Month: January 2016

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    We visited Taliesin a few years back. Interesting place, but not a house I’d like to live in!

    @ozbluey Taliesin was mostly built by architecture students, and it showed. You can’t live in Wisconsin winter with gaps around the doors!

    @ozbluey That’s why Taliesin West is in a warmer, drier climate.

    GAHHHH @Astarael is wearing her hair in three knots just like Rey! So jealous!

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    RT @imdominating: 💔💔

    @Meligy Been going on for a while. Cops clearing everyone from the Opera House site, also diverting Manly Ferry and searching.

    @Meligy Keep an eye on Twitter – it’s all over!

    RT @CanvaTech: The @canva team learning about category theory and operational transforms from our own @davidhearnden.…

    Love it!

    @imdominating Have you seen Esio Trot, the Dahl adaptation the BBC did last year? It’s ADORABLE. He’s the narrator. 🙂

    @darthted Ouch ouch!

    Despite my New Year’s resolution to not overcommit myself, I seem to have joined @rosepowell’s “Infinite Jest” readalong. Oof.

    @Gentle_Reader @rosepowell Interesting idea! I will most likely blog my progress on my site

    It appears that I gave my copy of Infinite Jest to the Op Shop on the basis of “obviously never going to finish it.” So it’s Kindle time.

    @Jonwestenberg I agreed to a book group. The accountability will either make or break me.

    On the street in the rain in Surry Hills: giant anti-social golf umbrella + bare feet. Ugh.

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    @andykelk Hey, pretty sure I passed you on Devonshire St. this morning! You were wearing headphones which is why you didn’t hear the crazy

    @andykelk sweaty cyclist yell out “Andy” as she huffed and puffed her way up the hill in traffic. 🙂

    @gilmae I told the Snook I have never felt more Australian than I did rolling my eyes at the people claiming the ad is offensive.

    @gilmae Never! That’s like my Yank accent. Some things will never change. 🙂

    @SydCSS Any idea when the next meetup will be? Trying to organise a tech event at Canva and I don’t want to double-book! 🙂

    @SydCSS Brilliant, thanks!

    @SydCSS Awesome, thanks!

    @GaryNunn1 I’m only a faux-ginger, so 4 hours seems about fair. 🙂

    The neverending Dr. Who scarf is off the needles! (Now to weave in a zillion ends…)

    At stitch and bitch with @kakaCharlotte and discovered she’s working @ MYOB. “Do you know @developerjack?!” “YES!!”

    More adventures in fermentation. While the mead bubbles away, he’s creating a lambic start…

    @misswired He clarified it’s a bit of a cheat lambic. 🙂

    @stibbons @misswired The problem is his foul spawn will be warming in the oven for 3 days!

    “She’s on the same couch!” “It’s the Purple Couch of You’re F*cked.” #makingamurderer

    @TheRealBnut @rosepowell No no no no. Storms are scary. 🙁

    @rosepowell @TheRealBnut Maybe I endured too many tornado drills in primary school.

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    RT @themaninblue: Lots of Mario stars in the office today: “@rosepowell: Great day at @Canva: 5 new engineers starting!…

    @Lackadazy You can thank @nicwinton, @TheRealBnut, and @themaninblue for the awesome Pencil integration!

    RT @ericallenhatch: When your home planet exploded a few hours ago but a man you just met is feeling sad about his martial-arts mentor http…

    Dear self: SIT UP STRAIGHT.

    @gilmae Twitter lives on the desktop. I was probably farming my Moomin Valley. #addict

    @gilmae I’d come up with a witty response but it’s time to harvest my lingonberries.

    @gilmae See, I stopped playing that when they added the ability to pay for cheats.

    @gilmae You’re talking about @randomknits, aren’t you.

    @Astarael If you liked the hard(ish) science of t The Martian, I recommend Red Mars:

    @Astarael I never read the sequels, but I liked that one.

    @diversionary Oh man! I’ve already got something on. Wish I could go though! (Jonny Lee Miller crush flashbacks…)

    I was a big supporter of @GoCatchApp, but this is the second time they’ve sent me spam as a push notification. That’s not cool.

    @diversionary SWOOOOOOOON

    @ericscheid I’ve used GetFeedback. Not too bad.

    @OphelieLechat @GoCatchApp Advertising some Qantas points promotion they have running.

    I can’t believe I only found this out with 4hrs to spare!

    Leadership and strategy training via jigsaw puzzle!

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    New adventures in fermentation. (It’s going to be mead, he tells me.)

    RT @imoimogen: this caitlin moran article cut out I have on my wall will never fail to make me smile #RIPDavidBowie 💜💜…

    @kouky Ooh, very cool. I didn’t know about that!

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    Me : mangoes :: Kramer : Mackinaw peaches. (Life goal: have a mango tree, and when they’re in season, eat nothing but mango until I’m sick.)

    Hey @goCatchApp – I think I hit the wrong icon and rated my driver bad instead of good. How can I correct?

    @ericscheid Nah, it’s just thumbs-up/thumbs-down.

    Saw The Force Awakens for a second time today with @kunaal84 and Kriti. So good!

    @ericscheid Oh! If that’s the case, then must’ve been all good. Phew! Thanks. 🙂

    RT @andreispsyched: Canva’s latest numbers, if you’re curious. 🙂

    Be on the lookout for extraction! @drkknits @GeorgiCodes @damana

    RT @mydaughtersarmy: Progress! Hear the cheers for the first gay kiss on Kiss Cam. A first in NHL history.
    LA Kings vs Maple Leafs Game. ht…

    @gilmae Bliss!

    @gilmae Been back 2 weeks. Only took off the week before Christmas!