Month: December 2015
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@mdjanderson @cdeagle @tastapod It’s possible I misheard in my delight at learning a new acronym. 🙂
RT @brentonmcsweyn: “Lead time to Thank You” – Aspirational Agile #yow15
I remember when XP was this New Big Thing at my first dev job back in 2000. Wow. Just dated myself. #YOW15
Oh god. And now MoSCoW. @smithcdau should’ve warned audience about possibility for traumatic flashbacks. #YOW15
Huh. You don’t usually see Eli Whitney mentioned at tech conferences. @smithcdau #YOW15
@boicy Thanks James! I’m excited to get to introduce your talk this afternoon. 🙂
The problem with @smithcdau’s #YOW15 talk is I’ve now got a list of like 20 software methodology books I actually want to read.
RT @RaphHaddadAus: 40 agile methods in 40 minutes by Craig Smith #YOW15
“Oh hi! I follow you on Twitter!” How new friendships start at tech conferences. #YOW15
Talk of vulnerabilities in networked computers always makes me think of Battlestar Galactica. Just me? #YOW15
Problem with tech conferences: feeling embarrassed to fire up Moomin Valley so I can harvest my lingonberries.
@glasnt HA!
RT @paulwiggins: Who is the hacker that outed Craig Wright as the creator of Bitcoin? Maybe Craig Wright himself. v…
I forgot to mention earlier: I’ve got @canva stickers if anyone wants one! #yow15
CDD – Constraint Driven Development. Listening to fascinating stories from @enyok. #YOW15
@pbrdmn You’ll have to find me at a different event then!
“Africa is not mobile first… It’s mobile only.” @enyok #YOW15
Thanks @pyko!
I was having a lovely moment reminiscing about working in the London dotcom boom with @boicy before his #YOW15 talk!
A more entertaining explanation of the Single Responsibility Principle from @boicy. #YOW15
RT @Meligy: “Getting to rearchitect a system is a sign of success, not failure”
Well said.
TIL about idempotency in computer science. Thanks @Indu_alagarsamy! #YOW15
Sampling Danish delicacies with @apaipi after #YOW15. WOW.
Who let @whalec on stage?! 😜 #YOW15 (Thank you @bilue_voice for the beers!)
@charrett @Tyro @apaipi Yes indeed! I’ll be similarly decked out in @canva gear. 🙂
Woken up by loud pounding on the door. WHAT THE HELL JERK. Oh, wait, our gas is getting installed today? ALL IS FORGIVEN! Huzzah!
@tidymeaus I can’t see how to actually cancel a booking on my dashboard. Do I really have to ring you for that?
@apaipi @charrett Unfortunately I’ve had a change of plans! Found out at 6:30am that gas is being installed at our place today.
@apaipi @charrett Sorry to miss you both!
@charrett @tyro @canva @yow_oz @apaipi One of my colleagues might be wearing a shirt! Keep an eye out for @sebastiangrail or @kouky 🙂
Disappointed I’m not at #YOW15 today, but on the plus side, it looks like I’m getting hot water for Christmas!
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@TempleWebster Hey, have you guys got the wrong product photo on this item?
RT @nicwinton: Our coffee machine at @Canva was suffering from queuing problems. So I upgraded it.
@TempleWebster Brilliant, thanks! Then it’s definitely the thing I want to order. 🙂
RT @b0rk: “Please remove ‘junior’ from your developer titles” –
The winner of @canva’s inaugural Mike Hebron Dependably Awesome Award is – predictably eno…
@rosepowell I bought a feather boa yesterday! There’s a party shop in the CBD near Wynyard. Apparently one in SH somewhere too?
Made it to #YOW15. Phew.
Hey, that’s me! Congrats again to @pyko, @lucykbain, @daphnechong, @charrett, and @vilacides. #YOW15
RT @bevanblackie: Very proud that @teamansarada is a sponsor of #yow15! Gonna be an awesome conference! #Sydney #developersdevelopersdevelo…
RT @glasnt: Congrats to all these ladies, plus the other amazing speakers involved: @RhianaHeath, Ayta, and Valeria! #yow15…
I’ve seen this Netflix quote before & maybe I’m not enough an abstract thinker, but it made me ROLL MY EYES. #YOW15
Yes, vision is critical. But you can’t build a boat of you don’t have people with boat-building skillz. #YOW15
@sazzajay Maybe it’s the ship-building = software development analogy that annoys me. I think if it more like architecture.
@sazzajay And yeah, yearn for skyscrapers. But the person pouring the concrete has more practical concerns.
@neil_killick Because it presupposes you’ve hired all the best ship-builders and they all know exactly what to do.
@neil_killick Which is only true for a very small group of ship-building companies.
@neil_killick I’m more interested in the practicalities of training up more shipbuilders than lofty philosophies.
@neil_killick …to strain the metaphor to the breaking point. 🙂
“You built it, you run it.” – Werner Vogels. That’s a statement I can get behind. #YOW15
@MsFionaTay I know what you mean. I worry people will think it’s the only thing I do. “You just like to be offended,” someone said. #despair
@neil_killick Which is fine, and I said as much afterwards. My objection has more to do with Netflix hiring policies. 🙂
RT @jpcostales: “This amazing thing happens. When you put engineers on call, they tend to build software that doesn’t break” #yow15 https:/…
Is this where the post-technical people are? 😜 @delitescere #YOW15
“Stuff that gets 8-10 ppl pointing in same direction is very different from stuff that gets 80-100 ppl pointing in same direction.” #YOW15
How do you distribute work to feature teams? How does that turn into $? (This is relevant to my interests.) #YOW15
TIL “SWAG” as a unit of measure. SWAG = Sweet Wild Ass Guess. #useful @tastapod #YOW15