrepreneurs & #innovators in 2015

    Decided the ideal way to start 2016 was to throw out old t-shirts and reorganise my drawer…

    On Christmas Eve, the Snook and I conquered the Bago Maze – the largest hedge maze in NSW! Post with photos here:

    @andykelk @developerjack We went with Old Fashioneds with giant ice cubes. 🙂

    Impromptu decision to head to a Redfern pub on NYE to meet up with Redditors. This is going to be interesting.

    On a whim, went to a NYE Reddit meetup. My burger has NACHO CHIPS on it!

    @michaelneale @darthted @lachlanhardy We got a sous vide this year. I can’t really argue that though.

    RT @sadpadfoot: NICE GUY POE DAMERON

    RT @ircmaxell: Please take a few minutes out of your day to read this. We cannot keep letting this happen. stand up…

  • Best of Bootie 2015

    Woohoo, my favourite end-of-year treat – the Best of Bootie 2015 mix! This year’s is kind of weird. There’s a Lion King song in there, and one that uses the Charleston?! I like the “Beverly Hills” mashup a lot though, as well as the “Girls” one. And the “Hello” finalé is friggin’ epic. Definitely worth downloading!

  • Bago Maze

    We spent the week before Christmas with the Snook’s parents up in Eungai. It was a nice, relaxing break. One day we went to the Gladstone Markets and  then had lunch at Smoky Cape Retreat, which we hadn’t visited since we stayed there when I ran my marathon four years ago. Another day we drove north: honey lattes at the Honey Place in Urunga, then lunch and antique shopping in Sawtell, and finishing with a choc-covered frozen banana at the Big Banana. The highlight of the trip for me though was definitely our visit to the Bago Maze.

    The Snook somehow found the Bago Maze online recently and suggested we stop. It’s at a vineyard near Wauchope, and it’s meant to be the largest hedge maze in New South Wales. (It was only finished a few years ago, which is why we hadn’t heard of it before.) We drove down there on Christmas Eve, stopping off on the way for Fredo Pies and scones at Ricardoes. Bago Vineyard is pretty far off the highway, and we laughed nervously as we ventured farther and farther down hilly dirt roads through a forest with no other cars in sight. (“Maybe it’s all a trick to kidnap hipster cityfolk and steal their organs!”) Eventually we crested a hill and saw the most beautifully situated, practically hidden little vineyard complete with hedge maze. The cellar door is at the top of a hill with a stunning view out over the vines and maze. (It would be gorgeous spot to hold a wedding or party.) The sky was grey and drizzly though, and we were the only people there. We paid our $10 and headed for the maze.

    It was raining a little bit as we took a selfie from the top of the hill, but thankfully it stopped for most of our time in the maze. We were given a code that unlocked the entrance gate, as well as a list of secret items to look for and tick off. It’s a very well done maze! You can’t see very far in advance, and it’s not at all obvious which turns will be dead ends. The paths all curve too, which means you can’t necessarily pick one based on which direction you want to head. We went with the strategy of trying the left-most option each time and backtracking where needed. We found our way to the first tower pretty easily, which includes a bridge and some fun recycled bells to play. We found the second tower soon after, and the Snook spent some time playing the “Thongophone” beneath it. (There’s also a large Chinese gong you can whack. Very satisfying.) We picked our way through the mud on the sunken path, finding some more secret treasures from our list. In under an hour, we stumbled upon the exit door… but we weren’t ready to go yet. We backtracked a bit to search for some more items from our list. The rain started back up though, so we eventually decided to head out. I think we were in the maze for about 45 minutes total, and we’ve still got a few items left to look for next time. Afterwards we tried some of the Bago wine and ended up buying half a case, as well as a platter of local cheeses and meats. The Bago Vineyards and Maze are well worth a stop if you’re in the area!

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    Discovered that @deliciousaus has no RSS feed. This really annoys me.

    RT @GuardianAus: #StarWars is a game-changer, awakening the feminist force in little girls everywhere

    @TheRealBnut Back in the day I would’ve scraped it with Yahoo Pipes. *sigh* I miss the open web.

    @catehstn Not. Funny.

    Christmas present from me to me: an Orla Kiely messenger bag (with matching wallet). #trea…

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    @i386 I suddenly feel justified in spending like 14 hours reading Reddit and MeFi threads about it over the past week. 😛

    @cathjones0 IS THAT A SHIRT THAT I CAN PURCHASE???! (Love it!)

    @hudsonmeats I’m looking for andouille (or a substitute). Got anything like that?

    @VicsMeatMarket I’m looking for andouille (or a substitute). Got anything like that?

    @aimee_maree I would love to be involved! Spent most of the holiday hacking on WordPress. 🙂 @developerjack

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    @Psalmsong5 Nah, this is PHP. I only know a little bit about Python. Looking to learn though!

    @drkknits I had the same thought when we got home on Friday!

    @drkknits Yes, that’s lovely! Although it’s not the same to watch the cricket without you rage-tweeting about Ponting. 🙂

    Rebuild of Roald Dahl site is up to 1200 WordPress pages. I’m around 80% done. Yikes. What’s the best way to manage a LOT of redirects?

    @clinton_freeman Nope. Definitely way different. 🙁

    @i386 @pwcc Yeah, I think mod_rewrite is the only solution. I’ve got a spreadsheet of 1200 so far. *sigh*

    @developerjack @i386 @pwcc It should be a one-off. Once new site is ready, I shouldn’t need to tweak much!

    @gilmae @i386 @pwcc Yup. Exactly. Glad to know I’m on the right track!

    RT @voxdotcom: Female superhero movie fastest to reach $1 billion

    @i386 No. He mentions at one point that he was taken from his family and raised to be a storm trooper. That’s what they did post-Clone.

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    @drwitty_knitter It’s well-marked on the highway, despite all the construction. (There’s a long stretch of it north of Port.)

    @drwitty_knitter Unfortunately a hot spell in Oct means most of the ripe strawberries are gone. But there’s a deal on jam! 🙂

    @gilmae I believe step 2 is “Act manly.” (The Snook is a little jealous.)

    Far too much, actually! All my actual chores are still to be done, but I’m satisfied with that. 🙂

    RT @JointDestroyer: Hey @9NewsAUS I fixed your sexist tweet *and* put an Australian focus on it. 👍🏼

    RT @niltiac: “How to spot the warning signs that the ‘Unicorn’ you work for is in trouble — lessons for…” by @frank_meehan…