Month: January 2016
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Salted Caramel Rice Krispy Treats for ‘Straya Day!
@lightningdb They’re almost gone. It’s worse than the In-N-Out popup shop over here.
@mpesce @jesslynnrose I should give it another try. Read it once years ago and HATED IT.
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Best beef stew I’ve ever had! Courtesy of the Snook (and @seriouseats’s recipe).
@drkknits TBH, if I’ve been a bit quiet, it’s just because it seems like that’s what everyone else wants to hear about.
@drkknits I’m actually much more interested in hearing about your work, adjusting to life as an expat, etc.
@drkknits You’re in the land of Big Noting! If you don’t back yourself in the US, you won’t succeed.
@drkknits I tell someone I know who works for a large American company that all the time 🙂
@drkknits Aussie humbleness doesn’t translate.
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Looking to get cycling insurance. Anyone in NSW used Velosure? Looks cheaper than joining Bicycle NSW.
@drkknits It will. Quickly.
@FlipPrior Your neighbourhood? Are we neighbours then??
@FlipPrior Same! Moorgate Street represent. 🙂
@ozdj Whoa. JEALOUS!
@DDsD They also hired @codepo8 as an Evangelist. It’s a good strategy.
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Many thanks to @nicwinton for my new profile picture on, like, everything.
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I got asked last night to help out with a friend’s startup in my spare time. So weird that I felt bad saying NO.
Why do all Sydney buses smell like wee when it’s raining? It’s too horrible to contemplate.
@amesimmons @mootpointer You are officially verging on World Tour at this point! 🙂