Month: December 2015

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    These donuts are makin’ me THIRSTY! (It’s called the George Costanza.) #doughnuttime

    Whoa. I was skeptical of how good a $6 donut could be, but damn. That was a really great donut. Well done, #doughnuttime.

    Making the yearly pilgrimage northwards to the Snook homestead! (@ Twin Service Station M1 Northbound)

    Christmas in Australia.

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    @canva goes to the Cat Cafe.

    RT @canva: What better way to embrace the silly season than visiting a cafe full of kittens? Some of our team did today:…

    @lucykbain It was fun! Though to be honest, I think the Cat Protection Society would be much the same (and free).

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    @keandrews @kakaCharlotte DM me your email address and I’ll add you to the group! 😉

    Bathroom Renovation – it’s almost done! Medicine cabinet, mirror, shower screen, and more…


    RT @ceejbot: PHP is bad. Java is bad. Javascript is bad. Ruby is bad.

    I’m beginning to suspect that programming is terrible.

    RT @Jesswithgusto: Is it just mine or are all Sydney kids behaving better now they have the terrifying spectre of Derucci looming at every …

  • Bathroom Renovation

    It’s soooo almost done! The shower screen went up last week, and then – FINALLY – the gas company turned up to hook us up. The new instant hot water system went in this week, and yesterday the builder turned up to hang the medicine cabinet, shower baskets, and mirror. (We have to wait three days before we can take the tape and supports off the mirror.)

    Now all that’s left to do is paint the cornice and ceiling and finish moving all our stuff back in!

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    For @Canva Kris Kringle this year, I knitted Shrödinger’s Christmas Cat for @davidhearnden

    @mmastertheone Bloody hell. Thanks for that. I just activated it. GAHH. Deactivated now. 🙂

    @rosepowell JEALOUSY.

    I want a Jewelbot. GGD/WWC group order? @pyko @lucykbain @daphnechong @sezshares @emmainsydney

    @daphnechong @pyko @lucykbain @sezshares @emmainsydney I saw them on @catehstn’s site. They’re really for kids, but I want one anyway. 😛

    Since I gave away my Star Wars tickets last night due to illness, I’m going dark on social media until I see the movie. Later, folks.

    @stephenlead Heh. @unlikelylibrary posted that same suggestion to the Girl Geek Sydney FB page this morning. 😀

  • Shrödinger’s Christmas Cat

    For the Canva 2015 Kris Kringle gift exchange, I got a colleague who is mathematician and engineer. I tried stalking him on social media, but he doesn’t post very much. I knew that he’s into dark European films and quantum physics, so my genius idea was to knit him Shrödinger’s Cat!

    You can find more details about the knitted cat over on Ravelry. Obviously, he’s alive on one side and dead on the other! To complete the experiment, I included a bottle of “poison” (ie vodka) and a container full of “radioactive material” (ie Kinder eggs). I packed it all into a cardboard box that I spraypainted silver (since it’s supposed to be steel) and decorated with “PROPERTY OF E. SHRÖDINGER” and “CAUTION: LIVE(?) ANIMALS” labels.

    I’m very happy to report that the recipient was delighted with it. 🙂