Month: January 2016

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    30min Skillet Plum Cake. (Stone fruits are in season!)

    I saved $25.20 cycling to work this month! I tracked it with @PiggyBike

    @pyko What happened to Jekyll?!

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    Amy Cuddy on Mastering the Antidote to Anxiety, Self-Consciousness, and Impostor Syndrome // Note to self: READ THIS

    Blogging the Infinite Jest Readalong – 6% @rosepowell @Sam_McCosh @tonilehelena @buckle22

    Things that amuse me: when I get an invitation from a friend and recognise that it’s a @canva design! 😛

    So proud that I was a Girl Scout!

    @200ok Ooh, I know an Indian who might jump at that. I’ll SMS him now.

    @200ok Nevermind. He’s already got a ticket. 🙂

    You get extra Hipster Points when you bicycle to the cafe.

  • Infinite Jest Readalong – 6%

    Infinite Jest Readalong – 6%

    Recently, in a fit of madness, I agreed to join an Infinite Jest readalong organised by my new friend and colleague Rose. You may recall that I first tried (and failed) to read IJ as part of Infinite Summer six years ago. (Six?!) I was actually so annoyed by the book at that point that I ended up giving my printed copy to the local Op Shop. So for this readalong, I’m going with the Kindle version. Our first goal is 75 pages, which is apparently around 7.5% of the way through. Right now I’m at 6%, and I believe this is about the point where I stopped last time. Hm.

    I was talking about the book with Rose a few weeks ago and mentioned that my problem is I’ve turned into a terrible skimmer. I love plot and I’m impatient, so I have a tendency to just skip right over paragraphs that look boring or have too much description in them. (Lord of the Rings, I’m looking at you.) She said that one of the things she likes about IJ is that it’s literally like a workout for your brain. The way it’s written, you have to pay attention. And that gave me an idea – why not take notes as I go? So I got out a notebook and started jotting things down. It’s actually been really helpful. It forces me to slow down and pay attention. So then I thought I might as well blog them for some added accountability. (Of course, I have since discovered that lots of people do this.)

    Here are my notes so far:


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    Uber are doing a free clothing drive for the Red Cross this Sunday. That’s actually a really great idea.

    The upside to us dragging our sick selves to the Nick Offerman show is that apparently I c…

    @i386 Spotted you on the way in! I’m in the 4th row near the centre. 🙂

    That was a late night, but seeing Ron Swanson sing “Bye Bye Lil Sebastian” in the State Theater is something I’ll never forget!

    Sleeping in, coffee, croissant, heavy drugs. The best I’ve felt in 3 days. #sickie

    RT @HarvardBiz: Why digital companies need more liberal arts majors: Creativity, empathy, and listening are more important than ever https:…

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    RT @joshhunt: So fucking excited to see live after 7 months of hard work from an incredible team at Mi9. Never been…


    RT @lucykbain: The @yow_oz Women In Tech speaker competition is open again! You should apply – I learned so much from Damian Conway https:/…

    RT @andykelk: Some great speakers at #AgileAus this year.
    And you? Submit a talk now:

    RT @johnmaeda: When I look back at 2015, the most important UX innovation (or, revelation) goes to Dio: https://t.c…

    RT @nicnewman: The Guardian is now calling native ads ‘paid content’ – Digiday via @nuzzel thanks @JuanSenor

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    @twelveeyes @randomknits OooooOOOOhhhhh. Tempted.

    @Lackadazy I can’t even watch those commercials. All I can think is FOOT GRATER.

    Apple Music is trolling me again. “Ooh, I’m enjoying this song. What is it?” BIEBER. EVERY GODDAMN TIME.

    RT @mumbrella: Nine begins roll-out of catch-up and streaming service 9Now and registration system My9

    @gilmae 1996 was the BEST.

    @gilmae I made a book group at Mi9 read the Cluetrain Manifesto last year. Man, there was a lot of Intranet in there. Intranets were HOT.

    @gilmae I actually felt slightly embarrassed, like I had to apologise to the non-techies and youths on our collective behalf.

    @gilmae I think I was the only one that made it through either version. 🙁

    RT @damncabbage: Start your popcorn buckets: (See thread.)

    @johndagostino @FairfaxMedia I can’t get the link to open, but I know a great candidate (that’s not me). 🙂

    @johndagostino @tfqkhn All good. Things are in motion. *taps nose*

    @OphelieLechat I was in a play once where I had to break a bottle on someone’s head. They were made of sugar, but still very cathartic!

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    Australia Day pub crawl begins with burgers at the Gladstone!

    And now to the Flodge for the Best Inner West Tap Takeover…

    Plan for a third bar wilted in the hot Aussie sun. Next stop: mango daiquiris in the aircon at home!

    Mango daiquiri.

    TIL Shaggy did *not* sing Boom-Shacka-lak. It was a British Indian dude! I did not know that.

    @codepo8 Yes, so I’ve been educated. I would’ve sworn on a stack of Bibles it was Shaggy. My youth is a lie.