Month: January 2016

  • The Force Awakens

    Saw it for a second time today with Kunaal and Kriti. So good!


  • Oh, mama!

    Me : mangoes :: Kramer : Mackinaw peaches.

    (Related life goal: have a mango tree, and when they’re in season, eat nothing but mango until I’m sick.)

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    Toasty bechamel for @toastman.

    @aspleenic So far I’m just submitting plans/concepts, but I’m just starting out so maybe I’m going about it the wrong way!

    @TheRealBnut With a stranger?!

    RT @MattNavarra: GIF vs. JIF… This

  • The Free Universal Construction Kit | F.A.T.

    How cool! The Free Universal Construction Kit is a set of adapters for complete interoperability between 10 popular children’s construction toys. That means you can connect your Lego up to your Tinker Toys and more. And you can download the plans for free to print on a 3-D printer!

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    RT @GuardianAus: It’s not just pap smears: cuts make healthcare more costly for those who need it most

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    @TheRealBnut Urge to kill subsiding…

    @brettporter Let me know if you spot any others in Surry Hills!

    Dilation. (Photo courtesy of the Snook, because I can’t focus my damn eyes.)

    @virtualwolf Optometrists are sadistic.

    @cathjones0 Just optometrist making sure my stupid retinas aren’t detaching. All good. 🙂

    RT @weschan: Some fun thoughts on the Australian startup scene esp with @canva and @CultureAmp:

    Well done @lemon_lime! I’m thinking of entering my blinky beanie in the Easter Show. 🙂

    @lemon_lime Oh you don’t even know. Apparently a bunch of them have seceded. That’s the only reason I’m entering – to troll. 😛

    Shhh! Nobody tell him about status bars and traffic crossings.

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    @mitchelmore_j Where are you going? Do you have a job lined up? (I was there for 2 years in the original dotcom boom. Loved it.)

    RT @keisanpablo: 5 Australian startups to watch in 2016 (via @BIAUS)

    @mitchelmore_j I will direct that question to @maheshmurali 😉

    RT @frankarr: Silicon Valley-style coding boot camps taking off in Australia

    Might as well wallow! Listening to Rainy Day Romance on @AppleMusic.

    I am the Marie Kondo of JIRA.

    @NicoleWill100 I have just ordered the Kondo book for me and @knitterjp. We are fascinated.

    @johnallsopp At least with “Frozen,” that guy turns out to be the baddie!

    This week has taught me that I could never live in the Pacific Northwest. (One more day of rain and I am going to LOSE IT.)

    @johnallsopp Ahhh, yeah. Thankfully haven’t seen any of those. On a happier note, saw first pics of young girls cosplaying as Rey yesterday!

    @johnallsopp That’s awesome! Tell her she did a great job!

    @slace I have big red gumboots from Bunnings which keep me dry but give me blisters. 🙁

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    The Console Series – Love! I wish I had this on my walls. via @themaninblue

    Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan. His performance is wasted on those movies, but still.

    TIL Crown Street Grocer in @surry_hills makes a bulletproof coffee. It ain’t cheap, but it’s good.

    @TheRealBnut Yep. Seriously, the duel between the Jedi and Darth Maul is amazing.

    @TheRealBnut I mean, not amazing enough to counteract all the other awfulness, but still.

    @chrisgander Where has that been suggested? Are you talking about the Dutton thing?

    @chrisgander True. I married a co-worker. But I didn’t ask him out on live TV and refer to him as “baby” in front of thousands of people.

    @chrisgander And context matters. She’s a woman in an industry with very few women, and things like that are why.

    @chrisgander Basically, I don’t think he showed her respect. If he really liked her, he could’ve asked her out off-camera.

    @chrisgander I still don’t think you can say that 100%. You can’t ask out someone who reports to you at work.

    @chrisgander I also think that if you want to ask out a co-worker, you don’t do it when they’re giving a big presentation.

    @chrisgander Preferably not in the office at all. I think you’re speaking from a position of male privilege a little bit, not understanding

    @chrisgander how women have to deal with this stuff all. the. time. Being in a pub or having drinks, sure. But doing your job is different.

    @chrisgander It’s a very easy thing to say when you’re in the gender that does 98% of the asking. The other side gets tired sometimes.

    @chrisgander But I’m not really arguing. I’m just overcaffeinated. 🙂

    @TheRealBnut @tinypang WHAT IS THIS AND WHY WASN’T I A PART OF IT? (I’m always cold, and I sleep surrounded by three very warm mammals.)

    @TheRealBnut @tinypang I have a White Noise app on my iPhone and have worked out that – oddly and grossly enough – “Brown Noise” works best.

    @boundvariable Someone who works at Google once speculated to me that the point of self-driving cars is actually to stream more YouTube ads.

    On the upside, @the_snook said yest “Hey, that box of 50c stamps you’ve had forever are finally useful again!”

    Sometimes I can’t believe I married such an introvert. You’re all so WEIRD!

    @Xavier_Ho He knows he’s weird. 🙂

    @mobywhale @mitchelmore_j WHEN THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN?!

  • The Console Series

    Signalnoise :: The Work of James White – GASP. I want all of these on my walls. They’d go perfectly with our bookshelf Museum of Obsolete Technology.


    Now I am envisioning a series of cross stitches with obsolete tech on them! All of these, plus an iPod and a Walkman and a Zip drive…