Month: February 2016
I remember once being at an event with a group of women and telling a silly anecdote about something I was excited about. I honestly can’t even remember the topic. But what I do remember was one of the other women – who’d been drinking quite a bit – sneering at me, “Isn’t that all…
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Today at the Inner City Knitters Guild meeting, I presented a workshop called “Intro to Ravelry.” It had been specially requested as a topic at the start of the year and the convenors invited me to do it. It was really fun! I ended up nattering on for about an hour, and everybody – even…
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GuyKawasaki: Study: The Most Popular #Instagram Filters From Around the World via @canva #smtips
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The Ringer Cast Iron Cleaner | Cool Tools – Okay, that’s pretty cool!
Why Cookbook Clubs Should Be the New Way We Entertain | Serious Eats – Ooh, this sounds so fun! I wonder if I know enough people in Sydney who are interested in cooking to make it viable…